Viewing page 38 of 239

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Western termination of Resolution Isd 116[[degree symbol]]
[[symbol]] Mark of June 16th on Isd right hand side going up Lupton Channel to a right to W. end Resolution Isd. 46 - 58[[degree symbol]]
[[symbol]] Mark of do to Right to E end Resolution Isd 37[[degree symbol]] -30[[symbol]]
The furthermost Land on Kin-gaite side seen N W probably the Cape on Headland that I rounded where I left Kin-gaite Coast for place of 10th Enc. on sledge trip of this spring bears 4[[degree symbol]]
The furthest land S of Kin-gaite Coast 86[[degree symbol]]
Presidents Seat 18[[degree symbol]] ? 
[[in red]] 
^[[! Vide Orig note Book No 19 p 5, 6 & 7]]
[[/in red]]
July 5th/62 Saturday Morning VIII - AM
Obs on top Flag-staff Hill: Pres. seat. 18[[degree symbol]]
Middle Resolution Island 120[[degree symbol]]: Middle Resolution Island carried to Left by Sextant to [[symbol]] Mark 
[[image - drawing of island peak]] 
of Island right hand side Lupton Channel ([[symbol]] Mark of June 16th) 42[[degree symbol]] -15[[symbol]]; Said [[symbol]] mark to Left to Bluff at the S. side entrance to the Bay leading from Rescue Bay toward Og-bin-seer-o-ping 66[[degree symbol]] -20[[symbol]]. Bearing of said Bluff 231[[degree symbol]]
[[image - cross]] July 6th 1862
On N. side Bay of Frobisher
P.M. Obs. at Og-bin-seer-o-ping, near Officers Tent
Flag-staff Hill bears 2[[degree symbol]] by its comp. & distant 60 Paces (my Paces)
[[left margin vertical]] 
Tho' clear Sun, a Gale from the E. making the Artificial Horizon quiver. 
[[/left margin vertical]]
IX - 32 - 50 [[symbol]] to Left to [[underlined in blue]] [[symbol]] Mark of June 16th [[/underlined in blue]] on Island Rt. side of Lupton Channel 122[[degree symbol]] -14[[symbol]] 
[[in blue]] 
^[[ [[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] p36 Obs'n B.]]
[[/in blue]]
h IX - m 40 - s 50 = [[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] = 56[[degree symbol]] -59[[symbol]]
[[in red]]
^[[ [[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] p 34 obsn B.]]
[[/in red]]
42 - 52 = [[encircled]] E [[/encircled]] = 56 - 31  = [
[[in blue]]
^[[IX - 41 - 51 56[[degree symbol]] -45[[symbol]] (Mean)]]
[[/in blue]]
IX - 48 - 00 [[symbol]] to ^[[Left to]] mark in Island Right hand side Lupton Channel] 118 - 38
45 - 30 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to mark in Island Right hand side Lupton Channel]] 118 - 55 [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]]
50 - 45 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to mark in Island Right hand side Lupton Channel]] 119 - 11
[[blue line]] [[blue line]]
X - 49 - 25 [[symbol]] 118 - 55
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cross]]
B { IX - 52 - 20 54[[degree symbol]] -21[[symbol]]  }
[[in red]]
^[[ { [[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] Obn. Book p 34]]
[[/in red]]
Index Error +3.
{ 53 - 45 53 - 59
[[blue line]]  
IX - 53 -02.5 54[[degree symbol]] -10[[symbol]]  Bearing by Az. Compass of [[symbol]] Mark in Island above 
[[in blue]] 
= [[encircled]] the Bearing not entered - it is not in orig. Note Book [[encircled]] 
[[/in blue]]
On 28[[symbol]]
Off 34
2) +6
[[symbol]] Mark of to-day carr^[[i]]ed to left to [[underlined in blue]] [[symbol]] Mark [[/underlined in blue]] of [[underlined in blue]] June 16th [[/underlined in blue]] 8[[degree symbol - 50[[symbol]] - - - - - - - - 8[[degree symbol]] - 50[[symbol]]
working ip [[in blue]] [[underlined]] Time [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Solar bearing [[/underlined]] }
[[in red]]
^[[On 34[[symbol]]
Index Error off 28[[symbol]]
2) 6
Vide No [[encircled]] 19 [[/encircled]] orig Note Bk p [[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]]
+3[[symbol]] ]]
[[/in red]]
[[in blue]]
[[underlined]] Vide p. p. 34 - 35 & 36 obsn B } [[/underlined]]
[[/in blue]]
[[blue line]]
Monday July 7th/62
At 1st Enc. Og-bin-seer-o-ping
Innuits Miner & Sharkey together have sketched Ik-ki-pi-shou-zhen the name of [[underlined]] 2 Bays [[/underlined]] in opposite side Bay of Frobisher.  The following is a copy of said sketch:
[[image - drawing of bay annotated [[encircled]] A 1, A 2, B & C [[/encircled]] Koo-tar-koo]]
[[encircled]] A A [[/encircled]] Ik-ki-hi-s^[[h]]ou-zhen  }
B [ Kar-mo-wong ] }
[ on N. side Hudson's Strait] }
{ Sharkey says that Koo-chou-
{ ar-chee ("Sampson") has 
{ passed from Kar-mo-wong 
[[in blue]] 
^[[ [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] ]] 
[[/in blue]] 
{ to Ik-ki-hi-shou-zhen has in 
{ one day with dogs & sledge.  
{ Other Innuits have done the 
{ same.
Sharkey has passed from }
Kar-mo-wong over Land }
obliquely as track [[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] }
Bay [[encircled]] one [[/encircled]] from Flag-Staff Hill here }
at Og-bin-seer-o-ping brass 47[[degree symbol]] Az. C. }
Bay [[encircled]] two [[/encircled]] " [[ditto for: brass]] 29[[degree symbol]] Az. C. }
Obs. by Compass from Flag Staff Hill
[[symbol]] Mark of June 16th 165[[degree symbol]]
[[symbol]] Mark of July 2d/62 252[[degree symbol]]
[[symbol]] Mark of 6th July 157[[degree symbol]] -30[[symbol]]
Bluff seen over Land where make last turn up into R.Bay thru' Lupton C. 190[[degree symbol]]
Peak by Left entrance Lup. Channel 176[[degree symbol]]
Ex of Islands on RH Land side L. Channel 139[[degree symbol]]
Officers Tent 182[[degree symbol]]
Dist 60 my paces
Mark on N.E. side Head bay leading to Rescue Bay near the Course for sledge 208[[degree symbol]]
Well defined Peak bet. bight near Tents & Bear Sound 188[[degree symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
[[reviewer note: I'm checking for completeness/correctness... staying out of the symbol debate! ~katie]] Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: per instructions, when applicable, replaced symbols with text, added inserts as appropriate, added omitted text, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, corrected some wording, and other format changes