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[My exact Point from height by Cast 132]]
55 Paces [[underlined]] to Point [[/underlined]] [the Ex of Coal Peninsula] Bearing of turn Pt in harbor right hard side that Ex that lands toward Parker's Bay [ [[encircled]] I [[/encircled]] of sketch preceeding page] 224 ; Base of Iron Mt. [before sighted from top by Coal] 34
Back to height by Coal - bearing ["224"] 216 [that is bearing of [[encircled]] I [[/encircled]] of sketch 216] : Across the bay termination straight line of coast on S. Side Bay; 147 : Full 100 paces ^[[now]] on course [[underlined]] 335 [[/underlined]] carries me to near turn on comp[[?]] ^[[Coal]] Peninsula toward or by the cliffs = Trend of Coast [say from near [[encircled]] G [[/encircled]] of sketch ^[[to that]] ] 240 x 60 : Bearing of S. ^[[side]] entrance on Cape 68 Bearing of turn Pt. right hand &c sighted 2d before see [[encircled]] I [[/encircled]] of sketch page [[underlined]] ante[[guess]] [[/underlined]] 209 : Width across Peninsula at the root or base about twice the distances of what is is 50 paces ^[[at right angle]] toward Coal. Bearing of the height ^[[ [place gr.] ]] by Coal form place where I am 155.
50 paces across peninsular 50 paces Northwest of Coal height 
Now sight from Coal height again. The N. side of [[underlined]] Harbor [[/underlined]] the water fall 270. [[?]] the Wood - Brick!
Start VII - 04 for Head Harbor. VII - 13 (s 10) by the turn Pt [ [[encircled]] II [[/encircled]] of sketch] sighted as leading to ^[[R T.]] is ^[[on [[underlined]] Course 216 [[/underlined]] ]]. VII - 26(s 10) ^[[on [[underlined]] Course 215 [[/underlined]] ]] Arrive Head one finest Harbors of the World!
Sight back . to Cape on turn Pt. sighted & passed VII - 13 = 35. The water fall [[sighted before]] 360 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The low part of Coal Peninsula where I measured dist & - across it as 50 paces bears 33. At the head this harbor quite a water fall - so to the opp. side - [that is [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] water fall eac side of Head, the one at side of considerable volume of water] The harbor completely land locked free of ice - & high land [[underlined]] a;l around [[/underlined]] [an unpilterater[[guess]] of Mts around me as I stand at the Ex. head]. The base of Iron Mt. shoots in behind this Pt [ [[encircled]] II [[/encircled]] of sketch] turn Pt. - The bay [at [[strikethrough]] head [[/strikethrough]] head ^[[about]] 100 paces wide. [[strikethrough]] or new [[/strikethrough]] From (II) of sketch to water fall [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] fall Snow tru[[guess]] ^[[7/10) of a mile that is this [[strikethrough]] bay [[/strikethrough]] is 1 475/1000 mile from Coal Peninsula to Head [[encircled]] X [[/encircled]] of sketch & 7/10 mile wide from [[?]] Pt. [[encircled]] II [[/encircled]] of sketch to N. coast or
[[end page]]
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[[?]]ak Iron Mt. bears bears 24 - Really middle of Harbor down to or near Coal Peninsula trend 20 x 200'Island middle of Head.
[[image - sketch depicted above. Labeled: 'Coal Pt. on Peninsula', 'Harbor', 'Iron Mt', Numbers, 1, 2, 3, 'II.', 'x']]
Start VII - 43 on return - [1st [[underlined]] Course [[/underlined]] of return to (I) [[underlined]] 35] [[/underlined]] Arrive (II) turn Pt VII - 56 s 10 on said I. 35 - VIII - 07 (s 10) Cape 1 x Now pass a little creek 150 paces deep from [[underlined]] Course [[/underlined]] line - a little river (?) coming down the Mts side at 2
Stop VIII - m 10 (s10) at (3). Sight back to (II). The Course to this from (II) 84. (II) bears 264 (II) is the turn to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the Cape (1) passed VIII - 07, bears 249. The water fall sighted at Coal Height & Head Harbor bears 284. Coal Height a Coal Pensinula 300
The Cliff where I got aboard the boat in starting to-day 8. The Pt where ended 1st Course after taking boat seems in him [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (8). [N. side on cape N. side entrance to this Bay 27 Lt. tang Oo-puny-ne-wing 30. As far to Rt as I can see O. over Pt of Ek-ke-lu-zhun 22. Base Mt the S. Side entrance to this bay 38[[degree]]. A little circling in from said Cape at entrance to this. Bearing of Head this side bay up little creek 200[[degree]]/ Kun-nuk-ju-arny (Isd) [near Oo-pung-ne-wing] in line S. side entrance this Bay to wit of bearing 38[[degree]]. Start VIII - 28. Arrive to Cape S. Side entrance [[underlined]] VIII - [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] [[in blue]] ^[[4]] [[/in blue]] 8 [[/underlined]] (s 10) on [[underlined]] Course 38[[degree]] [[/underlined]] - Now to Cape N. side entrance [place enc] 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] VIII - 58 (s 10) Arrive to Cape N. side on Course 360[[degree]]. 
[The [[underlined]] real [[/underlined]] S. side entrance [not same as above] might be considered the base of high land com. Sharko wh. bears 123[[degree]] & 3 in he[[guess]] miles opp.]
Obs. from N. side entrance bay Ek-ke-lu-zhun Pong-too-arny - [the "Old Snow"] bears 242[[degree]] - [Great Refraction by Sextant a Storm coming]: Height of Cape ^[[opp. S. side entrance Bay Ek-ku-lu-zhun - 13[[degree]]  

Transcription Notes:
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