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[[boxed, top left]]1862 July 16 Thursday[[/boxed]]

[[middle 'column' of page]]Station [[encircled]] D[[/encircled]] to Station [[encircled]]E[[/encircled]]Course 100 (+62=162 ^[[illegible]])
Distance 9 measures (50 feet Su)

[[top right]]sights at Station [[encircled]]D[[/encircled]]
Water Reservoir 328°
The direction on trend of trench 328 X [[148?]]
Distance from Station [[encircled]]D[[/encircled]] 15 My paces
in direction 328° Azi C.
[[table left side of page]]
|No Measures|Feet|
|" 1/2|65|
|" 1/2|111|
|" 1/2|53|
|" 1/2|50|
[[/table left side of page]]
[[Hall started a column headed "feet", made four entries  then struck out the whole thing and started the next table.  The figures entered were: ?65; ?25; ?115; 157]]
[[table center column]]
|No Measures|Feet|
|5 1/2|61|
|" 1/2|56|
|7|Minus 31|
|" 1/2|Minus 10|
|" 1/2|51|
[[/table center column]]
[[boxed data right side of page]]
From [[encircled E]] to F Station
Distance 2 Measures
Course  ?114 (+62 = 176 ^[[?true]])
|No M|feet|
|1/2- -|61|
|1 - -|55|
|" - -|66|
|2 - -|110|
[[data to right of mini-table]]
Sights at station [[encircled F]]
[More at [[encircled E]]] (?}
[[?brng]]224°; L. Tung-oo-ping
ne-wing 96; About the spot
where the Coal is Ni-oun-te-lik
[[/data to right of mini-table]]
[[boxed data under the "No Measure" tables]]
From Station [[encircled F]] to [[encircled G]]
Course 20° (+62 = 82°)
Distance 5 Measures (50 feet [[?each]]
|No M|feet|
|" 1/2|75|
|" 1/2|Minus 10|
|" 1/2|Minus 5|
|" 1/2|150|
[[/boxed data under the "No Measure" tables]]
[[boxed data to the right]]
From Station to G to H
Course 343 (+62 = 405 -360 = [[underlined]] 45° ^[[ [[?true]] ]] [[/underlined]]
Distance 3 Measures (50 feet ea)
[[Hall then starts another "No. M - feet" mini-table, from 1/2 to 3 and notes in the "feet" column "The feet not put down"]]
[[data to the right of unfinished mini-column]]
Sights at station G
Rt Tang. [[?pass]] near by
now low water 40°
Lt Tang 82°
[[/data to the right of unfinished mini-column]]
[[/boxed data to the right]
[[entries across the page]]

From station I to J
Course 287 (+62 = 349  I to Coast 60 feet
Distance 7 Measures    J o   "    182 "
[[line across page]]
J to K Course 292 (+62 = 354°) Distance 7 Measures
|No M|feet|
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[strikethrough]] 1862 July Thurs [[?17th]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Wedns. July 16/62
K to A the latter by ship trench on bank ne-pou-ne-tie sup-bing bears 207°(from K) - To exact spot of starting point 204 1/2 - By reducing last distance (moving compass [[?start]] back on the Course 292° just 14 feet the bearing of exact place of starting is 209° wh. makes the last Course 209° meet starting point A of Chart.  Then say: K. to A. Course 209°
Distance 4 Measures to W. bank ship's trench - 30 feet from [[strikethrough]] edge [[/strikethrough]] Station K. to edge Bluff.
[[mini-table left side of page]]
|No M.|feet|
|" 1/2|21|
|2|[[encircled 18]]|
|" 1/2|[[encircled 25]]|
|3 1/2|36|
[[/mini-table left side of page]]
[[note right side of page beside mini-table]]
64 feet from W. side bank
to E bank of Ship;s Trench
The Measurements & chart [[?agree]]
in closing of the space bet.
beginning & ending points within
2 feet!
[[/note right side of page beside mini-table]]

See Chart or sketch chart executed [[underlined]] while progressing with field operations [[/underlined]] - said chart being in my hands nearly all the time.  To-day 2 Seals shot & several Ducks & Nowyers - My opening up Lime & Sand by one of the Stone houses near ship's trench - the flint stones that [[?Led] in the investigations
[[note in left margin]]
Enc. on
[[/note in left margin]]
Thursday, July 17th 1862  Up at 3 AM - back to sleeping bag till 4 1/2 when I again turn out & prodeede hard at work.  Ice in Countess of Warwick's extending across from N & N.E. side Ni-oun-te-lik to Land near [[?kup-?se-?you-?ash-ju-a]]  Distance from Center of 1st stone house ruins to head of ship's trench 132 feet.  The stone house indicated [[ ? ? ]] another close by it.  Course for head ship's trench to said place 175°

[[underlined]] Reservoir [[/underlined]] - its dimensions &c.  Standing at the Northerly end its direction lengthwise 148° x 328° Length from the Ex end outside thrown up bank to op. end 102 feet; Length top of excavated part 89 [[?°]] feet; Length bottom before commencement of sloping ends 65 1/2 feet; Length of water now in it 18 inches - Mean [[?]] - in depth water in R. Greatest width from outside on embankment to the other 58 feet.  Center of top one bank to other 36 feet - from one side to the other of Commencement of excavating the stone 20 feet - from this slopes down to about an edge.  Depth from Bottom Reservoir to top Bank 8 feet; Average depth 7 feet.  Big [[strikethrough]] black [[/strikethrough]] black rock of nearly pure Mica about 50 feet from S. end.  No water received from the slope of the E. side of the hill on wh. the Rv. is.  The R. dug out of stone - Stone fragmentary.  The Willows & moss = Wood of the country growing on its E. bank [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] on the slope to water of R.
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Some of the station letters (A, B, etc.) are drawn (hand printed) with some elements of the letters double-lined such as the upright of K, the right arm of A, etc. I notice that very often the struck through words are then used. See pages 426 - 428 for discovery of the stone house ruins, ship's channel, & reservoir. See pp 550 - 554 for 7/17/62 Hall's second visit to the site.