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[[right margin encircled]] 
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Saturday June 28th - 1862
Obs before leaving place 1st & 5th Encs
[[symbol]] Mark of 1st Isd of S.E. Ex to Right to Geo. T. Jones Tower 32[[degree symbol]] - 55
Sun [[symbol]] Mark to L. to Middle outer Duck Isd. 5[[degree symbol]]; The S. E. Ex. Point about in line with said Duck Isd; [[symbol]] Mark to L to S. E. Ex 4[[degree symbol]] A very small Isd a degree or so out from S.E. Ex. Apparently N. of S.E. Ex. General Trend to bottom of indentation bet. this & the Cape wh I have heretofore call N entrance to R Bay 60[[degree symbol]] - 240[[degree symbol]] by Comp.  Start h 1 -m 20; Stop 1 - 25 (s 10) to leave Ki-a with U-Garng who with John Bull & families are now encamped on Main Land of Sing-eye-er at this place
Now top Mt M Bearing Peak of Isd just Left 240[[degree symbol]]
Bearing Point of Obn. last night 80[[degree symbol]] French Head 70[[degree symbol]]; of some high land bottom of Indentation refined to above 52[[degree symbol]]; "Sugar Loaf" of Ki-ki-tukk-ju-a 262[[degree symbol]]; Apparently the Pass Oo-pungne-wing 37[[degree symbol]]
[[underlined]] Start IV - 00 [[/underlined]] (s 9) s 12) s 1 0) s 12); Stop IV - 50 (14) The Bluff wh. I [[?]] sighted going up as Sing-eye-er but now find to my astonishment that it is the Bluff by Castle Bay near Tar-ni-o-arc-chune 305[[degree symbol]]; Sing-eye-er Pass, very low land, directly in line dist. of said land 1 mile Left Tang. of the very low land of Pass 308[[degree symbol]]; Rt Tang. 305[[degree symbol]] Peak of Isd of 1st & 5th Enc 256[[degree symbol]]
Here Sun begins to show itself dimly through the clouds. I take Post Meridan obs for Lat using the sea ice for Horizon IV - 59 - 40 50[[degree symbol]] - 08[[symbol]] Index Error +3[[symbol]]
V - 02 - 25 50 - 05 (?)
V - 4 - 45 50 - 04
French Head base 80[[degree symbol]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
June 28th 1862 (Saturday)
Remarks to be applied to Log
of this day
I neglected to observe & note time of turning
from 1st Course to 2d on leaving
Cape by Tupiks (of E & K)
| |Mins |Secs | 77.6 feet per |feet per sec |Total Feet |miles |C. Course|
| leaving Sing-eye = Xsn Cape arrive To Ugarng's = |5 |300 |s 10 |7,750 |2,325 |.382 |79[[degree symbol]]
| To Place obs Lat. = |50 |3000 |11.4|6,798 |20.394 |3.350 |79[[degree symbol]]
|To Cape = |30 |1800 |13. |5,962 |10.732 |1.763 |79[[degree symbol]] 
|To ^[[3d Cape by "]] Tupiks = |35 |2100 |11.75 |6,596 |13,852 |2.276 |27[[degree symbol]] 
|To ^[[Isd where I]] Change Course |30 |1800 |13.292 |5,078 |9.140 |1.498 |13[[degree symbol]] 
|[[nil]] |[10 |600 |6,927 |11,1883 |6,713 |1,103}| | [[vertical]] 2.449 [[/vertical]] 333[[degree symbol]]
|To Mt Isd of New Course = = |[20 |1200 |11.5 |6,739 |8.187 |1.346}|
|To ship = |40 |2400 |10.8 |7.176 |17.222 |2,830 |6[[degree symbol]]
Therefore I adopt distance [from said Cape to Island where I made a change of Course] as in traverse table June 22d day of leaving ship on this trip to wit 1 498/1000 mile. Corresponding to this I make relative [[underlined]] division [[/underlined]] of time & distance [[underlined]] recorded [[/underlined]] giving each separated part its place - not changing in the least the actual distance made & noted in original log.
From Sing-eye-yen to tupiks (of E.& K.) & thence to Ship I adopt the Course made going out on rather [[underlined]] reverse Course [[/underlined]], my return being over same ground (or ice!) but I keep Log of distances ^[[between outward trip & return]] entirely distinct (save the performance as above).  The original Log changed to correspond to the slight change necessary to bring Courses to their proper places, would read thus: [[underlined]] start VIII - 00 [[/underlined]] - h VIII - m 30 even with Island where I change Course from 13[[degree symbol]] to 333[[degree symbol]]. Average speed to this s 13 292/1000 - Now Say, [[underlined]] Start VIII - 30 & Stop VIII - 40 [[/underlined]] having ^[[been for 10 minutes]] [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] on Course 333[[degree symbol]] at average speed s 6 927/1000 & say [[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] VIII - 45 &c [from hence adjusting the original Notes in Log] Say (by the by) Stop IX - 05 at Mt. Island (E side Rescue Harbor) where Commenced new & last Course (6[[degree symbol]]) direct for vessel & Stop h IX - m 05, Arrive to ship from thence in 40 Minutes, the time ^[[of my arrival]] by Chro. being h IX - m 45 (h IV - m 45 PM.) [over]

Transcription Notes:
Note: Hall uses 'bet' to indicate when he is measuring or looking between two points, it really looks like 'but'; however, it is 'bet' to indicate between objects, very much like he used wh. for which and where [[Edited: easier to do than original transcription. Per instructions removed symbols and replaced with text. Added spaces between underlined and strikethrough text, validated some words and changed some from original transcription, removed end page not required on second page, other changes