Viewing page 34 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[left margin]]
{ Same side Supplement      }
{ June 26th of part working }
{ up for Results below      }
[[/left margin]]
[[right margin]]
( Page 2
(of Sup.)
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Supplement June 28/62
Latitude ship by D.R. oKo Kept from time Departure [[strikethrough]] June [[/strikethrough]]
June 22d to my return this day [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] ^[[on]] a sledge journey of 87 527/1000 Miles to & from Budington Bay =           62[[degree symbol]] - 53' - 10"
Latitude (of Ship) from wh. I took departure - - - 62[[degree symbol]] - 53' - 00"
Difference ^[[Lat. by]] D.R. a/c after travelling 87 527/1000 miles &
the Lat. taken of depart. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  = = 10"
Longitude Ship by D. R. a/c kept from time               ] 
departure, June 22d, to my return this day on            ] 
sledge trip of 87 527/1000 Miles to & from Budington Bay ] = 65[[degree symbol]] - 06' -43"
Longitude (Ship) from wh I took my ]
departure - - - - - - - -                                    65[[degree symbol]] - 05' -00"
Difference ^[[Long by]] D. R. a/c after travelling 87 527/1000 miles & }= = = = = = 1' -43"
the Long. return of depart. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -}
I am myself surprised at the correctness of determining distances by the adoption & use of the Log which I have. My Dead Reckoning a/cs [[underlined]] out & in [[/underlined]] are entirely independent one from the other with the exception that I adopted [[strikethrough]] preserved[[guess]] ^[[the miles]] [[/strikethrough]] Courses [[strikethrough]] reversed [[/strikethrough]] from Ship to Sing-eye-yen reversing them for my return from S. to ship - And now on return, my D.R. a/c agrees with the departure taken within 1/6 nautical mile in Lat. & 7826/10000 [.7826] of [[strikethrough]] nautical [[/strikethrough]] a nautical mile in Long.  My Latitude by D.R. agree remarkably well with those by ^[[Astronomical]] observations. My original notes remain to prove ^[[ground for]] the remarks I enter above.
[[signature]] C F Hall [[signature]]
July 12/62
{ Og-bien-see-o-ping  ]
[ Obs ^[[N Coast]] B[[?]] F[[?]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[right margin]]
[[/right margin]]
[[underlined]] Start h V - m 10 [[/underlined]] (s 11) Innuit Insolence! 1st appearance of it on this trip on the part of E. - U-garnge's "G-d D- m"! (s 13) [[underlined]] V - 40 [[/underlined]] (s 13) round the Cape wh. I have before termed Cape N. Entrance Rescue Bay (s 10) s 16)= [[underlined]] h VI) s 12) VI-15 (s15) arrive next Cape by Tupiks & [[underlined]] stop. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Start VIII-00 [[/underlined]] (s13) s16) s10) [[underlined]] Stop VIII-40 [[/underlined]] (s8) [[underlined]] Start VIII-45 [[/underlined]] (s11) s12)= hIX) IX - 05 even & close to Mt Isd wh was end of Course from ship on this trip & commencement of Course in proceeding seaward on N side R. Bay] s 10) = [middle Rescue H. IX - 15 close our Course Isd.] (s 12) s 11) s 10) [[underlined]] IX - 45 [[/underlined]] (11) Arrive Ship & welcomed by Capt. B. who returned to ship day before -
Compared Chros
Rescue's h X - m 30 - 00
G.H.       X -   04 - 03 = (6 b[[?]]
                 25 - 57
[[left margin vertical]]
[[underlined]] Vide [[underlined]] 
{ Remarks in     }
{ Supplement     }
of this day
[[left margin vertical]]
[[Note: Two tables side by side separated by double line]]
[[left table]]
|Comp Course |True Course |Distance |Dif Latitude N. |Dif Latitude S. |Dif Depart. E. |Dif Depart W.|
|79[[degree symbol]] |S. 39[[degree symbol]] W |.382 |[[nil]] |.2968 |[[nil]] |.2468|
|79[[degree symbol]] |S. 39[[degree symbol]] W |3.350 |[[nil]] |2.6030 |[[nil]] |2.108|
|79[[degree symbol]] |S. 39[[degree symbol]] W |1.763 |[[nil]] |1.3700| [[nil]] |1.109|
|27[[degree symbol]] |N. 89[[degree symbol]] W |2.276 |.0397 |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |2.276
|13[[degree symbol]] |N. 75[[degree symbol]] W |1.498 |.3877 |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |1.447|
|333[[degree symbol]] |N. 35[[degree symbol]] W |2.449 |2.0060 |[[nil]] |[[nil]] 1.405|
|6[[degree symbol]] |N. 68[[degree symbol]] W |2.830 |1.0600 |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |2.624|
|[[nil]] |[[nil]] |____ |____ |____| [[nil]] |____|
|[[nil]] |[[nil]] |14.548 |3.4934 |4.2698|[[nil]]| 11.2094|
|[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |3.4934 |[[nil]]|[[nil]]|
[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |____ |[[nil]] |[[nil]]|
[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |.7764 |[[nil]]|[[nil]]|
[[/left table]]
[[right table]]
|Mts. |Secs. |77 1/2 feet per |feet per sec. |Total feet |Miles |Comp C.|
|5 |300 |10 |7.750 |2.325 |.382 |79[[degree symbol]]|
|50 |3000 |11.4 |6.798 |20.394 |3.350 |79[[degree symbol]]|
|30 |1800 |13. |5.962 |10.732 |1,763 |79[[degree symbol]]|
|35 |2100 |11.75 |6.596 |13.852 |2.276 |27[[degree symbol]]|
|40 |2400 |11.75 |6,596 |15.830 |2.601 |13[[degree symbol]]|
|20 |1200 |11.5 |6.739 |8.187 |1.346 |333[[degree symbol]]|
|40 |2400 |10.8 |7.176 |17,222 |2.830 |6[[degree symbol]]|
[[double line]]
[[/right table]]
[[calculation to right]]
2,601 [[?]]
1,498 [[?+]] 
[[/calculation to right]]
{ See important         }
[ Remarks in Supplement }
Lat. sing-eye-yen by 2d ^[[or on return]] D.R. a/c 62[[degree symbol]] - 53' - 54" 4892
Dif Lat - - - - - - - - -                                                      47  4890
[[line]] [[line]]
Lat. Dif by DR a/c on return =                     62                  - 53 - 10      2
Long Sing-eye-yen by 2d on return D.R. a/c         64[[degree symbol]] - 37'- 50"
Dif. Long - - - - - - -                                                  28 - 53  
Long at Ship by DR a/c on return -                 65[[degree symbol]] - 06' - 43"

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Whoever transcribed great job, much harder to do. Per instructions replaced symbols with text, added spaces between strikethroughs and underlines, corrected some words and formatting, removed end of page on 2nd page, not required, reformatted tables, etc. Note from original transcriber: I could not locate any such "instructions" so I asked SI if OK to use typed symbols for degree, minute ('), hour, minutes ('), seconds ("), circumpunct, etc., and SI said as long as made via keyboard OK. I am going to re-edit pp 26, 27, 28, 32,33,34 and any others I find that have been " edited" "per instuctions." [[this page may be a paste-over of Journal page with a whiter paper?]] [[Note: various numbers in the table and test are connected with dotted lines and bracketing]] [[reviewer note: I'm checking for completeness/correctness... staying out of the symbol debate! ~katie]]