Viewing page 63 of 239

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Thursday July 31st 1862
P M. Obs. at Og-bier-seer-o-ping [[Cape True]]
[[there are two columns of recorded times and bearings divided only by space]]
[[left column]]
     VIII-13-58    68-41-30
          15-38       21-00
          17-00       05-00
    ___________    ________
Mean VIII-15-32    69-22-30
       IX-36-03    50°-59'-00
          38-00        33 -30
         +39-42        09-00
      _________    __________
Mean   IX-37-55    50 -33 -50
_______________    __________

This eve Great Refraction. [[partial eclipse of the moon]]
That portion of Kin-gaite called 'Koo-tan-koo' by
Innuits fantastically
at play - Mts ?inovolved -
? peak to Peak!
E. E of Kin-gaite [more
of it than I have seen before]
?brn 95° - by Az. Compass.
P{resident's Seat 26°!
This latter bearing is quite
different from the usual bearing
is [from Flag Staff Hill] 23°
The place where I was when I took
bearing of Pres. Seat about 1/5 mile
from Flag Staff Hill on Course
168° from said hill.
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
Index error -15"  On 32-00
                 Off 31-30
1st Set ☉ true alt.  34°-25'-41"
Latitude    "   "  N 62°-33'-00
[[note in right margin written vertically and pointing to the above Latitude number]]
[[underlined in red]] The Latitude here was just above 33' but I now change it to what it was intende to wit 63°-33'  This done by ?ach. N.Y. Aug 25/63 Hall![[/underlined in red]] [[/note in right margin]]
Polar [[strikethrough]]Mt.[[/strikethrough 71°-47'25"
Apparent time PM h3-m15-s27]
?Equation            +6- 06]
Mean time Obs     3- 21- 33
                  8- 15- 32
Chro. From M.T.] =4-53-59
P{lace of Obs. ]
[[wavy line across column]]
2d Set ☉ True Alt. 25°-30'-45"
Lat   -    -    - N62- 33 -00
Polar Dist -    -  71°-48'-17"
Apparent time PM h4-m37-s52]
Equation            + 6-  6
When time of Obs  4- 43- 58"
                 IX- 37- 55
2d set Chro From M.T.} = 4-53-57?Dif set
Place of Obs         }
?Dif set    -     -     -4-53-59
Diff. of 2 Obs ]  - - - - - -  2
two seconds    ]
[[/ second column]]
[[note in blue ink]]Vide p. 34 Obsn Book]][[in Hall's hand but undated]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in journal box over transcription box mode just as entries appear on page. Type math lines rather than use [[underline]]. Hall speaks of "Great Refraction": The moon does not completely disappear as it passes through the umbra because of the refraction of sunlight by the Earth's atmosphere into the shadow cone; if the Earth had no atmosphere, the Moon would be completely dark during an eclipse. "Equation" probably refers to the Equation of Time. There are tables for correcting solar time as the length of days is not the same year round, i.e. noon to noon, as the earth progresses around the sun.