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[[image - cross]]
[[image - irregular coastline, drawing beginning at left top of page and continuing about 1/3 vertical. Labels: [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]], X, B, C.  Near a peninsula jutting into the bay are the words written upside down "where the coal is"]]
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Starting Pt. trip G. H.'s men X 1st stopping [[strikethrough]] [[?]] the [[/strikethrough]] place to sight back & ahead [[encircled]] B. [[/encircled]] Sharkey [[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] place 1st said Ek-ki-le-zhun 
[[underlined]] Stop [[/underlined]] h 3 - m 20 (2 10) been on [[underlined]] cruise [[/underlined]] since 2 - 48 [[underlined]] 346[[degree]] : here stopped on Sharko those 1st Ex seen from 1st stopping station. Bearing of hill base of Mt. (1st high land) where stopped for water last boat voyage (& where I commenced course 346[[degree]]) [[underlined]] 166[[degree]] [[/underlined]] Bearing 1st place on station (as near as I can make ^[[it]] out 150[[degree]] Center Oo-pung-ne-wing 333[[degree]].
The bluff Rt side the Bay to [[strikethrough]] Col [[/strikethrough]] coal I discovered of Frobisher 292[[degree]]. The Bluff on height ^[[Ek-ke-le-zhun]] on left hand side entrance to said Bay where I made obs on last boat voyage 300[[degree]]; Kod-lu-narn Isd ^[[(compass)]] as set by Kooperneung)[[guess]] 320[[degree]]. The Pt that has to be rounded as one enters Bay leading toward Rescue Bay from Oo-pung-me-wing 304[[degree]] This Pt one I sighted to while on Kodlunarn] but omitted to note angle. The Mt Peak by the last Enc. I made on return of last voyage where I made obs & found Brown's monument 207[[degree]]. The bluff To] table land extending down to this bearing from Bay Ek-ke-le-zhun 267. Next Ex. short obs. ahead [of Sharko] 334[[degree]] President's Seat 34[[degree]] Here we discover pack extending along up Bay of Frobisher up it between m & Oo-pung-ne-wing N. & Kodl[[?]] cannot cross over to either of these places - Only way is to direct course to to Ek-ki-lu-zhun. A storm coming. Kin-gaite which has been distinct all the [[?]] fast being enveloped in rain clouds.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]]
+ [[for Sunday]]
Start 3 - 50 [IV - 00 ^[[(S 10)]] Arrive to the other Ex ^[[of Sharko]] sighted as 334[[degree]] now direct for Ek-ki-le-zhun the cape W. side Stop IV - 25 ^[[10]] Ki-a of Miner wh. is along side - [[strikethrough]] & also [[/strikethrough]] capsizes - Start IV - 30 IV - 45 (s 7) down sail are a/c gale ( h V - m 15 (s 10) Arrive Ek-ki-le zhun & make 1st End. Gales & heavy rain presiding.
Ice nearly filling this Bay ^[[("Coal - Bay")]] on our arrival - 3 or 4 hours after gale had broken it all up & left free passage for boat up to place of Coal of Frobisher The pack so dense that cannot get to Kod-lu-narn. Neountelik or Oo-pung-ne-wing. In fact no passage could now be made [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] beyond this in Bay of Frobisher. The boat on heavy ice - the downfall - expert [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] navigation of Boat - find all safe. 
Last course from Sharko Ex. to this Cape Ek-ke-le-zhun 287[[degree]] (See obs of ^[[Aug]] 4th next page). 

Transcription Notes:
end page not required on 2d page per instructions