Viewing page 73 of 239

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[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]
[[note right margin]]
No Index Error
 On 32'00"
Off 32'-oo"
[[/note right margin]]
        {PM Obs for time made new ^[[officers]] tent Og-bier-seer-o-ping
1st set {VIII-15-27   66°-02' 36"
        {     18-00   65 -28 -00
        {     19-48   65 -08 -00
Mean =   VIII-17-45 = 65 -32 -50
2d Set (1 ob) = VIII-21-47   64°-44'-0"
[[Vertical note in right margin in blue ink w/ bracket pointing to line above]]
[[sun symbol]] Alt. 32°-36'-25'
Pl. Dist.           73°-05'-37"
Ap. Time [[?PM]] 3-21-49
EQ  -  -           45-43
  h  m  s
[[/Vertical note in right margin in blue ink w/ bracket pointing to line above]]
Results working up 1st Set OK.  Worked on Lat 62°-33' N.
[[sun symbol]] Time Alt. 33°-00'53"    hVIII-m17-s45
Polar dist               73°-05'-34"      [3- 23- 29 [[connect by dot line to Mean Time Ob below]]
                                           4- 54- 16 {Chro F.on M.T. Og-bier-seer-o-ping
Apparent Time PM h3-m17-s46]
Equation   =   =  = + 5- 43]
Mean Time Obs. = h3-m25-s29 ] [[connected by dotted line up to "3-23-29]]
{Long . Og bier-seer-o-ping D.R.} 65°-10'-26" = 4-20-42 [[adds to "4- 54 -16" above]]
                                                 m33-s34 = Chro F on Greenwich T.

Aug 6th 1862 Wednesday
Meridional Obs. Og-bier-seer-o-ping At tent -
hIV-m51-s23   87°-43/30"   V-01-10   87°-45'-00"
     54- 23       44-00      04-00   87°-44'-30"
     56- 17       44-30      05-50   87°-44 -00"
     58- 50   87°-45-00[[*]]   V-08=28   87°-43 -00
[[* very light pencil note inserted]] [[?62°-32'-48"]] [[/*very light pencil note inserted]]
[[note in right margin]]
Index Error 0 
On  32'-00"
Off 32'-00"
[[/note in right margin]]
{See working up [[strikethrough]] blow [[/strikethrough]]
{below, bottom next page.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[vertical note between vertical lines]]
original Obs.
[[vertical note between vertical lines]] [[encircled 2 in right corner]]
P.M. obs. Og-bier-seer-o-pong near Officer's tent.
      hVIII-m48-s53     58°-34'  {Index Error 0
             50- 40     58 -11   {On  = 32-00
             52- 10     57 -53   {off = 32-00
       ____________     ______          _____
Mean = VIII- 50 -34.3 = 58°-12'-40"     00-00
Results working [[blue ink]] ^[[of the]] [[/blue ink]] above [[sun symbol]] True Alt. 29°-20'-35 {Lat. worked on
                                                                         Polar Dist.   73 -22 -20 { 62°-33'
                                        [[underlined]] App Time [[/underlined]] P/M.   h3-m50-s44 = h3-m50-s44
                                                                           Equation       + 5- 36.6 h8-m50- 44
                                                                                       __________   __________
                                                                                        3- 56- 20.6  4- 59- 50 [Chro
                                                                                                               {F on
                                                                                        8- 50- 34.3            {Ap. T
                                              [[?Chro]] F. on M.T. Og-bier-seer-o-ping  4- 54- 13.7
[[vertical note in blue ink in right margin]]
Worked this to-day & found it [[underlined]] correct [[/underlined]] [[signed]] FH Oct 7/63
[[/vertical note in blue ink in right margin]]
[[line across page]]
Working up of Meridional obs of to-day -
Chro Fast on Apparent time is above by P.M. Obs 4-59-50
[what follows are six mini-tables separated by vertical lines transcribed as a table]]
|1.4-43'-30"=8-27|   5-27|   3-33|    1-00|    1-20|    4-10|
29.9 = 5-27    87°-43'-30"   4-59-50 | h4-m51-s50
12.6 = 3-33        44 -00    5-59-50 |  5- 08- 28
 1.0 = 1-00        44 -30    _______ | __________
 1.8 = 1-20        45-00        6-00        8- 38
17.4 = 4-10        45-00   ______________________
36.0 = 6-00        44-30   [[?Dec]]        16°-43'-19.9" | per h 41.61
74.5 =8-38         44-00   [[?Connection]]      3  04.8           4.442
____               _____                                         ______
8)244.4         8)353-30                                     60)184.83162 (3
_______           ______                                        180
   30.55        2)87°-44-11.2                                   ___
    1.15          ___________                                     4
________          43 -52-05                  [Lat. Og-bier-seer-o-ping]
15275                +15-48                  [by obs of to-day        ]
3055                    +07                  [ N. = 62°-32'-39"       ]
3055              _________
________          44 -08-00
35.1325                 -59
                  44-07 -01 
                        +35 [[this "35" connected to ""35.1325 at left with dotted line]]
                  44-07 -36
                  90-00 -00
                  45-52 -24
                  16-40 -15
[[boxed]] Lat. N. 62°-32'-39" [[/boxed]] [[connected to "N. 62°-32'-39" by double (=) lines]]
[[encircled 3]]
[[note on right half of page]]
[The obs carefully made & with clear [[sun symbol]] ] [[/note in right half of page]]
[[vertical note in blue ink in right margin]]
Worked same sum to day & found the result here aboveto be correct. Oct. 12/63 FH.
[[/vertical note in blue ink in right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
View the transcription in full, across the page mode to see the calculations as they appear in the journal page. "Equation" probably refers to the "Equation of Time" which correlates astrologic sun time to earth clock time, variation due to earth's irregular rotation & orbiting time over the a year.