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Arrangements are now made to start to-morrow expecting to be gone three or 4 days. By that time hope that we shall have [[?]] to [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] this place & make for the ship to depart for the states. This will probably ^[[be]] my last exploring voyage before leaving for home. I wish the time would almost of my proceeding up to the Bay By Tue[[?]] - wine[[guess]] & r[[?]]alling - in-time near wk. Bay is the Monument wk. Innuits say was erected by Kod-lu-norms[[guess]] long-long time ago.
Ek-ke-le zhun }
[[image - cross]] Aug. 3d 1862
AM S.E. Light breeze. Wind changed from ^[[SW about 8 this AM - nearly [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]]
M S. E. [[underlined]] Strong [[/underlined]] - Cloudy
PM S. E. Fresh almost Modt. Gale Cloudy - 
For record of this day see log journal I [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] must here brief as paper is nearly exhausted - 
Same dog ^[[or "pup"]] as on last trip up this way - the friendly attempt to get Innuits to accompany me winking[[guess]] to have the male port[[?]] ^[[of the Innuits]] to be of service. With all my & Rogers exertions ^[[to the contrary]] the Ki-as must be taken along [[strikethrough]] [[?]] at [[/strikethrough]] ^[[when]] made good headway sailing they ^[[(the Innuits)]] must have Ki-as towed & they ride. At Sharko both Miner & K. aboard & Ki-as in tow. The storm - high sea - 1 ki-a [[?]]ized a dog. [[?]] on [[?]]! Our changes - The high land sending down squalls. Sail up till increase of wind obliged to take it down. Ruin[[guess]] [[?]] - Gale sweeping sea running high - white caps tumbling ^[[finally]] make safe landing.
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the man I have estimated them to be - I have had my mind made up for a long time that these parties will make excellent adjuncts to my expedition to King - Williams Land. Wm is answer to my desire to know how he would like to be a [[strikethrough]] men [[/strikethrough]] member of my company which I helped to organize for [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] my King Wm Land expedition said he would like it very much. So a/c "Frank"
Soon after arriving here I took a walk upon an eminence ^[[Westerly of encampment]] over looking most of Countess of Warwick's Sound. To my regret I saw there was but little hope of mu succeeding in getting my party to Oo-pung-ne-wing. [[?]]-oun-te-lik[[bad guess]] & other places I had desired to visit for the object ^[[of]] surveying them & measuring distances from one point to another. My object of course [[strikethrough]] [[was [[/strikethrough]] was the Pack wh. nearly filled Bay of F. to all appearance. 
It was not long before I had Mate Rogers by me consulting him about the prospect. He signified a perfect willingness to do as I thought best about trying to make passage to one of the places named still expressing his opinion that it would be Me[[?]] with great risks about getting back when I desired.

Transcription Notes:
'end page' not required at end of 2d page per instructions