Viewing page 85 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[very crowded, difficult page to read, bleed-through, unaligned squeezed entries, linking lines, tiny script, many interpretive guesses, researchers should check original document]]
Thursday, Sept 4th 1862
Meridional Alt ☉ 55-30 Lat deduced 41°-27'-33"
[[line across page]]
Double ☉ & ☽︎)  for Lat                   } = {Lat. deduced
           hX-m18-s51 =( ☽︎ 16°-49' = U.L. }  { 41°-22'
Chro F on G.T.  6- 23  ( ☉  4°-20' = L.L.}   { 
            X- 12- 28
(see supplement)
[[line across page]]
[[right side of page]]
Obs ☽︎ as it passed Meridn.
With my pocket sex. 31°-00 L.L.
Capt.B's Quadt.     30 -25
[[/right side of page]]
[[left side of page]]
[[two columns transcribed side-by side separated by "|"]]
                       |    16 -15
30°-43'-45" . . . .    |30 -43 -45
30 -41 -15             |     3 -25
__________             |    16 -15
2)  85 -00             |__________
    ______             |30 -41 -15 [[connected to same number in left column]]
[[now entries across full page]]
30 -42 -30 = Mean of both sextants having [[?subd.]] S.D. & Aug from our Alt & added at same to others
     3 -20
30 -39 -10
   +49 -12  [[connected by -|-|-|- line to same number below]]
             ☽︎'s S.D. Midt. 16-07   Hor. Px 59°-42' Midt.
__________   Aug T XV        + 08
31 -28 -22                  _____
90 -00 -00                  16-16            9'-37"
__________                                       4
58 -31 -38                                      49
17 -07 -25   Approximate Time                _____
__________   ☽︎ passing Merid of ship        10 -30
41 -24 -13]  h13-m22-G. Time                59 -42
Latitude N]                                 ______
                                            49 -12 [[connected -|-|-|- line to same number above]]
[[line across page]]
[[strikethrough]] AM obs Friday Sept. [[?]] 1862 [[/strikethrough]]
P.M. obs Thursday Sept 4th Obs Alt. ☉  51°-22'-00"
                   Time by Chro (G.H's) = h2-m56-s58
True Alt ☉ 51°-34' Chro Fast                   6 -23
Lat. - - - 41-27'                              _____
Polar Dist 82-51  Ap. Time Alt 10-41-58   h2-m50-s35
                  Eq.              1-05   __________
                  M. T. Ship   10-40-53   10- 40- 53
                                           4- 09- 42 Dif. T.
                                   Long. 62°-25'-30" W
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[top of sheet loose and folded down over first line, partially obscured]]
[[? ? ?]] Wednesday Sept [[?10th]] 1862
[[boxed note in right margin]]
☽︎ Dec. 18th hour 13°-4'-7".2 N
☽︎ Dec = m37.3        6-26 .4
☽︎ Dec h18-m37.3 = 13-10-33.6
[[/boxed note right margin]]
Meridian Obsn ☽︎ for Lat. & working up
^[[?18]]     hVI-m43-s48  =   61°-51'-00
Chro Fast. =       6- 27  |☽︎ SD  +15- 25 [[connected -|-|- line down to boxed note re ☽︎'s S.D.=15'-11"]]
             ___________  |   _________
              VI -37 -21  |   62 -02 -25
             +12          |Dif     3 -33
             ___          |   __________
            [h18-m37-s21  |   62 -02 -52
[[?Say]]    [h18-m37.3    |      +25 -36 [[connected by dotted line to same number down the page]]
                          |   __________     10th Sept. [[?Hor.]] Px. Midnight = 55'-54".1
                          |   62 -28 -28     11th  "    [[?Hor.]] Noon  =        55 -36".3
                          |   90 -00 -00                                         _________
                          |   __________                                             17.8
                          |   27 -31 -32                                              6.6
                          |   13 -10 -34                                             ____
                          |   __________                                         12)117.48
                     |Lat. N. 40°=42'-06                                              9.8
                          |                                                      55 -44.3
                          |                                                      ________
                          |                       [[underlined]] Corrected Px. = 55 -44.3[[/underlined]]
[[boxed note left side]]
☽︎ passed Meridian Greenwich  = h13-m53.1
            Long. ship 69° W = +h4- 36
                                18- 29]
☽︎ passed Meridian Ship  =     h18-m37.3
[[/boxed note left side]]
[[calculations right side]]
☽︎'s Alt. 62°Px. 55' = 33'-56"
☽︎ Alt.  -   -   -   -     +3
Px. 44" -   -   -   -     +7
                      34 -06
                      59 -42
                      25 -36 [[connected by dotted line to the same number up the page]]
[[line across page]]
Thursday, Sept. 11th 1862
Compared Chronometers
     {Rescue's = hXI-m47-s00
     {G. H's      XI- 18- 42
Rescue's fast on G.H 28- 18               ]
(Vide Aug. 8/62) = G.H. Fast Aug. = m6-s11]
Gain of 5/10 second for                  +]
day to Sept 11th (34 days) = s17          ] =  6 -28
                       Rescue'F. on G. Time = 34- 46
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
One of the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe pages in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed and aligned for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules. Should be viewed in the full journal page above the full across the page transcription box mode. I have used sun and moon unicode symbols ?? ?.