Viewing page 48 of 239

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Monday, July 21st 1862
Our Boat trip to S.E Ex. coasting along from Og-bier-seer-o-ping N.E. side Bay of Frobisher. Obsn. before leaving tent station of Og-bier-seer-o-ping Bearing of Mt by entrance (Lt.Hand side) Lupton Channel 172[[degree symbol]] - of a nipple Peak 186[[degree symbol]] - this Peak in the ridge beginning[[guess]] at 1st Mt. by Lupton Channel - of the turn Pt. Bluff by high Island 188[[degree symbol]]. [[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] on Cruise[[guess]] to S.E. Ex. [[underlined]] 0 h VIII - 12 [[/underlined]] Chro. (s 10) Course 172[[degree symbol]] to Mt. by Lupton Channel. VIII - 30 ^[[(10)]] Arrive by base said Mt. & turn on new Course 185[[degree symbol]] - Stop VIII - 40 (s 10) sight back to Mt. sighted for Course from tents 5[[degree symbol]]; therefor Course to 8 - 40 185[[degree symbol]]. Bearing to Bluff ahead for next Course 198[[degree symbol]]. Start VIII - 48 Tide 2 Knots per h. in direction of C. 198[[degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] (s 11) [[/strikethrough]] IX - 28 (11) Arrive to pt. & commence new Course - At this time IX - 28 by the [[?]] Bluff. Stop IX - 48 (s 10) sight back to Turn pt. Bluff 22, therefore Course 202[[degree symbol]] from said Bluff to this Isd. [IX - 48] Rt Tang.
Rt tang on right side Lupton Channel 236[[degree symbol]]; [[strikethrough]] The side of this Channel [[/strikethrough]] [The sights of the Channel as it enters Rescue] Highest pnt right side Lup. Channel 233[[degree symbol]] Next highest Bluff of the Isd 1/2 mile off 196[[degree symbol]]  [[underlined]] Start X - 05 (s 10) [[/underlined]] Arrive & Stop Sylvia Grinnell Isd XI - 10 (s 11) tide average 1 1/4 mile from last stopping place. Last stopping place on small island close to big one [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] bears 61[[degree symbol]]  
[[image - in right margin: jagged onshore coastline, land top, water below, and another shoreline below the water; with a sea-course line around the coast. At beginning point two triangles onshore with pennant on top. The course continues S & S E along the coastline and at the bottom reaches an island labeled [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]], then turns N.E. into a channel labeled Lup. C. until terminating at an Island labeled S.G. Isd. [Sylvia Grinnell Island] in a body of water labeled Rescue Bay]] 
Therefore I shall call last course 241[[degree symbol]] Budington Mt. bears 312; Bearing ship as set by Sharkey 321[[degree symbol]] (?), ship not in sight on account being behind a small island ^[[Ex marks]] S. side the harbor. Bluff S. side Castle Bay by Tarrio arc-tune 300[[degree symbol]]. Sing-eye-yer Pass 297[[degree symbol]] the Pt on small island Sing-eye-yer where I had last & 5th enc 288[[degree symbol]] (+62 = ^[[true]] 350 = True N 10 E)) Rt. Tang French Head 333[[degree symbol]]; S.E. Ex.(N Pt) 206[[degree symbol]] G.T. Jones Tower 156[[degree symbol]]; The place on T[[?]] bluff before reaching stopping place on [[strikethrough]] land [[/strikethrough]] Island mid Channel before stopping true bears 54[[degree symbol]]; Rt Tang. on W. side Lupton Channel Rescue Bay side 12 1/2[[degree symbol]]. Place said on voyage Last fall last made before reaching the vessel 50. Middle big Island down Channel [[strikethrough]] the Main 51[[degree symbol]]; Lt Tang actual [[/strikethrough]] 58[[degree symbol]]; Lt. Tang. Lupton Channel the Main 71[[degree symbol]] Lt. Tang actual 169[[degree symbol]]; 
[[image - left margin: irregular shoreline running NE, looks like 169[[degree symbol]] labeled at bottom onshore, and '71' at top onshore.]] 
