Viewing page 88 of 239

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[[very crowded, difficult page to read, unaligned squeezed entries, linking lines, tiny script, many interpretive guesses, researchers should check original document]]
Friday Sep 5th AM Obs.
[[left column]]
G H Chro h1-m00-s14  Alt. ☉ = 33°-55'
Chro F        6- 24
M.G.T. =  0- 53- 50
M.T. ship 8- 40- 13 > = [[-|-|-|- line down to encircled "Mean T. ship = 8-40-13" in right column]]
          4- 13- 37 = Long. 63°-24'-45" W
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
True Alt. ☉ 34°-06'
Lat.         41-22
Polar Dist   83-11
Ap. T. ship AM h8-m41-s17
Eq.                 1- 04
[[encircled]]   8- 40- 13 [[/encircled]]
[[line across page]]
Saturday Sept. 6th 1862
AM Obs for T. = [Long.]         True Alt ☉ 40°-15'.7
          h1-m41-s03    39°-55 - ☉s Alt   Lat.  41 -16
              42- 03    40 -06   Polar D     83 -34
              42- 34    40 -12  Ap. Time h9°-m29-07
          __________    ______                1 -44
     Mean h1-m41-s55 = 40°-04'-20"        _________
Chro F on G.T. 6- 24             M.T. AM  9 -18- 23 [[encircled 23]]
          __________                      9 -18 -23
M.T.Cho.G.T.   h1-m35-s31
M.T. ship R.M.  9- 18 -23
Ship T. =       4- 17 -08 = Long. 64°-17'-0" W.
At h4-m42-s02 P.M. (Mean Time Ship) Capt. B. took
following obs. hIX-m4-s39 = 18°-23   True Alt. ☉ 18°-27
                    5- 34 = 18 -13   Lat.        41 -16
                _________   ______
       Mean =   IX- 5 -07   18°-18   Polar Dist  83 -41
Chro F on G.T.      6 -24            Ap. T P.M. 4-43-47
                _________            Eq. Sub.      1-45
G. Time          8- 58-43                       _______
M.T.ship -       4- 42-41> . . . . . . . . . . <4-42-02
[[left side of page]]
T. in Long [[? ?square]] 64°-10'15" W.
Long. in at ]
h9-m18 AM   ] =          64°-17'-00"
[[?Drift ?back]] -  -  -      6 -45
[[/left side of page]]
[[right side of page]]
The ship having been headed on her
Course [nearly due W.] all day & the Wind
very light from [[blank]] We must have
been carried backward [[?]] (Easterly) by
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
One of the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe pages in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed and aligned for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules. Should be viewed in the full journal page above the full across the page transcription box mode. I have used sun and moon unicode symbols ? & One of the hardest to read and hardest to transcribe pages in the journal, due to crowding, bleed-through ink, etc. Researchers should double check every entry for accuracy. In some cases I have transcribed and aligned for mathematical clarity and/or continuity rather than transcribing text literally which would confuse context if transcribed purely by SI rules. Should be viewed in the full journal page above the full across the page transcription box mode. I have used sun and moon unicode symbols ? & ??.