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subteranean passage for them or in other words as if by enchantment!] s 14) s 5) [IV - 30 Sterry's Tower directly in line N.E. Ter. Roger's Isd].  [[underlined]] Stop IV - 42 [[/underlined]] (s 15) Bearing place 3d Enc. on Oo-Kood-lear Isd 314[[degree symbol]];  Rt Tang. O. Isd 308[[degree symbol]];  Lt. Tang. 320[[degree symbol]]; [[symbol]] Mark (Bluff Koo-tuk-ju-a) 337[[degree symbol]]; Scurvey Bay 273;  ^[[ [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] ]] The mark sighted before - just after 264[[degree symbol]]
Rt. Tang. Enchanted Isd. 286; Lt Tang. 304[[degree symbol]]; N. Ter. Roger's Isd 210[[degree symbol]];  "Mt by Igloos of &c" 144[[degree symbol]]
[[underlined]] Start IV - 55 [[/underlined]] (s 12)  Stop VI-15 (s15) place of 2 Enc on Rogers Isd.  Have been obliged to come to this place for Left Charts - (lunch) Bearing place 3d Enc. 314[[degree symbol]], [[symbol]] mark Bluff Koo-tuk-ju-a 336[[degree symbol]]; "Mt by Igloos of &c" 140[[degree symbol]]  
The above sights 40 my paces W of spot 2d Enc;  Bearing Hercules Pillar 98[[degree symbol]] Mt.[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] N side Brown's Bay 50[[degree symbol]] [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] Mt. S side do 74 Isd Crater said Bay 59[[degree symbol]]; Having lunched
[[underlined]] Start VI -1 5 [[/underlined]] (s 14) s 13) s 16) s 14); [[underlined]] VI - 55 [[/underlined]] (s 15) close by Place Igloos of &c" - foot on base Mt. & [[underlined] Stop [[/underlined]] [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Mt N. side Brown's Bay 29[[degree symbol]] [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] Mt S. side do 50[[degree symbol]]; Isd Middle sighted 35[[degree symbol]]; Place 2d Enc. 312[[degree symbol]] (^[[ ([[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] on]] R. Isd); Place 3d enc (O. Isd) 316[[degree symbol]]; [[sun symbol]] mark S. side Koo-tuk-ju-a 332[[degree symbol]]. N.W. sided Rogers' Isd 318[[degree symbol]] S. W. end 166[[degree symbol]] 50 paces [[strikethrough]] fl [[/strikethrough]] from place Igloos etc - Place 1st Enc Sing-eye-en - Pt 130[[degree symbol]] 1/2; Rt Tang. Sing-eye-en ("the Pass") 122[[degree symbol]] [space seen horizon bet Rt. Tang Sing-eye-en & Point Tan-ni-u-arc-tun[[guess]] ] [[strikethrough]] 119[[degree symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] Pt. Tarrioarcturn[[guess]] N. side entrance 119[[degree symbol]] The Bluff S. sided 117[[degree symbol]]. [[strikethrough]] Hercules [[/strikethrough]] Hercules Pillars 85[[degree symbol]]. The [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] commencement of circling ^[[on W. side as it appears for former]] is really the nearest point to Rogers' Isd said Point 99[[degree symbol]]. Hercules Pillars jn[[guess]] 111[[degree symbol]]
[[underlined]]] Start VII - 10 [[/underlined]] to cross Bay, being obliged to make passage directly across to W. shore on a/c of wide ice fissure extending across to our left that cannot be passed by dogs & sledge. (s 15) s 15) s 15)
[[end page]]
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Come to the ice fissure [[underlined]] Start VII - 50 [[/underlined]] (s 10) make time to cross crack - fail - [[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] crossing Bay ^[[close]] by ice fissure [[underlined]] VII-55 [[/underlined]] (s 10) = h VIII) (s 10) to cross ice fissure [from here arrived to W. side Bay to the spot being from the place where the Igoos &c 99[[degree symbol]]] The Channel W. side Oo-kood-lear Isd runs up 310[[degree symbol]] This the Left Tang. [[?]] of Oo-kood-lear Isd; Rt Tang ^[[said Isd]] 300[[degree symbol]] From Sugar Loaf sighted to-day to this spot on W. side a great binding[[guess]] on circling in a middle on depth of circling about 340[[degree symbol]]; Sugar Loaf brass 314; Place 3d Enc 303[[degree symbol]]; 2d Enc 286[[degree symbol]]; Sterry's Tower 244[[degree symbol]] [[underlined]] the Headland [[/underlined on Cape ^[[ [King-?on-ju-arng] ]] of Main Land just over W. base of said Tower 246[[degree symbol]]. Tr. S. & E of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a wh. up past said Cape 226[[degree symbol]]; Ex of a small Isd S. of Ki-ki-tuk-ja-a Isd 224[[degree symbol]]; Isd Kitch ik-tange 180[[degree symbol]]; Koo-tuk-ju-a ([[sun symbol]] Marked) 313[[degree symbol]] [A fact that from the Channel W. side O. Isd to the Point N. side Tarrioarctun[[guess]] a circling - in (to Westward) Sarah's Isd 234[[degree symbol]] (cannot see Sing-eye-en from here) [[underlined]] Start VIII [[/underlined]] - 50 Counting the land at my sight 15) h IX) 16) 15 [IX-20 com[[guess]] & close to Hercules Pillar in] (s 15 )= [[strikethrough]] X [[/strikethrough]]) [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (s 14) s 17 [IX - 55 come & close to Cape N. side entrance Tarrio-arc[[?tun]]]. (s 15) = h X) 16) s 12) Start X - 25 (13) By the Cape S. side Tap-ni-o-arc-sing [[?]] help E. carry ashore his ^[[sea]] chest wh. he had left from last winter on the ice - enter Castle Bay on bight just next below entrance to Turrioarctun.[[guess]] for his E's Ki-a - take sextant height of Castle Walls 39[[degree symbol]] [Start out h XII - m 6 from bottom said bay  Castle Bay & arrive to spot (where stopped X - 25) & Start XII - 15 [[strikethrough]] (s 5) [[/strikethrough]] Measure height [[?]] of S[[?]] Castle Wall 16[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]]  Now start XII - 25 (s 15) Stop XII - 35 (s 15) by Cape s. side Castle Bay Bearing Cape N. side Tarrio arc-tun 292[[degree symbol]]. This then the Course since IX - 55 112[[degree symbol]]; Bearing the Ex [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] base of Castle bet Tarrionarc[[guess]] Tuene[[guess]] & C. Bay 304[[degree symbol]]; Sterry's Tower 270; The Cape of Main Land by it said Tower 266[[degree symbol]] [[encircled]] B. [[/encircled]] Sing-eye-en Point (1 Enc) 142[[degree symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team For the circumpunct ? use [[sun symbol] not just [[symbol]]. believe tarrioarctun means open sea. Edited: per instructions replaced symbols with text, corrected or clarified some words, other general format, deleted end of page on 2nd sheet not required in instructions crossing the ice fissures: p. 547 in Hall's book.