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Oo-ping-ne-wing }
[[image - cross for Sunday]] July 13th 1862
On Boat Voyage to "Countess of Warwick's Sound" 
My company Miner & Koo-ou-le-arng ("Susy", his wife)
Koo-per-neu-ung & his 2 wives
Sharkey & his Jennie 
"Capatain ^[["Bone Squash"]] & 2 Innuit children 
(1 girl & 1 boy) in all 11 Innuits & myself.
Cannot keep a/c of distances on courses up. I here copy my original notes. Obs at Og-bier-seer-o-ping before starting. A.M. 4 Boats off after Wood & Eggs.  Morgan & my Innuit crew off after Kummities
Intend to push speedily to Countess of Warwick's Sound & get through soon as possible to be in time to return to States with ship - the return of Koo-jes-se - not been to ship or in sight of Rescue Bay - he saw many Took-tu - they drew him off his course. [[strikethrough]] Morg [[/strikethrough]] Bailey's ^[[explanation of his conduct]].
[[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] 2 - 45 (h IX - m 45 A.M.) 1 Boat Miner's & 2 Ki-as - 11 Innuits
The pup!! 2 ducks shot & 1 Ok-pun within 10 minutes
Have tried the log made for me by Sterry the Ship's Carpenter till I am obliged to throw it aside as unfit for the purpose it was made. This too bad but I cannot now help it.
[[underlined]] V - 30 [[/underlined]] (h 0 - m 30 PM)  Arrive Ping-uk-ju-arng place of last Enc made coming down Bay last fall before making final one in Lupton Channel. Stop h VI - (Chro) - Third point of Land from here toward Og-bier-seer-o-ping bears 140° 2 1/2 miles dist.
Sharko the Point to be rounded 350° Probably 2 miles or more dist.  
We are now stop for water by 1st high Land at commencement of Sharko wh. shoots out from said high land (Sharko Low Land)
Start VI - 10 (h 1 - m 10 PM) - Leave Sharko Point direct for Oo-pung-ne-wing
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cross]]
VIII - 15 (3 - 15 PM). [[underlined]] Arrive [[/underlined]] small Island near Oo-pung-ne-wing called Kun-nuk-ju-arng for Ducks & Eggs (Meituks & Mannings)
X - 40 (V - 40 PM) (see Journal [[image - cross]] July 13th. Time of arriving to Oo-pung-ne-wing not noted - could not induce natives to encamp. where Igloos was last Winter - went to the peninsula on off shoot SW side & Enc.
Monday July 14th 1862
Up at a 2 1/4 AM. I Koo-ou-le-arng, Sharkey & Koo-per-neu-ung - the search after the anvil. Ebb tide & not to be found. The pots, kettle, pans &c. Out at VIII - Start for Kod-lu-narn  2 Chro arrive Kod-lu-narn h 3 - m 30 (X - 30 A.M.)
Following obs from Center Ruins Stone House Center Kod-lu-narn
P.M. obs at Kod-lu-narn for the hour angle
V - 58 - 20 94° - 45' - 30" Index error +1' - 45" }
{ On 30' - 00"
{ Off 33 - 30
{ [[line]]
{ 2) 3-30
{ [[line]]
{ +1 - 45
VI - 58 - 20 33 - 30
VI - 03 - 35 20 - 00
PM obs [[symbol]] Clouded
{ VIII - 15 - 00 74° - 18
{ 26-05  72 -04
[[in blue]] A [[/in blue]] { 28 - 17 71 - 36 
{ 34 - 30 70 - 18
{ 37 - 20 69 - 43 
Vide p 49 Obsn Book
[[in blue]] 
Mean VIII 28 14 71° 35' 48" 
[[/in blue]]
[[left margin vertical in red]]
See p. 51 
Obn. Bk. 
[[/left margin vertical in red]]
[[in blue]]
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]]
-VIII - 40 - 40
[[/in blue]]
[[in blue]] { [[/in blue]] VIII - 39 - 20 [[symbol]] to Left to Mt by Sharko [[line]] 94° - 05'
[[in blue]] { [[/in blue]] 40 - 50 [[symbol]] " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to Mt by Sharko]] [[line]] 94° - 24'
[[in blue]] { [[/in blue]] 41 - 50 " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to Mt by Sharko]] [[line]] 94° - 40'
[[in blue]] 
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]]
[[/in blue]]
[[left margin vertical in red]]
See p 50 Obsn B. for 7.
[[/left margin vertical in red]]
43 - 40 68° - 21' - 00" [[in blue]] } [[/in blue]] 
45 14 - 68 01 - 00" [[in blue]] { [[/in blue]]
46 - 55 67 39 - 30" [[in blue]] { [[/in blue]]
[[in blue to right of previous observations]]
H m s. 94 - 23
+ { VIII - 45 16 +16 [[symbol]]'s D.
{ 68° 00' - 30" 94° - 39
[[/in blue to right of previous observations]]
Bearing by Az Com [[symbol]] Marked Mt 147 1/2; Rt. 328; Height 45'

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: per instructions, when applicable, replaced symbols with text, added inserts as appropriate, added omitted text, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, corrected some wording, and other format changes