Viewing page 87 of 239

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[ Marking up obs double alt ]
[ by 4th Method Sept 4/62   ]
[[column one]]
Col 1
 h  m   s
[h12-00-00] Sec. 10.14221 - - - -[[connected by dash line to "Tang. 9.9830" in Col. 3]]
Hour ang: H. [h9-m04-s29 [[boxed solid and dotted lines]] 6-08-58 [[/boxed solid and dotted lines]]
Dec. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] d. [at gr. alt.] = 17°-38' S. Tang 9.50223 - - - - [[connected by dash line to "Sine 9.4813" in Col. 2]] 
                                                                   ______          _______

A. [dif name from d.] 156°-12' N. Tang. 9.64444
☽︎ Dec. [at least alt.] +7°-2' N.
B. - - - - 163°-14 N. - - - -  [[connected by dash line to "Cosine --9.98113" in Col. 2]]
[C. - - - 135°-57' Cosec. 10.15784
[          _______
[ Least Alt. - - - 4° 22' = Sec. 10.00126 - - [[connected by dash line to "Cotang. 11.11713" in Col. 2]]
[ Greater alt. -  17 - 23 
Sum - -          157 - 42
1/2 Sum - -       78 - 51 = Cosine 9.28641
sub. gr alt - -   17 - 23
1/2 S. - less gr. alt. = 61°-28' = Sine 9.94376
Sum 4 logs - - - - - - - - -  - - - 2) 19.38927
1/2 Z. - - 29°-40' 1/2 - - -       Sine 9.69463
Z. - - 59°-21' N. named like bearing Zenith)
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
- - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sine 9.48133
A [ Same off. as H.] - - Cosec. 10.39411
- - - - - - Cosine - - - - - - - 9.98113
[[?]] [Same off. as B] [[left arrow]] Cosine [[left arrow]] 9.85657
G. . . . . . . . . . . Sine 9.81868 = [[G. 41°-12' N in Col. 3]]
- - - - - Cotang 11.11713 [[- - - to "Sine 8.88161" in Col. 3]]
I. 83°-23' N. - - Tang 10.93581
Dec (d.) +7°-02' [at least alt.]
K. - - 90°-25' N. - - - - - [[connected to "Sine 9.99999" in Col 3]] 
[/column two]]
[[column three]]
Col 3
--- Tang. 9.98307
------- Cosine 9.96140
------ Cosec. 10.53989
F. - 18°-09 S. Cotang. 10.48436
Z    59°-21' N. [F. Less than 90;
     ______      diff. name from B]
 G.  41°-12' N.
------ Sine = 8.88161
II less than 90°]- Sec. = 10.93845
[II named as G. ] 
- - - - - - - - - - Sine = 9.99999
Lat. 41°22' N. Sine        9.82005
[[line across Col 3]]
[[/column three]]
[[end of page]]