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Pack fast setting down from NW [obliged to hasten[[guess]] from my position on a large piece of Pack ice - this piece characterized by being of clear crystal look wh indicates it to be fresh water ice - [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] As far as can see the horizon southerly , westerly & Northwesterly [[strikethrough]] the [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] bounded by ^[[Pack]] ice wh. is first setting toward land on N.E. side Bay of F.]
Start VIII - 30 Stop Ex Sharko h IX - m 10 (s 10) 
Ek-ki-lu-zhun place departure bears 293°. [[sun symbol]] bearing Mt. Cous. Sharko 278°. Brown Monument top Mt by my enc of last trip 185°. Last of high land before river [[strikethrough]] 244° [[/strikethrough]] 244° The turn Pt. to go to R.B. on leaving O. sighted on the ice (place last obsns) 300° Middle or Height Oo-pung-ne-wing. 336° ; Rt. Tang ^[[ [[symbol]] ]] 333°. Ex of Now-yer (Isd.) near Ming-u-toon 348° Seen faintly on [[strikethrough]] az. [[/strikethrough]] a/c hazy atmosphere.
Sharko, [[underlined]] now Course 142° [[/underlined]] Pung-chu[[?]] a[[?]]y "Old Snow" in line S. side entrance Bay of Ek wh bears 286° 
Start IX - 24 IX - 40 (s 10) Arrive to Ex of Isd wh I called Cape ahead & wh bore 142° from place where I stopped IX - 10 have passed (?) a bay now another  Stop X - 00 (s 10) Stop just this side entrance Brown's Bay [or [[underlined]] "Sharko Bay" [[/underlined]] as I have before called it] Sight back Cape "142" bears 350 then [[underlined]] Course [[/underlined]] from [[?]] to this 170°; [[symbol]] Mark Mt Corn. Sharko 304°. Brown's Monument 257°. Now Course to N. "Pup" 174° [Almost gale from [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] S. E.] Ex land seen toward Og-bin-seer-o-ping - 152°
Start X - 12 Course N. "Pup" (174°) X - 15 even with the Lt or W. Cape entrances Brown's bay: h IX - m 45 (s 12) Arrive opposite or E. side [on oblique course] Brown's Bay at the "small water[[guess]] Mt." on spot base 1st high land on coming from Og-bin-seer-o-ping. At this 
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Pt stopped for water & took a few compass sights
on coming up last trip. X [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] - m 50 (X - 50) turn on this [[underlined]] course 144° [[/underlined]] [To X [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] 50 ^[[(X - 50)]] Speed = (s 12) that is from IX - 45]
[[underlined]] Stop XI - 22 [[/underlined]] (s 10) Ascend a prominent cape - sight back to "Water hill" 324° Then Course from thence to this - [[underlined]] or rather from X - 50 [[/underlined]] to XI - 22 (10) [[underlined]] Course 144° [[/underlined]] Top Mt. Peak this side "Brown's Monument" 319° [Actual Peak on wh. B's Monument's is in line & behind Mt Peak 319°] [[strikethrough]] B[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Base ^[[Mt. by B's']] Monument where I had Enc. by B's Bay on last trip 324°. Ex. Sharko 340° out Ex. of Isd [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Cape [within about 2 miles or so of Og-bin-seer-o-ping] 143°. Pt. where I made obs 146 (?) [[underlined]] Possibly the higher point - 148° [[/underlined]]
{ [By comparing this sight to this }
{ place from ? Stopping place ^[[on journey out]] }
{ this last (148) is right] } The [[underlined]] Earthquake rocks [[/underlined]] are ^[[top]] this Cape !
This Cape, the principle one bet. [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] the place of my observations [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wh. is one mile on the coast up from Og-bin-seer-o-ping & Cove. [[guess]] of Sharko - on say Cove . of High land wh. is about same place as Cove. Sharko. - the severe chastisement inflicted by one of the Innuit wingas on [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] of his wives while I was engaged making obs. here. 
[[underlined]] Start XI - 45 [[/underlined]] - thick fog covering -on-sou-pain- ice pack nearing the Coast [[underlined]] oh XII - 40 [[/underlined]] (s 10) opposite & near the Island outside of wh was sighted at Cape last on (XI - 22)
[[underlined]] Arrive 0h XII - 53 (12) at place [on opposite & near] place obs when I made obs day of returning on last trip to Countess of W. Sound ^[[& obs after starting on this trip]] & where I erected Monument F.H & C.. Arrive tents of men G. H. h 1 - m 15 (h VIII - 15 AM)
[[underlined]] Log Line 68 feet in length during this trip. [[/underlined]]
(See P.M. obs ^[[made]] at Og-bin-seer-o-ping)

Transcription Notes:
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