Viewing page 82 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[very crowded, difficult page to read, bleed-through, unaligned squeezed entries, linking lines, many interpretive guesses, researchers should check original document]]
[[boxed date]]
Aug. Sat.
[[/boxed date]]
(Continuation working up for Latitude)
By 1st Method "Bowditch" [[encircled 180]] [[encircled 181]] [[encircled 183]]
[[ [[encircled 9.98555]] connected by dotted line to that number, second line, third column]]
[[three columns divided by vertical lines]]
[[left column]]
Elapsed time h1-m59-s2 [PM] Cosec. 10.59032
Declination 8°-54'-58" N. Sec      10.00528
A. -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Cosec.  10.59560 - - - - [[dash line to "10.8096" in third column]]
1/2 sum Alts 37°-58'-19"   Cosine   9.89670
1/2 diff. Alts 9-07-25     Sine     9.20021
[[?]]  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Sine     9.69251
[ [[?]] less than 90° [[?]] N. like]
[bearing of Zenith.                ]
E is sum of B & [[?]] ; -
[[/column one]]
[[entry over columns two & three]]
-  -  -  -  -  -  10.80967[[dash line from "Sec. 10.00528" in first column]]
[[/entry over columns two & three]]
[[column two]]

cosine  9.98???
Cosec  10.21110
Secant 10.00553
Cosine  9.93963
Secant 10.14181 = [[43°-50 [[encircled ?]] in third column]]
[[/second column]]
[[third column]]
Cosine 9.98555
[[encircled B]] 9°-13' N. Cosec.
      10.79522 [[apparently related to 10.80967 entry above columns two & three]]
[ B less than 90° ]
[named N. like Dec]
............. Cosine ... 9.93963 [[dotted line from same number in second column]]
53°-03 [[?]] Sine        9.9026
44°-04' Sine             9.84226
Lat N.  [[-|-|-|-| line from same Latitude number below columns]]
[[/third column]]
[[/three columns divided by vertical lines]]
[[two columns of calculations, not clear if horizontally related or not]]
first column]]
Working up for time [Long.]
☉ Alt.      28°51'-00"
Lat . . . . 44-04 [[-|-|-|-|- line up to same number in third column]] .14355
Polar Dist  81-06                                                      .00528
            77-00  1/2 9.35182
            48-09  1/2 9.87215
Alt. P.M.  3-52-29      9.68640
Eq.  -  -  -  - 31
M.T. P. M. 3-53-00 [[linked by dash line up to same number in adjacent column two]]
[[/column one]]
[column two]]
Decl. - 9°-00-55.9    53.96 [[?per h]]
            6-50.8    7.613
[[? ?]] 8 -54-05      _____
       90 -00-00   60)410.79748
       _________      360      (6'
       81 -05-55      ___
Time by Chro  hVII-m43-s22
Chro Fast to date    6- 22
Greenwich time VII- 37- 00
M. Time Ship =   3- 53- 00 N
Long. [56°] Tome 3- 44- 00
                 h  m   s
[[/column two]]
[[/two columns of calculations, not clear if horizontally related or not]]
Results =[When Last set obs taken ship in Lat. 44°-4' N.
         [ "    "    "   "    "     "  in Long. 56°-00 W.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
+ [[for Sunday]] Aug. 31st 1862
[[two columns with a boxed note squeezed in between]]
left column]]
Meridional Obs.
Alt. ☉ 54°-37'-00"
☉ S.D. - + 15 -53
PX  -  -  -  - +7
        54 -53 -00
[[?Bsf]] - - -  40
        54 -52 -20
Dif - - - -  3 -07
Tru Alt 54 -49 -13
        90 -00 -00
        35 -10 -47
Dec.     8 -35 -56    M. Ps
Lat. N. 43 -46 -43    2928
Dif Lat -  + 5 -18
        43 -52 -01    2935
Lat. PM obs.
[[/column one]]
[[boxed note squeezed between column one & column two]]
From time Ml. [[for Meridional]] obs to PM obs. ship from 7 (Miles) on course N.W. (True} Dif lat. 5'-18"
[[/boxed note squeezed between column one & column two]]
[[column two]]
P.M. Obs = h[[?]]-40-55 = 39°-20'(Results) V's true Alt 39°-31'.3
Lat. Time P.M. obs. - - 43°-52'
Polar Dist. - - 81°-26'
At Time P.M.    h2-m46-s20]
Eq - - - - - - - - -   + 8]
Time at the Ship 2- 46- 28
     hVI-m40-s55] G. T. = = VI-34 33
     Chro F 6-22]           ________
                  [Time - -  3-48-05]
                  [Long =57°-01-15 W]
[[/column two]]
[[/two columns with a boxed note squeezed in between]]
[[entries to the left]]
[Lat. Ship at Noon = 43°-46'-43" N.]
[Long. "   "    "  = 56 54-15 W.   ]

[Lat. ship P.M. obs  = 43°-52-01 N]
[Long  "   P.M.  " = 57°-0'1-15" W]
[[/entries to the left]]
[[note to the right]]
Wind almost constantly ahead - the only progress made by "beating up."
[[/note to the right]]
[[line across page]]
Sept. 1st 1862 Monday
Determined Lat. by double Altitudes Sun [[boxed note]] G. H. Chro m6-s22 Fast [[/boxed note]]
[[three columns separated by vertical lines]]
[[left column]]
G. H.'s Chro h0-m57-s24    37°-24'
"  "     "    2 -58 -55    52°-17'
E. Time       2 -01 -31]
    [[?Hours Angle]]   ]
[[/left column]]
[[center column]]
-12 Pts
 [4 Pts }
 [8 Dist} 5.7
[[/center column]]
[[right column]]
Height eye above sea level 13 feet
☉ bears S. E. by S. time 1st obn
☉ Course W. by N. from place 1st obn ^[[ to 2d place ]]
Distance from bet. times of obs 8 miles
[[/right column]]
[[/three columns separated by vertical lines]]
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
By far one of the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe pages in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed and aligned for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules.