Viewing page 76 of 239

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[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[encircled 3 in right corner]]
P.M. Observation Made on the top Island N.W. Ship 100fathoms
[[vertical note in left margin]]
1st set
see Result
6th page
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[underlined]] hVIII-m38-s33    59°-17'-00" [[/underlined]]     Index Error 0
                      40- 45    58 -50 -00                          On 32'-00"
                      42 -24    58 -30 -00                         Off 32'-00"
               _____________    __________                             ______
Mean =          VIII -40 -34    58°-52'-20"                             00-00
[[vertical note in left margin]]
2d set
see Result
6th page
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
                hVIII-m43-s42    58°-11'-30"
                       45- 07    57 -56 -00
                       46- 46    57 -36 -00
                _____________    __________
Mean =           VIII- 45 -12    57 -54 -30
[[boxed note right half of page]]
Compared Chros
before Obs & after
R's   VIII-00 11 beats
GH     VII-33-00
           m   sec.
Vide below
[[/boxed note right half of page]]
VIII-49-00   |[[sun symbol]] to Left - to Lt Tang on N. side Mt Obs S.E.Ex. 110°-50'
     50-08   |[[sun symbol]]  "  "      "  "   "   " "    "   "  "  " " "   111°-08'
     51-00   |[[sun symbol]]  "  "      "  "   "   " "    "   "  "  " " "   111 -18
     50- 3   Bearing 166° Rd 346°
[[vertical note in left margin]]
3d set
see Result
6th page
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
     VIII-52-54    56°-17'-00"
          54-17    56 -00 -00
          55-18    55 -46 -30
     __________    __________
Mean VIII-54-07.9  56 -01 -10
[[It appears that "07.9" is lightly struck out with different ink, and below it is encircled 9.7, and a faint note: [[?sun ?nearest ??]] ]]
     VIII-57-47 |[[sun symbol]] to Left to Peak Mt Warwick 104°-42'
          59-00 |[[sun symbol]]  "  "    "   "   "     "   104 -56
          59-52 |[[sun symbol]]  "  "    "   "   "     "   105 -10
     VIII-58-52  Bearing 158; Rd 338°       [[very faint]] 104 -56
                                            [[very faint]]     +16 [[vertical]] 105°-12' [[/vertical]]
[[/very faint]]
[[vertical note]] 4th set [[/vertical note]]
     IX-01-20    54°-31
        02-15    54-19
        03-33    54-02
     ________    _____
     IX-02-22.7  54-17'-20"
[[boxed not to right]]
Compared Chros
R's [[strikethrough]]GH[[/strikethrough]] X-55 11beats
G.H. = X-28-00
          m  s
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[encircled 4 in right corner]]
[[blank space 1/3 page]]
[[very hard to read due to ink bleed-through]]
Sextant Angles
Mt. Warwick [wh. is Mt next to [[?]] W side 2d Channel "S.E.Ex."] to Left RTang. Mt of Obn (1st Island) of "S.E. Ex. 9°-20'
Mt Warwick to Left to Center of Mt. of Obn of S.E.Ex. 9°-00'
[[faint wavy line across page]]
hIXm13-s30 |[[sun symbol]] to Lt to Mt Warwick 108°-25'
[[faint wavy line across page]]
Center Ob. Mt of S.E. Ex. to Lt to very Ex. (S.E.Ex.) 2°-20'
^[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Rt. Tang. Look Out Isd ^[[ (on S. end) (Look Out]] near Rescue Harbor) exactly in lineto very Ex. (S.E.Ex.)]  Same [that is Center Ob Mt of "S.E.Ex"] to Lt to height on Left Tang. "Look -Out 7°-55' - Same to Lt to Peak Budington Mt. ^[[42°-55']] - to Mt that I sun marked when on Bear (time Bear Isd.) ^[[ [[sun symbol]] Marked Mt]]  E side 1st Channel] 1°-30' - to small Peak W. on op. side Channel (2d) 3°-00' -to Mt top that I went up on while Ebierbing * Kood-loo (Innuits who accompanied me on trip of Exploration ^[[spring of]] 1861) erected tupik (tent) on 2 Isd.) 21°-40' to Center 2d Channel 7°-45' - To Peak Mt. Warwick9° that is center Mt.of ob. to Rt. to Peak Mt Warwick wh is 2d channel [[image: looks like a drawn hand pointing to right]] [[heavy underline]] Mt. Warwick to Rt. to Geo. T. Jones Tower 15°-36' [[/heavy underline]] - to Bluff [[?]] side Lupton Channel  20° - to W. side, the Point 20°-50' - to the place of my Observations, Tuesday July 29th W. side Lup. Channel 21°-30' - to Center Island by "the pass" to Og-bier-seer-o-ping 28°-15' - to French Head 30°-18' to 1st
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
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