Rt. Tang French Head to 1st Bluff on headland above [[?]] Coast[[guess]] R. Bay 30[[symbol]] = [[?]] (30 Minutes) Same to wit Rt Tang French Head to Rt Tang Parker's Head 55[[symbol]] (55 Minutes) - same to wit F.H. to the Mts. on Land by C W Field Mt. head Rescue Bay 2[[degree symbol]] [I use French Head as [[symbol]] Mark] Same to Rt to Mt Head of the Bay 3-30 Same to Rt to what appears to be Grinnell Mt. 16[[degree symbol]] (?); Same to Bud. Mt 21[[degree symbol]]; Same to Tarrio arc-turn Bluff on rather[[guess]] Castle Bay 32[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]] Same to Rt side Sing-eye-yer Pass 35[[degree symbol]]; same to Enc. Isd. on Pt 1st [[strikethrough]] & 5th Encs [[strikethrough]] 43[[degree symbol]] - 45 - same to Duck Isd. 55[[degree symbol]] - 00; same to S. Easterly Ki-ki-tuk-ja-a long Isd off the Cape King-ok-yer-arng[[guess]]
[[end page]]
apparently 56[[degree symbol]] - 30; Same to Middle Kitch-ik-tunge 85[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]] - same to Oo-mi-en-wa 97[[degree symbol]]; All these carried to Rt French Head; Oo-mi-en-wa to Rt [[blot]] Pt to S E Ex 27[[degree symbol]] - 35[[symbol]]. S.E. Ex to Rt to gap Cape this side (S.E. Ex) 50[[symbol]] (50 Minutes) that is less than 1[[degree symbol]] - S.E.Ex to Gap in said Cape 6[[degree symbol]] Ex of cape to Rt to depth of indentation immediately this side Mt Warwick = 14[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]. S.E. Ex. to  Rt to G.T. Jones [[strikethrough]] Mt [[/strikethrough]] Tower 49[[degree symbol]] - 20 S.E. Ex. to Rt to a mark in Mt entrance [[?]] Lt side Lupton Channel 120[[degree symbol]] - 18[[symbol]]
to center Island along Channel - - - - - - - - - -  29 - 50
150 - 08
Rt. Tang. French Head to ^[[Lup Channel]] middle of it on these; A to B = 2[[degree symbol]] of sketch
[[image - center page separating four lines of text on both sides of the image. The four lines follow the image as if not interrupted by the image: side view of what appears to be two mountains with an inlet between them. The top of the inlet labeled 'B' and the right 'A' ]]
Rt Tang " " " [[dittos for: French Head to]] Lt. to Rt Tang the Isd by Land Pass 8[[degree symbol]] - 15[[symbol]] same to left Tang. of said Isd 26[[degree symbol]] French Head Lt to middle Isd
Down the Channel 84[[degree symbol]] Bearing Bluff left Hand side this S. Channel to go into Bay to Og bier-seer-o-pong 360[[degree symbol]]. The Bluff
where I made Course 101 from guess (Ebierbing's) 358[[degree symbol]]. The ice of Rescue Bay - prospect gloomy - Pack! [[underlined]] Pack!![[/underlined]] [[double underlined]] Pack!!![[/double underlined]] down to S. E. Ex. - When shall we get out of ice prison? Obliged to return down Lupton Channel go along coast in Bay of F. to get to S. E. Ex. [Above Obs made from top Sylvia Grinnell Island.]
h 1 - m 00 Start down the Channel [h 1 - m 15 - (s 12) Arrive to where Cape of Coast Lupton Channel begins to turn Easterly. New course along E. side Lupton Channel. Stop 2 - 10 (11) Visit small Island for eggs - only one egg but many nests - the Nowyers in the Cliffs of the high Isd close by.
Start 2 - 20; Stop 2 - 27 (11) on Isd opposite Isd mid-channel - sight back to point on Cape narrow part Lupton Channel (E. side) 248[[degree symbol]]; then [[strikethrough]] Course[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Course [[/underlined]] since 1 - 35 [[underlined]] 68[[degree symbol]] [[/underlined]] Left side Lup. (R. Bay) 260[[degree symbol]]; The Isd where stopped before making Sylvia Grinnell Isd 10[[degree symbol]]; The Bluff turn Pt. saw over high land from tents 18[[degree symbol]]; The middle of W. Channel (Lat. C) 24[[degree symbol]] in this direction the Isd seen from tents.
[[underlined]] Start 2 - 41 Stop 3 - 10 [[/underlined]] (s 11) Sight [[strikethrough]] back [[/strikethrough] back. Bearing last point visited 263[[degree symbol]]. this seen over the point of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a left hand side channel as seen go out into Bay of [[?]] 110[[degree symbol]] Bearing Island middle Channel ahead wh. I now make Course 92[[degree symbol]] Bluff turn Pt. seen from tents 307[[degree symbol]] (?) Bearing the small Isd last stopping place before making Sylvia Grinnell Isd 280[[degree symbol]]; I was as well taken my departure from said Isd as the distance is the same as from the Pt of the Isd opposite where I stopped before this therefore Course 100[[degree symbol]] say from 2 - 41 (s 11) = middle on Peak of Middle Isd (big Isd) next the turn Bluff 279[[degree symbol]] Got here 1/2 doz. eggs, & shot 1 Duck. Here where Boat party of the other day had a feast
[[underlined]] Start 3 - 30 - tide flowing [[/underlined]] & running Southerly [[?]] S.E. Channel. Same time running W down to Channel - running in from B Bay.
[[underlined]] Stop 3 - 55 [[/underlined]] (s 11) Allow 2 1/2 Knots tide on last run. Sharkey shoots another duck  Got 23 eggs off this Isd.  [[underlined]] Start IV - 30 Stop IV - 29 [[/underlined]] 
2 ducks more & now 5 Doz. eggs "all told."
Here Make Meridional Obs [[symbol]] very much observed light rain on Horizon Glass made it extremely difficult
[[strikethrough]] IV - 47  95 - 25[[symbol]] [[/strikethrough]]
IV - 50 - 00[[symbol]] 96[[degree symbol]] - 00 One Image [[symbol]] covers[[guess]] the others in this Obn.
52 - 00 96 - 00[[degree symbol]] " " [[dittos for: One image]] [[symbol]] " " " " " " [[dittos for: covers[[guess]] the others in this Obn.]]
53 - 30 96 - 01 " " [[dittos for: One image]] [[symbol]] " " " " " " [[dittos for: covers[[guess]] the others in this Obn.]]
[[wavy line across page]]
IV - 55 - 00 95 - 27 [[symbol]] very much obscured by misty clouds
57 - 00 95-28 Index error + 1[[symbol]] - 45[[symbol]]
58 - 20 95 - 27 
[[bracketed to vertical note: 62[[degree symbol]] - 27[[symbol]] 23[[symbol]]]]
V - 01 - 10 95 - 27

Transcription Notes:
Og-bier-seer-o-ping = Cape True. This page is a good example of Hall's Dead Reckoning. He stops and logs every ten minutes. This trip (7/21/62) is described beginning on page 555 of Hall's book. Tarrio = the sea.