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Ki-as taking advantage of the narrow opening ^[[in the ice]] along most the shore. We have been awaiting their return. I have propose to Koo-ou-le-arng ("Susy") & one of Koo-per-neu-ung's wives to take a walk with me up near the head of the Bay on the ice to where the coal is. From Leaving the Boat 
[[Note: hashmark of five vertical lines crossed through and followed by three vertical lines]]
followed by 70 Paces (mine) to coal. From place of Enc. probably 1 mile to 1 1/2 to the edge of the floe where leave the Boat Sharkey & Miner by it in wait - their piles of Flint stones for me. - No snow - Average 5 my paces long & 2 paces wide - some places coal 2 feet deep - 8 to 10 tons of coal. I find embedded in it small pieces of Wood - Koo-ou-le-arng ("Susy") finds [[underlined]] 'Kod-lu-nuv At too-nos'! [[/underlined]]
Now in middle Harbor above Coal Point. Head of Bay about 1/4 mile dist. perhaps 1/2 mile bears 213 - Right side of turn 186[[degree symbol]]. Exact place of Coal 56[[degree symbol]] - the base of Turn Mt as seen over Pt 47[[degree symbol]] - The Ex of Pt. where Coal is 66[[degree symbol]] The base S Side entrance 62[[degree symbol]] Now bearing of Point Middle Bay as seen coming up 112[[degree symbol]].  Appearance of Pt as I stand in Harbour 
[[image - sketch, side view of low rise hill noted 'Coal here E side arching over a lower rising hill]]
East of Pt looking Sea ward from course to Coal peak 56[[degree symbol]]
114[[degree symbol]] to Land of Pt - 20 Paces from Coal to side next the Sea.
[[underlined]] Poug-too-arng [[/underlined]] name of ancient snow in hollow (steep incline) W. Side Turn Mt. Start again in Boat IX - 10 (h 4 - m 10) for Og-bier-seer-o-ping - trend of S. E. side Bay about 110 X 290[[degree symbol]] departure to be called for Encampt. ^[[14 h]] 2 - 00 Stop E Side ctr Bay of Sharko & made Enc.
Saturday July 19 1862
Now on top Mt by Encampt. a neatly built monument that is within 5 or 7 times[[guess]] - Direction [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] in wh I can see over the land to Rescue Bay 267 (+62 = 329 = N ^[[True]] 31 E.) From top another Mt S, same (place in Rescue Bay) bears 272 (= 62 = 334-  [[underlined]] true [[/underlined N 26[[degree symbol]] E) The Island Koo-nuk-ju-arng on wh. we landed for eggs before making Oo-pung-ne-wing consists to Rt. to Kod-loo-larn 18[[degree symbol]] - 00[[symbol]]; Lt Tang Oo-pung-ne-wing the Ex of the peninsula on wh. made Enc on O. directly in line with center of Kim-nuk-ju-arng wh. bears 343[[degree symbol]] Left Tang Oo-pung-ne-wing (on middle of Kunnukjurang[[guess]] wh. is a little this side of Ex L. Tang.) to Rt.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[right margin]]
[[/right margin]]
Tang. Oo-pung-ne-wing 6[[degree symbol]] - 57[[symbol]] - same to wit Lt. Tang O. to Rt Tang. Ni-ou-te-lik 8[[degree symbol]] - 50[[symbol]] {Ni-oun-te-lik on the Channel bet. it & O. passes down at the point indicated by 6[[degree symbol]] - 57[[symbol]] just before last entry] Ex. of Twer-puk-ju-a[[guess]] just in line on bearing of the spot of enc. on O. wh. spot is 52[[symbol]] (52 minutes) to the Rt of the lt. Tang. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [on middle Kun-nuk-ju-arng[[guess]] ] Musquin[[guess]] true [[in blue]] ^[[counted[[guess]] ]] [[strikethrough]] costed [[/strikethrough]] with me in occupying these heights!] Lt.Tang. Oo-pung-ne-wing to Rt to Tuk-koon Pt 20[[degree symbol]] - 45; Same to the Bluff that was [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Sun ([[symbol]]} made nearest to Ak-ke-lu-zhan except the one directly at the entrance 30[[degree symbol]] - 00[[symbol]] seen over to this side. Same to Bluff the other side [[?]] (at shaded[[guess]] 26[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]  
