Viewing page 50 of 239

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said island about 4 or 5 miles thus on SW side of 1st island of "S.E. Ex". Said Ice-berg to the Pt. on place but the two peaks of said [[underlined]] supposed [[/underlined]]
"S.E.Ex." 54° - 10'
          97  - 25
          151 - 35 = Resolution Isd to L to said S. E. Ex but really Bear Isd.
Real " S E Ex" [also in truth Bear Isd.] to L. to Mt. Warwick 32° - 46' [Bear Isd however in line with S. E's Ex.] - Bearing Mt Warwick 296°
Most Southerly of group of Islands Westerly of this Bear [Pseudo Bear]. Isd. 54° ; This end Channel through wh. I came yesterday to the sound opening at this end 18° - Farther end of said Channel where we entered it or near the Bay indicated in notes as being just passed 16°; Mt Warwick by Az. Comp. bears [In the original notes it reads [[underlined]] 283° [[/underlined]] but I cannot see where this evident mistake was made as above it stands 296 wh corresponds (approximately) to the bearing x other angles]. - "S. E. Ex" 260° [but this being really made looking at true Bear Island] Notch but the two Brother Peaks of "S. E. Ex" [of Bear Island] to Lt. to Peak Mt. Warwick 29°- 30'. The Notch of 2 Brothers of S. E. Ex. [of Bear Isd] to Lt to high land that I mounted alone while Kood-loo & Ebierbing made tupik at the Enc on 2d Isd. [Sledge trip (year ago but After] 24° - 00'. The Notch to Lt. to Lt Tang of the heights when I was caught in fog (on 1st Isd) 9°. [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] 
Mt Warwick to L. to Mark on Main Land of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a  [the Isd extending from Lupton Channel to 2d Channel from S E Ex]                                  72° - 30'
Said Mark to Rt of Too-jarn - - - - - - -             72  - 15
Mt. Warwick then to Lt to Rt Goo-garn =              144° - 45
Said Mark to Lt Tang Too-jarn-choo-a (Resolution) Isd 106° - 20'
                                                       72  - 30
Then Mt Warwick to Lt to E. and on Lt Tang ] = =      178 - 50
Resolution Island - - -                     ]
Bearing of Mark measured from Mt Warwick 8°
Can see Kin-gaite coast over the groups of low Islands along N. shore Bay of Frobisher westerly of this nearer to 8°
Start IV - 00 [from Pseudo Bear Isd] [IV - 10 Arrive to small Isd 1/3 miles or so long at our right] The Isd. wh. I termed Bear Isd but really [[underlined]] Pseudo [[/underlined]] Bear Isd. on wh I was few minutes ago full 1/2 mile long, 1/4 mile wide & 500 feet high - many many fossil stones on this Isd. V - 20 Come to numerous Islets - [[underlined]] Stop V - 10 [[/underlined]] (s 10) to this. [[underlined]] Start V - 37 [[/underlined]] - many K[[?]]-sea-gren[[guess]] Seal up all around. Sharkey after many shots kills one! - Stop VI - 30 (s 12) : Start VII - 00 Stop VII - 20 (s 12) on the South Point Real Bear Island Mt.
From said point bearing of Pseudo Bear Isd the last Island [[strikethrough]] visited [[/strikethrough]] visited 81° - then course to this 161 - the [[image - tiny sketch, side view of five inverted "V's",first one like a low hill, then a gap, then two higher, the fourth highest (twice as high as 2 & 3), and the last same height as No's 2& 3]]
of the utmost extreme Sighted when back on last [Pseudo Bear] Island 255° [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] [[This A connected by dotted line down to "The following belongs to 5th line above...."]]  
on inspecting the pack find it inexpedient to proceede farther to-day in attempting to get across to S. E. Ex. Therefore
[[left margin vertical]]
(After [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] read: - "The Ex. of Main." etc 5th line below)
[[/left margin vertical]]
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[[start page]]
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[[/right margin]]
have concluded to make the 2d Enc. [since leaving [[strikethrough]] Pseudo Bear Isd. [[/srikethrough]] Og-bier-seer-o-ping] here on real Bear Isd. E. side.  [[image in left margin: drawing of a hand pointing to "E.side"]]  
The following belongs to 5th line above ^[[at]] [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]]. "The Ex
" of Main 1st Island, the Ex. where I was last  year bears 259° - the
" position or place I take this ^[[& following]] bearings more northerly than
" point on place where landed [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] the boat on Ex. of Real Bear Isd.
" The height where I was closed in with fog [1 year ago last Apr] 287
" Rt side the 2d Channel 330 Left side do 334°; 1st passage on channel
" [[strikethrough]] 304 [[/strikethrough]] 304° 
While coming from Pseudo Bear Island took Meridional obs of ☉, the ☉ very cloudy, - Sea Horizon ^[[ [height eye above sea 4 feet] ]]
                   h    m    s 
[[strikethrough]] IV - 47 - 36' [[/strikethrough]]
 h   m    s
IV - 47 - 00                   47° - 32'
Index Error +2 - 00          ] 50 - 00     33 = (62° - 29')
1/2 to be applied to ☉ Alt. ] 55 - 00      32
                               57 - 30     31 - 30
PM obs } Now take [[underlined]] true [[/underlined]]Bear bet. Island [[underlined]] S. E. Ex. [[/underlined]]
} this being 1st Pt on land arrived at after leaving Pseudo Bear Isd.
h   m   s                h   m s 
X - 3 - 5    47° - 22' [ X - 7 55 ☉| to Rt. to Mt. near E. side 1st Channel ^[[of S E Ex]]
    5 - 5    46  - 53  [ - - - - - - - -                                         91 - 44
    6 - 10   46 - 38    8 - 57 ☉| " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Rt. to Mt. near E.]] - 31
10 - 05 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Rt. to Mt. near E. side 1st Channel]] - 17 ]
Bearing 297 1/2 R 119° - 30'
X - 11 - 42      45° - 23' 
    12 - 50 -    45 - 06    X - 14 - 40☉ to Rt to above Mt. - 90° - 21' - 30"                    ]
[[left column]]
Sextant Angles ☉ Mark to Rt                       }
- to height where I was closed in by Fog 13°      }
- to place Enc. where at the utmost S. E. Ex. ]   }
last year - - - - 22°                             }
- to the Ex the place where I went alone          }
morning before bearing the Ex 40° - 50'           }
- to the [[tiny image: same image as above]] 45° }
These very small Islets                           }
☉ Mark to Left - to Peak Rt side of               }
the 1st Channel 6° - 15' - to the heights that    }
I visited along time making encamp on             }
2d Island from S. E. Ex while E & K were          }
making Tupik 18°                                  }
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
Pseudo Bear Isd
bears 82°
Mt Warwick 338
The [[tiny image: same image as above]] of
utmost S. E. Ex. 351°
☉ to Lt. ^[[continued - ]] - to right side
2d Channel = 30° - 15'
- to Base Mt Warwick
wh. is opposite side of
Channel but Channel
on W. side bends as it [[strikethrough]] w[[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
goes above (N) base of
Mt (W. to Eastward 34° - 45'
Mt Warwick 39[°] 50'
[[/right column]]
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed and best viewed in full journal page above full across the page transcription box mode. I have used unicode for "sun" symbol [?], and unicode for "degree symbol" [?]. Tried for the most part to align related times, bearings and sums, using a typed line where possible instead of the more confusing [[underlined]] SI style for obvious mathematics.