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Ek-Ki-lu-zhun }
13th Enc.     }
[[image - cross]] Aug. 3d. 1862
Obs. on Flag Staff hill : Ogbin-seen-o-ping 
President's Seat bears 20! - How unreliable the Magnetic Compass - the usual bearing from same spot [[strikethrough]] 23° [[/strikethrough]] of same place 23°.
S-E Land of Kingaite [Koo-too-ko[[?]] ] 96° - Rt Tang Too-jane-for[[guess]] as I can see 115[[symbol]] : Cape Resolution 126° - E. Ex; of the Main connected Land of Kin-gaite 89° : By Sextant President's Seat to Left to ^[[E. Ex]] Main [[underlined]] connected [[/underlined]] Land ^[[seen this Mor[[?]] ]] of Kingaite 69° - 00' - Same (that is P.S) to Lt to E. Ex of Koo-ton-koo wh is the probable Ex. of all land ^[[of]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Kin gaite [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 78° - 15' : Same to Left to Rt Tang Too-Jarn 96° - 00' - Same to left to [[underlined]] Cape Resolution [[/underlined]] 107[[symbol]] - 30 [[symbol]] I remove to a Pt 1/5 mile from place of above obs on Course 
President's Seat now bears 23 [[?]] on 31st July as will lee[[guess]] seers[[guess]] on this same spot Pres. Seat above 26°! After this ob at this Pt. 1/5 mile dist from 1st on Flag Staff hill I proceeded back to Flag Staff hill & Pres. Seat bore 20°. At said spot (Flag Staff hill) Pres. Seat usually bears 23° - to 23° - 30'
Now at Ek-K-lu-zhun by the Bay where I found Sea Coat[[guess]] on my voyage returning from head of Bay of F. last fall. I now copy notes made in pencil on the way
h m 
At VII - 00 AM (Og-bin-seen-o-ping time) about ready to start on my Boat [[strikethrough]] Vo [[/strikethrough]] voyage to C[[?]] pf Warwick Sound - Company myself, 3 white men - Rogers: Wm & Frank - Innuits Kin-per-ness-ung & 2 wives, Miner & his new wife Koo-oun-le-arng [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] a little Innuit girl daughter of the new wife of K Koo-per-neu-ung & Miner no their Ki-as. Rogers boat Steerer Wm & Frank of the crew & both excellent men. Wind S. E. & tide rising both favorable.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cross]]
h m h - s
Start 1 - 05 (VIII - 05 AM) Stop 1 - 25 (10_ at same place of former obs. [Saturday July 19th on Return from last voyage to "C. of W. Sound"] Sight back for [[underlined]] Course [[/underlined]] Mt. Peak Left land side entrance to Lupton Channel wh is ^[[nearly]] in line with tr[[?]] (the tents [[?]] exactly in sight 177[[symbol]] then [[underlined]] Course 357°. [[/underlined]] Next Point of land far (?) dist out wh. is [[underlined]] the Course now 328[[symbol]] [[/underlined]] The base of 1st high land about in line this bearing. Ex. Pt seen of Sharko wh. is very low land [[underlined]] 333° [[/underlined]] This in line with about middle Oo-pung-ne-wing. President's Seat by Sextant to Rt. to Mt. with [[strikethrough]] N W [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Nipple [[/underlined]] Peak called by Innuits [[underlined]] Ee [[/underlined]] -[[?]]o[[?]]-en-nung 47° - 50' - 
Same to Rt to Cape f Bay wh. I 1st explored on sledge trip last winter (on this year) - this Cape right side extreme above Turn-pak-ju-a[[guess]] - omitted the route the angle - Said Cape almost in line with Nipple peak not more than 1° [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] on S[[?]] at the right. 
Pres. Seat to Rt. to Lt. Tang. Oo-pung-ne-wing 50° - 15' 
- to Ex. Sharko 51° - 40 
- to Rt Tang Oo-pung-ne-wing 52° - 40' 
- to the Cape that is now my Course 57° - [[?]]. [[underlined]] Pres. Seat bears [[/underlined]] 25°
h m
Start 1 - 50 [at 2 - 00 while in boat measure angular dist 
- Pres [[?]] Seat to Left. to trn.[[guess]] Grinnell Glacier of Kin-gaite 44° - that is ^[[nearly]] the unbroken ridge ^[[seen]] of Glacier co[[?]]rus[[guess]] 44 degrees
[[?]] 2 - Ze (s 10) Even with Cape sighted as 328°. Near here (just above it while in Boar carried Pres. Seat by Sex. to Left to place where I landed 1st on leaving Og-bin-seen-o-ping 117° - 40'
Allow 2 1/2 miles per h. for help of tide to here (Cape 328).
[[underlined]] 2 - 4 [[/underlined]] by the spot base 1st high land we come to on leaving Og-bier-sem-o-ping. At this spot stopped for [[?]] last trip up this ne[[?]]a where I took one on true Comp etc sights.
At this time (s - 48) Turn on new Course to ^[[out in the Bay]] Ex. of Sharko to this turn [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (2 - 48) (s 10) & on [[underlined]] Cou^[[r]]se 328° [[/underlined]] (Allow 2 1/2 Ms per h for tide) 
About a mile or so to ^[[last]] place of Enc on return of last Boat voyage up the Bay 

Transcription Notes:
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