This last bluff 26[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]] of course to Rt [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] of Lt. Tang. O. that limits the view pf Countess of Warwick's Sound. - To the E on Rt. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Lt. Tang. O. on middle [Kunnukjuarng[[guess]] Isd to Rt. to the space bet. Mt on R. Bay side to [[strikethrough]] Left [[/strikethrough]] Right to spot that appears to be ice in the Bay we enter to go to Og-bier-seer-o-ping spot to the height of high land, the last on Coast going to Og-bier-seer-o-ping on the 1st coming up from there 9[[degree symbol]] - 15[[symbol]]; spot to Rt the Ex. Pt of Island on Rt hand side as we enter Lupton Channel 12[[degree symbol]] - 10[[symbol]]. Spot to [[underlined]] the Point [[/underlined]] rounded this side Og-bier-seer-ping 16[[degree symbol]] - 12[[symbol]]. - the 1st Pt to R to 2d Pt. 5[[symbol]] - 30[[symbol]] - the 3d Pt in line with 2d Now Lt Tang. Oo-ping-ne-wing to Lt. to ice berg in Bay of F. 60 - 38; said Ice-berg to Lt. to 1st of the ex of Isd of Lupton Channel 98 - 08 = (98[[degree symbol]] - 08[[symbol]]) Same to the extent of said Isd of Lupton C. - further view being shut off by the high land land before brass.  99[[degree symbol]] - 20[[symbol]]; bearing of Isd by Lupton C 143[[degree symbol]]; Height of high land below 146[[degree symbol]] - last Pt to be rounded before getting ^[[ [[?]] ]] to Og-bier-seer-o-ping 140[[degree symbol]] - the 2 Pts just before 132[[degree symbol]]. Sun ([[symbol]]) marked Mt 1st this side of the Lake one at immediate entrance Bay where Coal is 312[[degree symbol]] : [The Lakelet[[guess]] on S[[?]] Lake seen over toward where I see Rescue Bay] Kod-lu-[[?]] 323 1/2 Again the Point where I can see sea ice - Rescue Bay 
268 1/2. This the Lt. Tang. of a fine lake inland [the one alluded to just above] Rt. Tang. 247[[degree symbol]] [trend N & S [[underlined]] true [[/underlined]] nearly] The 1st Bluff on high land beyond Plain[[guess]] & nion[[guess]] 316[[degree symbol]] upper on N. W. Side Bay ^[[of]] Sharko 344[[degree symbol]]; Pt W or SW side of entrance 62[[degree symbol]] widest Part ^[[on]] Shusler[[guess]] that has to be rounded[[guess]] or doubled in going to Oo-ping-ne-wing 360; The Monument to wh. I now return bears 323[[degree symbol]] - the Peak by the view of Rescue Bay to Left to Monument 52[[degree symbol]] - 37[[symbol]] = (52 - 37) - to the [[underlined]] exact View [[/underlined]] of R. Bay 53[[degree symbol]] - 07[[symbol]] - to the said middle on right hand Peak 52[[degree symbol]] - 32[[symbol]] = (53 - 32)
Course now to Monument 323; Distance 1133 Paces ([[?]]) to Monumental Mt. The Mark of Faith Hope & Charity just encircled & left on spot on Peak left to Lt. to Mark 102[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]]; said Mark to Lt to 1st Peak Lt side view R. Bay 22 - 41
22 - 41
125 - 26  To the ex of view 22-10 To Middle Peak 
21 - 16
102 - 45
124 - 55
[Exact Bearing View Rescue Bay 268]
" " [[dittos for: Exact Bearing]]Spot of Enct. 60[[degree symbol]]
The entrance SW side Sharko Bay 78[[degree symbol]]
[Image - large peninsula stretching to the left, with a bay below, and many small islands north of the coastline, and a larger island off the tip of the peninsula. The bay is labeled 'Bay Sharko'. The land S. side of bay is labeled 'Plain'. Below the tip of the peninsula is the symbol for a mountain labeled 'Mt obs'.]

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added text denoted by ditto marks, changed incorrect format, correct typos, added text not entered and other changes There seems to be some name confusion between the names in Journal and in Hall's book. Re: "Koo-ou-le-arng ("Susy")" in Journal is refered to in Hall's book as "Suzhi" page 353. In the book Ak-chuk-er-zhun is refered to as "Susy" pp 350, 353. Also see page 554.