Viewing page 81 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[very crowded, difficult page to read, bleed-through, unaligned squeezed entries, linking lines, many interpretive guesses, researchers should check original document]]
[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[encircled, center of page]]
Concluded [[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] page preceeding this [[/encircled, center of page]]
[[three columns]]
[[first column]]
Col 1
[[?]] Angle h5-m32-s4  [h11-m04-8]  Sec 10.91514
Dec-d [at gr. alt.] 2°-50' N Tang.       8.69453 - - - - [[to "Sine 8.69400" in second column]]
                    _____               ________
                d. 22°-09S   Tang.      19.60967 [[?22°-09s - questionable math]]
A [diff. [[?name]] ^[[ [[?Moon symbol]] 
 Dec [at last Alt] 21-29N ]] from
B.  -  -  -  -  -  -  40S. -  -  - [across to "Cosine 9.99997" in second column]]
[[?sun symbol  -  82°-28' Cosec. 10.00376
[Least Altitude  33°-35' Sec 10.07931 - - - [[across to "Cotang. 10.17785" in second column]]
[Greatest Alt.   41 -32'
Sum  -  -  -  - 157-35
1/2 sum -  -  -  78-47 Cos. 9.28896
1/2 sum gr alt Rev 37-15 Sine 9.78197
1/2 [[?]] -  -  22-11  Sine   9.57700
[[?symbol]]  -  44-22 N. [named like]
                      bearing of the]
[[wavy line]
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Sine 8.69400
A [[?same ?off ?as H.]] Cosec 10.42362 -  -  -  [[to "Cosine 9.96670" in third column]]
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Cosin  9.99997 -  -  -  [[to "Cosec 11.93022" in third column]]
[[?C [?same ?off as B.]]Cosec  9.11759

G. -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Sine   9.84515
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Cotang. 10.17785
[[?symbol]] 46°-31 N. Tang.   10.02300

Dec [[Moon symbol]] 21°-29' N [at least Alt]
K, 68°-00' N. -  -  -  -  -  -  [to "Sine 9.96717" in third column]]

[Preparation of above [[encircled B]] ]
[on page predeeding this
[[strikethrough]] encircled A [[/strikethrough]]              ]
[[/column two]]
[[column three]]
Col. 3
-  -  -  -  -  Tang 10.91190  [[from "Sec 10.91515" in column one]]

-  -  -  -  - Cosine 9.96670  [[ from "Cosec 10.42362" in column two]]
  -  -  -  -  Cosec 11.93422  [[from "Cosine 9.99997" in column two]]
F 0°-4' N Cotangent 12.81282
[[?24°]]-22'N. [P. less than 90° diff name from B.
44°-26' N.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   Sine 9.74288 [[from "Cotang 10.17785" in column two]]
[[?symbol]] [less than 99°] Sec 10.16232
[ [[?symbol]] named as G]

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  9.96717
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Sine  9.87233
Lat. 48°-11' N.
[[/column three]]
[[bracketed note in left margin]]
The above [[encircled B]] worked by 4th method - "Bowditch."
[[/bracketed note in left margin]]
Latitude [[?deduced]] from Ob. of[[Mars symbol]] (Mars)} = 48°-11'-53"
^[[ [[encircled A]] ]] above at d20-h18-m54-00         }

Latitude deduced from Obs of [[Mars symbol]] &         } = 48°-11'-00" 
[[Moon symbol]] [[encircled B (Mars + Moon) =          }
d20-h20-m3- s32 =                                      }

(Note) When the latter obs. [[encircled B]] were made, ship about one mile S. of 1st position on of where 1st obn. was made.  [Nearly calm & wind hard during the interval of Time bet. the [[encircled A]] & [[encircled B]] obs.]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Saturday, Aug. 30th 1862
At Meridian it being thick, foggy weather no good observation could be had of the sun to determine Latitude.  About 2 hours after Meridian, one set of obs of [[sun symbol]] taken - 4 hours after Meridian another set by wh. for me to obtain Lat. - Obs & working up as follows:
[[two columns]]
[[left column]]
[[encircled A]]
G. H's Chro hV-m43-s59   46°-52'-00"
             V- 44- 40   46 -42 -00
             _________   __________
Mean =       V -44 -20 = 46 -47 -00
Add dif. Lat. -  -  -  -  -  07 -00
[[sun symbol]] S. D. -  -  + 15 -53
Px. -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    07
                         47 -10 -00
Rsp.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  53
                         47 - 9 -07
Dif. -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  - 3 -25
[[sun symbol]] [[?Tr]]Alt. 47°- 5'-42"
[[encircled B]] 2d Set
      hVII-m43-s06       28°-44'-00"
       VII- 43- 38       28 -36 -00
       ___________       __________
Mean = VII -43 -22 =     28 -40 -00
         V -44 -20 ☉S.D.   + 15 -53
Elapsed} I -59 -02  Px.  .  .   + 7
Time   }                 __________
                         28 -56 -00
[[?Ref]]  .   .  .   .   .    1 -43
                         28 -54 -17
Dif.   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 -25
☉ T. Alt.  .   .   .    28 - 57 -52 [[-0-0-0 line to "28-50-52" in second column]]
                         9 -00 -55".9
.   .   .   .   .   .  .   .    57 .5 [[dotted line from left margin note below]]
[[?8°-54'-?58".4 = ?Cor. ?declination for 1st ?problem]]
[[strikethrough]] ? ? ? [[/strikethrough]]
[[struck out with double line]]
81-03-02 Polar Dist. for Time (2" Ref.)
[[/struck out with double line]]
[[calculation left margin]]
[[?symbol]] h  m  s
        2) ?-27-42
Mean [[?]] 6-43-51 [[might read: Mean of t. fm [[Moon symbol]] ]]
Chro Fast     6-22
E [[??]]6.625
53".96 Dec [[?[per h]]
60)357.485-00  5'-57.5" [[dotted line up to "5-57.5" in left column]]
[[/calculation left margin]]
[[/right column]]
[[this section starts even with the line in column one "[[encircled B]] 2d set"]]
☉ [[?true]] Alt [[?1]]set = 47°- 5'-42" [[dotted line from "47°- 5'-42"" in first column]]
☉     "      "    2    "    28 -50 -52  [[-o-o-o- line from "28 -50 -52" in left column]]
                          2)75 -56 -34
1/2 [[?su]]                 37 -58 -17
☉ True Alt [[?1st]] set = ?7- 5-42
☉  "    "     2d     "  = 28-50-52
                        2)18-14-50  [[math doesn't look correct?  Shouldn't sum be 21-45-10?]]
1/2 Dif Alt = [[boxed]] 9-07-25 [[boxed]]
[[/right column]]
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
By far one of the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe pages in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed and aligned for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules. Re "Bowditch": An encyclopedia of navigation. It serves as a valuable handbook on oceanography and meteorology, and contains useful tables and a maritime glossary.