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[[underlined]] Koo-tun-koo [[/underlined]] to left to Rt Tang. [[underlined]] Tue-jar-o-chin[[guess]] [[/underlined]] 3° - 45
Koo-tun-koo to Rt Tang Too-ja[[?]] 19° - 30'
Koo-tan Koo to high part " " [[dittos for: Too-j[[?]] ]]
[the commencement of high part] 22° - 50'
Bearings - Small high Isd. in Lupton Channel 85°
The coast below on this side in line with this bearing - 
Rt. Tang. Large Isd below to East of big one 86°; Lt Tang ^[[(True N)]] 97°
Bearing high part opposite side Lupton Channel 170°
" [[ditto for: Bearing]] Little Bay just below Boat Landing [Right side below.
(this direction Boat)] [[underlined in red]] 60°; [[/underlined in red]] [[underlined]] Sylvia Grinnell Isd. 198°
[[underlined in red]] From top Mt. on reduction dist - to level[[guess]] = 1175 paces down to Boat. [[/underlined in red]]
Start to return h XI - m 40: Stop XI - 57 (s 12) - [[?]] a Cape sight back to Apex Mt. [the pile stones "Faith, Hope & Charity"] [The Mt. Lt. hand side Lup. Channel [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (Looking toward Rescue Bay [[?]]) Where I made above obs. Apex Mt. brass 264°. then course to this 84° Ex. of said Mt. [base, down to water; edge] 250° - Sylvia Grinnell Isd. 224°. Rt side channel Ex [op. Sylvia Grinnell Isd] 215:°
To center small high Isd. mid ^[[F.]] Channel 82°; Pt. on Cape ahead when I turn course 78°; Mid Big Island 66°. Lt. Tang to 74°
Rt. T. not in sight. Real bearing now where Boat now while I went up Mt 270°
Start XII - 11 XII - 16 (s 12) Even with the Cape on course 78°
{Sun dog] Stop Shar-too-wit-koo XII - 22 (s 12) - the Walrus deposits - the gr[[?]] scull & bo[[?]]s - Fox - tobacco hunt - Walrus Feast - the walrus deposited under stones - placed there before my return from voyage up Bay of F. - full maggots & strong smelling - yet the natives had a feast of it! [[?]] obstructed the Ivory of Walrus 
Heart. [[underlined]] Start [[?]] - 00 [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Stop 1 - 06 [[/underlined]] (s 12) on a cape. sight back to last cape [of XII - 16] wh. bears 238 = [238] Next Cape
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ahead 60°; The turn near Bluff {opp. right side Channel to W to Big Isd] 56° : Middle Pt on mid channel bet Isd. & turn Pt. 58° The high Isd mid channel 114°
Start 3 h 1 - 13 : 13h 1 - m 30 ^[[(s 12)]] Arrive to the Cape sighted as 'Cape 'Ahead 60[[?]] : [[underlined]] Stop [[/underlined]] [[?]] 2 - m 17 (s 12) on Cape up west on side ^[[of side channel &]] big Isd 
Bearing place of obs for Lat at Meridian to-day 276°
Sylvia Grinnell Isd 232[[degree symbol]]. This last bearing the Lt. Tang. 
Big Isd ' Rt. Tang Big Isd 202° ; Bearing of the Cape last doubled [1 - 30 Cape] 234°. The last Course to this [[?]] 54° 
[Bearing of place where Boat landed just before I ascended the Mt ^[[to make meridional obs.]]
I did not [[strikethrough]] take [[/strikethrough]] take best from the Bearing ^[[ [[underlined]] of this [[?]] bet. [[/underlined]] ]] taken when Boat landed - or rather as I was about to depart the place of landing should be 256° ] : The Pt ahead 75 Paces off bears 43°
Start h 2 - m 33 [2 - 36 op. the 43° Pt.] Stop h 2 - 40 (s 12) next Course 
Sight "43°" 206° : Next Pt. 14° : 2d Pt. ahead wh. is now the Course 17° - Make an [[?]] to round the Cape I am on but tide too strong - hard pulling stars not [[?]] bit gain an inch - Stop till it has ebbed - 
Wednesday July 30th 1862
Start for Og-bin-seen-o-big this being nearly down 18 h VI - m 55 (1 - 55 AM) Arrive Cape "14°" VII - 35 (s 12)
Arrive Cape "17 VIII - 00 (s 12) [deduct 10 minutes from this bet VII - 35 & VIII - 00 as Koo-per-[[?]]-[[?]]'s Sealing] Course from last nights start Eve ^[[ [[?]] ]] 17° : VIII - 25 (s 12) Arrive tents of G H.s Co on Course 358° [from Cape 17°
Loy[[guess]] here on this & former trips 67 feet [22 x 3 + = 67] 
(See Conclusive Obsn)

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team