Viewing page 80 of 239

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[[By far the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe page in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc.  Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy]]
[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
The Alt of [[sun symbol]] (45°-11') [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] on predeeding page of Luna Obs. I took & worked up for Times thus:
[[note in left margin]]
[[sun symbol]] S.D.
[[/note in left margin]]
[[three columns of figures, not clear whether or how related, therefore transcribed individually]]
[[first column]]
    15 -31
45 -26 -58
45 -26 -02
     3 -25
45 -22 -37 [[connected by a line to the first number in the next column "45°-26.6]]
[[/first column]]
[[second column]]
   51 -26
   76 -54.3
2)173 -42.9
   86 -51.4
   45 -22.6
   41 -28.8

[[/second column]]
[[third column]]
.20582 [[may relate to 51-26 in second column]]
.01144 [[may relate to 76-54.3 in second column]]

    8.73905 [[may relate to 86-51.4 in second column]]
    9.82109 [[may relate to 41-28.8 in second column]]
[[the following in right half of page apparently relating to column three]]
                 +3.39 Equation
       [[?A]] 10-10-24 Mean Time Ship
M.T. Aug d17-h22 10-24 M.T. Ship
[[/the following in right half of page apparently relating to column three]]
[[wavy line across page]]
[[left one-third of page]]
Meridian Observations
Observed [[strikethrough]]Ob[[/strikethrough]] Alt.
          of sun 51°-36-30
[[sun symbol]] S.D.  15-51
            Px - - - -   7
                 51 -52-28
       [[?Ref]] - - - - 45
                 51 -48-18
         Dif - - - -  3-25
[[sun symbol]]
true Alt - - - - 51 -48-18
                 90 -00-00
    Polar Dist + 38 -11-42
[[?Declination]]+13 -04-19
      Latitude = 51°-16'-01"
[[\left one-third of page]]
[[right two-thirds of page]]
Long of place where I took Alt obs ("Lunar")    53-58-15
Diff Long from time AM obs to noon                 10-23
Long. at Meridian - place of obs for Latitude = 53-47-52
Difference Longitude from noon obs to P.M. obs     13-38
Long. [as observed from "Lunar" Obs.]at time =  53-3-14
taking P.M. Obs as below =                      53-34-14 [[wavy line and dotted line leading down page to third line from bottom of page to the number "53°-40'-45"]]
[[notations in left 1/3 of page below "Meridian Observations"]]
Lat. Noon obs. - - - 51°-16'
Dif. Lat - - - - - -    +10
Lat A.M. Obs.  =     51°-26
Course & distance from 
place A.M. Obs to place
Meridional Obs to 
S. 33° E. (True), 12 Miles
Lat. Noon  -  -  -  51-16-00
Dif. Lat.  -  -  -     13-38
Lat. place P.M. obs 51-02-22
Course I Distance from place
Noon Obs. [[strikethrough]] to place noon
obs. [[/strikethrough]] to place P.M. Obs
S. 33 E. (True) of 6 1.2 Miles
[[/left one-third of page]]
[[right two thirds of page]]
Time taking P.M. obs.
       VI-59-09    35°-17'-00"
      VII-00-00         8  10
      VII-00-49         2 -30
      _________    __________
       VI-59-59    35 -09 -10
Chro Fast  6-16        15 -51
       ________             8
       VI-53-43    __________
        3-19-00    35 -25 -09
       ________         1 -19
        3-34-43]   __________
               ]   35 -23 -10
    53°-40'-45"]=       3 -35
    Long W.____]   __________
                   35 -20 -15]
                   35 -20.2  ]
                   51 -02.4  ]  .20150
                   76 -58.4  ]  .01132
                2)163 -21.0
                   81 -40.5     9.26073
                   35 -20.2
                   46 -20,3     9.85940
                      3-15 24 = 9.61647
                    Eq.  3.36
Long. by Chro. -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -53°-40'-45" [[underlined and connected by a line & dotted line to the same number top part of page, and by dotted line up to the same number in this section]]
[[boxed note at bottom of page]]
Difference bet. "Lunar"                }= 6'-31"
reduced to place of ship (T. of PM obs)}
to Long. by Chro at h3-m19 PM          }
[[end page]]
]]start page]]
Thursday Aug. 21, 1862
Last evening Capt. B. being anxious to know the Lat of the ship by observation, I proposed that Altitudes of some of the Stars or Planets be taken & I would work up the obs - There had been no observation ^[[ on 20th)]] of the [[sun symbol]] at Meridian, on a/c thick weather. - With an indistinct horizon, observation of the North Star was taken.  I worked up the problem & found the result [[strikethrough]] such that [[/strikethrough]] unreliable on a/c of it placing the vessel too far N.  The horizon caused the [[?conjechord]] error. [[bracketed note in margin]] Tried other stars ^[[ but too dark for]] horizon. [[/bracketed note in margin]]
On retiring, I told Capt. B. that if I could be called at 3 AM, I would see what I [[strikethrough]] could [[/strikethrough]] do toward determining Lat. by obsn. of Mars [[mars symbol]] as it passed the Meridian ^[[encircled A]] - & also by Obs of [[Mars symbol]] & [[Moon symbol]] ^[[encircled B]]  = their altitudes being [[underlined]] rather at same instant. [[/underlined]]  Below are the observations & the working up; -
(1st obsn of [[Mars symbol] Merin. Alt)
[[two columns, unclear if/how they relate]]
[[left column]]
Astronomical Time
             h7-00-17   44°-36' Alt [[Mars symbol]]
GH Chro F. G.T.  6-17 Sub   -4
             ________   ______
       G.T.=  6-54-00   44 -32-00'
18TH          Correction +   6-12
             True Alt = 44 -38-12
                        90 -00-00                 
             Polar Dist 34 -27-48
   [[Mars symbol]] [[?]]
[[Encircled A]] Lat Ship = [[encircled 48°-11'-53"]]
20th Aug (Observe [[mars symbol]] & [[Moon symbol]])
(2d set obs)
20h   m  s  
VIII-09-49 =s [[Mars symbol]]    41°-36' = obsd Alt
Fast  6-17 ( [[Moon symbol]]    32°-39' = obsd Alt.
20h -03-32
D.R.A. =              h6-m46-s17 Dec.  21°-28'-55" N
[[Mars symbol]] R.A. = 1- 14- 13 Dec.     2 -5- -10 N
                       5 -32 -04
[[Mars symbol]] Alt. 41°-32' [[bracketed note]] 41°-26' minus 4' = 41 -32 [[/bracketed note]]
[[Moon symbol]] Alt. 33°-35'
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
[[Mars symbol passed Meridian
Greenwich [[strikethrough]] ?now [[/strikethrough]] h15-m17
Say at XII ^[[h0]] passed Meridian
Ship 20th Aug ^[[ Ship Time At 15-16
Long. 51° by a/c place of}      3-24
ship Ts of Obsn in T     }     _____
[[Mars symbol passed Merid
Greenwich T. =                 h18-m40
[[strikethrough]] Time [[/strikethough]] Greenwich Time by]
Chro [corrected rate \] at moment of obsn for Alt.        ]
                                18- 54
[[Mars symbol]] passed Meridian]   m14
before Obsn for ^[[ its ]] Alt ]
        14 x 14 =196
Table XXXII = x 1".9
                 +6'-12" [[connected by dotted line up the page, left column to "Correction 6-12]]
[[/right column]]
[[/two columns]]
[[end of page]]


Transcription Notes:
By far the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe page in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules.