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me the Lion hearted that can ^[[endure]] [[strikethrough]] enan[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] storms & dangers with [[strikethrough]] brave [[/strikethrough]] bravery & a smile. When I stepped into the Boat the same & all hands being in readiness I said plainly & distinctly to Mate Lamb: 'Sir, As you are so very anxious to return, come [[underlined]] before the expiration of three days out [[/underlined]] & that time when you know that I expected to be gone on the this trip a week -  & also while I assure you I have not accomplished ^[[all]] the works for wh. I came, I now say that I am obliged to give up trying to accomplish more - you will hasten back just as quick as [[underlined]] your [[/underlined]] ^[[disposition &]] facilities will admit. I will be no hindrance [[strikethrough]] to your [[/strikethrough]] on [[underlined]] your return [[/underlined]] !' h XI Cho. (h VI - m 00 PM) we started back. on a/c of Pack ice - the tide not having been ebbing long enough to take it out. The wind strong from N. at 1st, then N.N.E. made rapid sailing - by [[?]] 2 (h IX PM) arrived back to place 7th Enc. where [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] erected tents & turned in after a lunch on cold walrus. On starting from S.E. Ex I had a lunch of cold duck [[?]] eggs wh. the men had secured [[?]] while up the Mt. On my leaving for the Mt. an arrived at S. E. Ex "Blossom & Sharkey [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] accompanying me Lamb told the men when we left behind that they could go ahead cook them a dinner of the remainder of the ducks perhaps in as many eggs as they liked - also saying that they need not give him any as he did not care for any. As no thought was expressed in behalf of me & others I promptly said that myself well as those I had as party to accompany me would need something on return & therefore they would save us our dinners. As an officer having charge of provision & men I would express my opinion [[strikethrough]] a [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] that L. has not the capacity of exercising judgment in providing or caring[[guess]] for either. My opinion is that he is not worthy any commanding parties - & more than that he [[underlined]] never will [[/underlined]] be. There is not that in him ^[[or]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] wh. to found an improvement. I hope I shall remain firm in the Resolve[[guess]] that I will have nothing more to do with him 
By his faintheartedness he has caused me to abandon the most promising field for accomplishing good geographical work where I should have [[strikethrough]] been supported [[/strikethrough]] received his co-operation. [[strikethrough]] No stops were made from [[/strikethrough]] 
On arriving here ^[[(Og-bier-seer-o-ping)]] was greeted by my Innuit friend Ebier-bing who has come down to get a load of walrus meat for Capt. B. He starts back to-morrow. I did think of returning with him but hearing from E. that those aboard were hard up for fresh provision I here concluded to remain here till the ship breaks out. Keeney & "Bill" ^[[(Browly[[guess]])]] returned from from ship 3 or 4 days after leaving here.
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10th Enc.
Og-bier-seer o-ping Thursday July 24th 1862
AM NE. Strong Almost a gale thick weather
M N.E. Gale very " " [[dittos for: thick weather]]
PM N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale very thick weather]]
At an early hour I heard Lamb calling to the boat's crew awaking them & calling them out. He had made himself a little tent by himself - therefore I had mine all to myself last night. No stop was made for preparing & eating breakfast. Tupiks were struck & every thing in Boat a few moments after awaking. Not a moment was lost on my a/c. 
At ^[[21h]]IX - m25 Chro (hIV - m25 AM) left place 7th & 9th encs. under all sail. Entered the long narrow channel. At 22 h X - 30 (V - 30 AM arrived to W. end the channel - the wind before we got through this channel increased to a gale but this poor home sick ones were anxious to get back therefore on our the boat bounded. I was greatly amused when under full sail to hear the order from Mate Lamb to "Frank" to [[strikethrough]] put [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 'rap[[guess]] the gib' - The boat would have carried 1/3 more sail & that [[?]] saftely but [[underlined]] the - man - of - no- pluck was fearful, [[/underlined]] therefore the order to '[[?]]p the gib'! When we crossed the mouth of Bear Sound, L. thought he was accomplishing a wonderful feat [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] as the wind was blowing a modt gale throwing up a heavy sea & with all very thick weather ^[[prevailed]]. So indeed he did for so ordinary a man but for[[guess]] one that has had experience & is possessed of judgment & self reliance it was but a common every day matter; 
At hI - m45 chro (VIII - 45 AM) arrived at the tents of the George Henry Co. having been absent = [[underlined]] Three days & about VI hours! [[/underlined]]