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[[Boxed in left margin:]] 1862 July 29 Tues
[[encircled 3 in right corner]]
[[sun symbol]] Mark to L. to ex of Lupton Channel in Rescue Bay 3°- 5'     [[in blue ink (3]]
[[sun symbol]] Lt to Bluff this side channel 6°
Bearing of Boat Landing 220° (Distance noted below)
Bearing of a Salmon on Fresh waters point 268, 1/2 mile off [[underscored with wavy line]]
Bearing of a high Peak supposed on R. Buy 300°
Distance to this Mt. top from Boat IIII Paces: the Course from Boat 40° by Az C. to top of the Mt. where I made preceding  obs.
At Place Boat Landing, Bearing of the Ex Pt. [[at this point on the page a piece of paper has been attached to the right side of the page and is folded over out of view]] last doubled 76°: The top of the Bluff by the pt. just sighted is the same as I sighted when up where I made Meridional obs - this bluff bears from Boat Landing 67°:  
top on Lt Tang. Big Island 144°
Real Ex Lt. Tang. 154°; Real Ex Rt. Tang. 104°;  Little Bee-line 166°.  The Monument Bluff (Nowyers) 166° [This Lt. of an Isd same that as big Isd.];  [[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] VII=00 (2 PM) Course the "Bee-line" VII-10 (s10)  At this time 7-10 turn up channel on new Course 240°;  VII-27 (s9) Shar-to-wit-too, last place of enc on winter voyage up Bay of F. last fall.  Now even with it the same close to [[strikethrough]] Lt. at the [[/strikethrough]] at the Left.
Stop VIII-00 (s15) at base of Mt. Left hand side Lupton C as we enter Rescue Bay.
Now top Mt W. side Entrance Lupton Channel next Rescue Bay - a sightly Pt. as will be seen by following obs. By Az. C.  [[underlined]] President's [[/underlined]] Seat ^[[ on Kin=gaite side]] bears 24°.  French Head (Rt. Tang) 324°; Top Table Mt of S.E.Ex. where I was the 23 July 203°; The Ex Northerly of the 2d [a Pt. just beyond my enc. on 2d Isd. last year] near 1st Channel of S.E. Ex. 205° Mt. Warwick 194╖; Sing-eye-yer Pt 282° Bud Mt [[3?? partially covered by attached piece of paper, which is previous page 57]] [The latter sight to Bud. Mt. determined by Koo-per-neu-ung &myself] Look-Out Isd 309 1/2
Obd for Alt [[sun symbol]] & [[sun symbol]] bearings without time piece.
Ob Alt [[sun symbol]] 51°-4'
Ob dist [[sun symbol]] to Rt. to Sing-eye-yer Cape 112°-42
Ob Alt [[sun symbol]] 50°-20'
Ob dist [[sun symbol]] to Rt to Sing-eye-yer Cape 112°-15
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[encircled 4 in right margin]]
Ob. Alt [[sun symbol]] 49°-45'    Index error  0-00 ?32
[[[?at XII ?1p]                                 off  32]]
Sextant Angles to Rt. [[sun symbol]] Mark
[[sun symbol]] Mark to Rt to Rt Ex on Rt Tang Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a] ^[[10°-27']]
~ to Center Kitch-Ni-tung 38°-40'
~  "    "   Oo-mi-en-wa 50°-18'
~ to [[strikethrough]] N ?]][[/strikethrough]] N. Ex of 2d Isd. by 1st Channel of S.E. Ex. 77°-47'
- to Center of the table Mt. where I was on the 23d July when I made
Meridional & PM obs 79°-50 - - to the Cape [this side about 5 miles off Mt Warwick 79°00 - to Pek Mt. Warwick 88°-52'
To Peak Sylvia Grinnell Isd. 85°-00' - to G. T. Jones Tower 109°-00' - to the E. Ex. side in Rescue Bay of Lupton C. opposite Sylvia Grinnell Isd. 93°-48'
Sextant Angles to L [[sun symbol]] Mark.l
[[sun symbol]] Mark to Bluff where I  & E. went one eve on reaching Sing-eye-yer Pt [from Oo-kood-lear] for me to make obs 1°-5'
- to the Ex. of the Cape that I once called N Entrance R. Bay 6°-35
- to Lt Tang Sing-eye-yer [Rt. Tang. [[?Pass]]] 9°-00'
- to the Bluff S. side Castle Bay wh. is about the line of Tar-ri-o
- and - turn Castellated Wall 12°-53' - the [[underlined]] White Mt. [[/underlined]] by
Tar-rio-arc-tun 18°-35' - to Bud. Mt 22°-53' - to Look-out 26°-20' - to Grinnell Mt 33(?) - to Rt Tang French Head 40°-45 -to Rt Tang. Island this side wh. is the Isd this side [what I have called Land Pass to Bay leading to Og-bin-seer-o-bing] 42°-00' - to Lt Tang. of same Isd 44°
Rt. Tang. French Head to Left to President's Seat of Kin-gaite 60°-30'; President's Seat to Rt to Look Out Isd 74°-43'
Pres Seat to Bud. Mt 78°-18' - Pres. Seat to Rt to Sing-eye-yer 101°-15 - Pres. Seat to Rt to E Ex. Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a 111°-30'
Pres. Seat to L. to Koo-tan-koo SE Ex of Kin-gaite 58°-00'
Bearing Koo-tan-koo 82° - [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] Koo-tan-koo to L to Left Tang Too-jar-oo-chin wh. I now see for 1st time 12°-30'
[[end of page]]