Viewing page 53 of 239

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[[right margin]]
[[/right margin]]
East end Resolution Island to Lt to 75° - 22'
the Ex (S. E. Ex.) of this Ex Island 79 - 40
S. E. Ex. to Lt. to Oo-ni-en-roo[[guess]]
Resolution (E. End) to Lt. to Oo-ni-lu-wa ^[[center]] ] = 155 - 02
[[strikethrough]] Res [[/strikethrough]] "French Head" to L. to the Peak the Ex 
right up the next on 2d Isd of "S. E. Ex." 11° - 00'
[[underlined]] Same [[/underlined]] to Lt. to the Ex of the Cape with Goh[[guess]] 19° - 30'
Said Ex. of Cape in Rescue Bay to left to the S. side
of same Island (2d) the Ex. of it in Bay of Frobish 46° - 00'
P.M. Obs.
[[in red]]
[[/in red]]
VIII - 7 - 24 72° - 25' - 30"
8 - 52 72 - 09 - 00
10 - 00 71 - 55 - 00
[[in pencil]]
[[line]] [[line]]
VIII - 8 - 45 72 - 09 - 50
[[/in pencil]]
[[left margin vertical in red]]
Vide page [[encircled]] 29 [[/encircled]]
Observation Book
[[/left margin vertical in red]]
11 - 24 [[symbol]] to Rt. to Tar-si-o-are-tun[[guess]] Castle Wall 93° - 02'
12 - 25 [[symbol]] " " " " " " [[dittos for: [[symbol]] to Rt. to Tar-si-o-are-tun[[guess]] Castle Wall]] 92 - 50
13 - 40 [[symbol]] " " " " " " [[dittos for: [[symbol]] to Rt. to Tar-si-o-are-tun[[guess]] Castle Wall]] 92 - 33 
[[right margin]]
[[line from previous reading to 91 - 11 below]]
[[/right margin]]
[[in pencil]]
VIII - 12 - 30 
[[/in pencil]]
Bearing above 316° - 30'
[[left margin vertical in pencil]]
(See Blank leaf [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]])
(last of this journal)
[[/left margin vertical in pencil]]
[[in red]]
[[/in red]]
15 - 30 70° - 47' [[encircled]] French Head bears 3.54
Tan-ni-o-arc-tun 316 1/2 [[/encircled]]
16 - 40 70 - 33
18 - 05 70 - 16
[[in pencil]]
VIII - 16 - 78 70 - 32
[[/in pencil]]
19 - 50 [[symbol]] to Rt. to Tarrioarctun C Wall 91° - 11'
21 - 31 69° - 34'
Index error +1 - 45
[[symbol]] Mark Tar-ni-o-arc-tun to Rt
to center Oo-mi-en-ii[[guess]] 61° - 48'
[[symbol]] Mark Tan-ni-arc-tun to Lt. to
[[symbol]] Mark French Head 37° - 40' 
[[to right]]
Off 33 - 36
30 - 00
3) 3 - 30
+1 - 45
[[end page]]
[[start of page]]
Final & hasty obs. on top Table Mt. same as above
S. Peak true Bear Island where I made obs ]
yesterday O.M. - - - - - 97°
Mid Channel bet it & next high land (Isd.) West 92°

Mid. next " [[ditto for: Channel]] 74°
[On the Rt. hand side the Main Land of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a']
[a peculiar Notch, to the Rt of last Channel. ]
Pseudo Bear Isd. - - - - - - - 86°
King-ok-ju-a - - - - - - 300°
Tru. high land above King-ok-ju-a - - 298°
Look-out Island 336°
[S. E. Ex. of this Island the Point to wh Resolution ]
[Isd was carried by Sextant - - - - ] = 175
the other end wh. was [[symbol]] Marked yes P.M. from
[[underlined]] Bear [[/underlined]] Island. 13°
Saddle back - away down a Channel (the
lower ti[[?]]) - - - - - 72°
[[underlined]] Resolution! (E. end) 100°!
From Point obs top high land on Mt S. E. Ex. }
on course 120° 90 Paces (Mine) }
S. E. Ex end Isd bears 184° }
The other end in next 1st Channel [[strikethrough]] 80° [[/strikethrough]] 14° }
Now Course wh. is in line 2d Channel }
80° of 2d T[[?]] (Bear Isd range) }
[[IIIII with crosshatch]] from end of the 90 Paces to place }
of Bear landing