Viewing page 24 of 239

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[[left margin]]
[[/left margin]]
Meridional Obs made place 2d Enc on B. Isd before starting
[[left margin vertical in blue]]
[[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] pages 24 & 25 Observation Book
[[/left margin vertical in blue]]
h m s
IV - 48 - 40 99[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]] - 00[[symbol]] Small sex
51 - 20 46 - 30 Index Errors +3[[symbol]]
53 - 30 46 - 30 or 28[[symbol]]
56 - 00 46 - 00 off 34
2 | +6
58 - 05 45 - 30
V - 00 - 20 45 - 00    
h m s                
V - 06 - 15 [[symbol]] to mark on opposite side bay N ^[[of the]] "Horse Market" 103[[degree symbol]] - 40[[symbol]]
7 - 55 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to mark on opposite side by N ^[[of the]] "Horse Market"]] 103[[degree symbol]] - 22[[symbol]]
19-50                                                             102[[degree symbol]] - 54[[symbol]]
11 - 05                                                             102[[degree symbol]] - 43[[symbol]]       
V - 14 - 05 99[[degree symbol]] - 27[[symbol]]
16 - 25 99 - 22 30
18 - 00 99 - 21 - 30
Sun mark to Left to the shore bot Sing-eye-en Pass & Point N side entrance Tap-ni-o are - true 121[[degree symbol]] - 24[[symbol]]. Said pass the W. Ter. of Sing-eye-en. W. end Ling-eys-en to Left to E. end place 1st Enc. 8[[degree symbol]] - 20[[symbol therefore Sun marks to left to 1st Enc 121 - 24 + 8 - 20 = 129[[degree symbol]] 44[[symbol]]. Bearing [[symbol]] mark 360. R. 179[[degree symbol]] The Mt back where Igloos of winter before last 137[[degree symbol]]; Place 1st Enc Sing-eye-en 129[[degree symbol]]; Isd to wh. I went opposite side of this Bay when with E & J winter before last 77[[degree symbol]]. The Mt Peak S. side Harbor Koo-tuk-ju-a to left to [[symbol]] mark 23[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]
[[underlined]] Start h VII - m 40 (s 7) [[/underlined]] [same end Roger's Isd VII - 55] (s 9) = (VIII) ["Stenny's Tower now seen in direct [[strikethrough]] ion [[/strikethrough]] line ^[[N.]] To Roger's Isd] (s 9) (s 9) s 10)
[[end page]]
[[begin page]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Blowing a gale (s 9) (s 10) s8) = h IX) s 10) [soon in Lat. Koo-tuk-ju-a Harbor] (s 11) 10 [[underlined]] Stop IX - 35 [[/underlined]] (s 12) at S. end (Middle) Oo-Kood-Learn Isd & make 3d End. (See journal).
Now with Ebierbing on top of Mt. by 2 very old Innuit monuments of stone
Exact spot of 2d Enc. 133[[degree symbol]]. Mt peak by place Igloos on R. Isd winter before last 133[[degree symbol]]. 1st Enc Sing-eye-en Point 130[[degree symbol]] Tassivarture[[wild guess]] Pt. N. side the Bay Tassivarture 127[[degree symbol]] Right Tang Rogers Isd [[strikethrough]] 146[[degree symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] 134[[degree symbol]]; Left Tang 146[[degree symbol]]; Point of Land on opposite side channel from R.Isd 150[[degree symbol]]; The Bluff S side Koo-tuk-ju-a Harbor 80[[degree symbol]] Bluff at side 64[[degree symbol]]; Place where G.H. was anchored 70[[degree symbol]]; From Koo-tuk-ju-a down to Sing-eye Point looks like one continuous coast - Can see sea-ward but Rogers's Isd S.W. end on side & Sing-eye Pt & N.E. side Pt. Isd & the Cape on Pt opposite side the channel. A small Bay West side of the Western Channel Bud Bay 15[[degree symbol]]; Mt Warwick (3) of the S.E. Land bet Rescue & Frobisher Bays seen faintly rising up out of the ice sea-ward bet Rogers's Isd & Sing-eye-in Pt.; Brown Bay (middle) wh. is on W side Bud Bay 112[[degree symbol]]; Spot W side Bud Bay where I came near losing my life in 1860 by accidental pistol shot 100[[degree symbol]]; a pointed little mt. Sugar loaf shape Sun side 104[[degree symbol]]. The Bluff S. side Tannivascctuna[[guess]] seen over the land N side 124[[degree symbol]]; [[symbol]] marked spot of to-day's Merid. obs 108[[degree symbol]]
|C.Course |True Course |Dist. |N  |W  |minutes [[strikethrough]] minutes [[/strikethrough]] |seconds |75 feet per s |feet |miles
|313[[degree symbol]] |N. 15W. |8.951 |8,646 |2,317 |115 =|6900 |9.5 |7.895 |54.475 |8.951
Latitude Left 2d Enc (on Roger's Isd) 63[[degree symbol]] - 13[[degree symbol]] - 36[[symbol]] = ^[[all R]] 4935 | Long Left do. 64[[degree symbol]] - 47[[symbol]] - 28[[symbol]]
Dif Lat - - - - - - - - - 8 - 39 | Dif. Long. - - 5 - 05
Latitude South End Oo-Kood-lear] = 63[[degree symbol]] - 22[[symbol]] - 15[[symbol]]
| Long 3 Enc  = 64 - 52 - 33
Isd place 3d Enc. - - - ]
[[in blue]]
^[[4954.5 [[line]] 19.5]]
[[in blue]]                                                  

Transcription Notes:
Edited: would like to know if ok to change what author wrote or whether we are supposed to transcribe as it is on page. My understanding is to transcribe what the author entered in the journal. Per instructions removed the symbols and replaced with text, added text denoted by ditto marks, removed duplicate entries, corrected some errors, added inserts and strikethroughs omitted from previous transcriber, other format items, etc. [[Previous notes: I changed some of the names researched in Hall's book; and all the superscript s's to (s9) for easier transcribing and reading. These sequences are Hall recording his throwing the Sledge Log p521 & 539 in his book, by which he measures distance travelled. Corrected a lot of the spellings of name. Restored many lines that were omitted in the transcription. Hall nearly killed himself when he bent over to pick up something and his pistol fell out of his pocket, hit a rock and sent a bullet whizzing past his ear (p. 112 of Hall's book).