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Friday July 25th 1862
AM N.E. Gale thick weather
M N.E. " [[ditto for: Gale]]
PM " " " " [[dittos for: N.E. thick weather]]
If we could have a gale from N.W. we should even be under way for home - Rescue Bay would soon be relieved of ice & the G.H. [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] be released. as even the Pack is driven close in to the W. side Davis Strait & all bay entrances are completely blocked up.
Saturday July 26th 1862
A.M. E. N. E. Light Cloudy
M. N.W. " " [[dittos for: Light Cloudy]]
P.M. Calm " " [[dittos for: Light Cloudy]]
[[left margin vertical]]
Ebier-bing accompanied by Sharkey & wife started for ship this Morn }
[[/left margin vertical]]
This day I went & spent 2 hours or so on "Flag - Staff - Hill". I laid down under the lee of the top & rested from all labor. I had not been long thence before Mate Rogers came & joined me. I then & there had a long talk with him. His opinion about estab^[[l]]ishing a "Shore Fishing" here - his anxiety to be one of a Co. of men to spend 4 years here whaling & walrusing in this Bay & in Rescue Bay 
My opinion that with a small capital a very profitable business could be carried on here by simply 2 Boats crews & a small schooner - a house on the beach - Keeping shot, powder, caps, tobacco, guns, cheap clothing &c [[?as]] for trafficking with the natives & employing them in whaling, walrus catching, sealing &c.
- purchasing bear skins, walrus hides walrus & seal skin blubber &c.
A capital of $5000 would produce $20,000 per annum on an average [[strikethrough]] c[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the business judiciously managed. Every whale would be equivalent to 4,0000 dollars. The talk of my contemplated expedition. My opinion has always been ^[[since my acquaintance with op[[?]] ]] Rogers would be a good reliable man - one of iron endurance for my expedition. No hardships or exposure drew complaints from him. He came near being one of Dr. Kani's Co. Me[[guess]] Geary one of Dr K's men had been solicited to obtain a man of his ^[[(Mt G's)]] knowledge that would make a good one for Dr. K's M[[?]] G. respected Rogers - but R had promised his services ^[[to]] other parties & could not [[?]]truc[[?]]. Therefore he was not one of Dr. K & Co. If I am successful in [[strikethrough]] orging [[/strikethrough]] organizing an expedition as I feel determined to try I shall have Mate R as one of my men

New Moon to day D26 - h9 - m5 Greenwich Time
hXII - m12 last & highest [[underlined]] heave [[/underlined]] of tide } hXII - m12 } 
XII - 17 had fallen 1 inch } Seg Chro [[?]] - 32 }
[[line]] }
11 - 40 }
4 - 21 = Dif Tang. }
[[line]] }
Apparent time High water NEW [[symbol for moon ]] ] 7 - 19 }
] - 6 = Eqen.[[guess]] }
[[line]] }
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] - at Og-bin-seer-o-ping = h7 - m13 }
[[to right]]
A Boat headed by [[underlined]] Morgan [[/underlined]]
Started off up the Bay this P.M.
- the object suspicious!
Time will develop -
[[/to right]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cross for Sunday]] July 27th 1862
AM S.W. Light - thick weather
M " " " [[dittos for: Light - thick weather]]
P.M. N.E. Light breeze - thick fog Light rain

This morning about hIV Morgan & party returning from up the Bay. They started while I & Rogers were on Flag Staff Hill - No one seemed to know their destiny or object. I was about 4 or 5 PM that they started - they confess that they went to Oo-pung-ne-wing - in fact the proof is that they did for they brought down dog "Pink" wh. was on Island O. when I was there of late. my opinion is [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] (formed on what I have heard) is that the object of the secret boat voyage was to go to Oo-pung-ne-wing visit the graves of Suk-er-nuk a woman who died at O. last winter & the grave of the son of old An-na-wa & [[?]] said graves of the tobacco wh. the friends of the deceased had deposited there in in connection with other articles. [[strikethrough]] [deposited [[/strikethrough]] ! Only note the fact: white men men from a civilized land going & coming a distance of near 40 miles to rob Innuit Graves! This boat party pulling this distance in one night & still refuse ^[[ships]] [[underlined]] duty [[/underlined]] because the ship's provision is out!
Monday, July 28th 1862
AM Light N.W. very thick fog - occasionally rain
M Calm - very thick fog - Mist & some rain.
P.M. [[no entry]]
To-night the highest water in response to new [[moon symbol]]. Yet [[underlined]] wanting 18 inches of being as high as highest of the full [[full moon symbol]] of this month! [[/underlined]]
Yet at night the thickness wh. has covered Kin-gaite for a long time broken. It is now out quite distinct.
11th Enc. }
Lupton Channel }
Thursday, July, 19th 1862
AM N.W. Fresh Cloudy
M. NW     "   nearly [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
PM NW Light " " [[dittos for: nearly [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]] Some stars ^[[to-night]] for 1st time for ^[[ [months]]
Boat trip up Lupton Channel to entrance to Rescue Bay.
This morning I started on short trip to place indicated to inspect ice in Rescue Bay. Robt. Smith, 3d Mate G. H. accompanied me with his boat - one of his whale boats G. H. - the crew John Gray, one of the G. H. men, Koo-per-neu-ung & his 2 wives & another Innuit woman [[underlined]] 'the better half of Smith' [[/underlined]] I can only note points - & these must be incorporated as indeed they are in Log wh. see - Kingaite, Resolution & other dist. lands out quite distinct to-day.