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[[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] Small harbor near 1st Channel has in it still the ice formed last winter. All the rest of the space bet. Bear Island & S.E. Ex filled with Pack ice at every flood tide. At each ebbing the same is carried out. Course from Bear Island direct to [[encircled]] E [[/encircled]] near the little harbor. While making passage Lamb kept up his doleful song How pitiful would be our condition if the Pack should drive in & block us up - He felt the responsibility of having the lives of the men of G. H. in his hands & therefore it would not do to stop on the S.E. Ex but a very short time. We must return before the Pack should [[strikethrough]] drive [[/strikethrough]] set in again. "I said nothing, for I plainly saw that he was exhibiting his truthful qualities as a seaman. In all his practices & declarations he presents himself wanting in [[underlined]] judgement, perseverance & courage [[/underlined]]. [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] The example he set before the men very deleterious. I know not when I have been so disappointed in a man as in him. It is well I have made this voyage taking L. with me & giving him the position I did. It has saved me, I doubt not, from a worse fate.  I had indulged the hope that if I was successful in organizing an Expedition on my return to the states to prosecute my voyage to Boothia & King Williams Land that L. would be a suitable party for my 2nd officer. That  hope cannot longer be indulged.
On landing I at once got out my instruments & prepared myself for ascending the height of SE. Ex. We all sat down & had a cold lunch of Boiled Walrus. Before this however I took a short walk over the point toward the small Harbor [[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] of sketch. Behind a rock I found "Spikes" hard at work on a huge piece of boiled Walrus feasting alone! "Spikes"is a voracious eater - can exceede in making a way for [[more?]] food any three great gluttons.
While on this short walk found 2 pieces of drift wood wh. I secured for fuel. On my return had a lunch with the Co. succeeding wh. organized a small party to accompany me up the mountain - the same mount. that I ascended 7 [[?]] ago last Apr. I selected "Sharkey" my good Innuit friend, & "Blossom" to accompany me Lamb had previously announced his intention not to go up as he thought he ought to remain & look out for the Boat - but on my getting ready he reversed his intentions & decided to go up & take a look at the ice.
Arrived at S.E. Ex h 3 m 15 Chro (h 10 - m 15 AM). After a laborious & hasty tramp up the mountain's side the Sun pouring down on our backs hot rays arrived to the same spot where I commenced making obs. 1 year ^[[ago]] last Apr where in heavy fog bank frozen Bay of F closed me in. I was just in time for making Meridional obs. (See Log) 
I proceeded at once in making these - after wh. I [[?connected]] important places in Budington Bay, Rescue Bay, Bay of Frobisher, Resolution Island &c by Sextant angles - I received much assistance from Kar-ne-ung (Sharkey) who as I have said is well acquainted with all the coast from Northumberland Inlet down to Resolution Island & up [[strikethrough]] ste[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Hudson Strait to K[[?]]-,[[?]]- [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] -wong. Blossom & Lamb only remained a few minutes. Sharkey [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] & I were left alone. The sight on view top of this Mt. of S.E. Ex an extension [[?]] Probably no place in the whole country to equal it. Here one looking at the N. see King-ok-ju-ang Cape, the Long Island E. of it Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a wh. streches away up into Northumberland Inlet Budington Bay Cape Sing-eye-yer the N Pt of entrance a Rescue Bay. Rescue Bay - to the right ^[[N.& E.]] the Island Kitch-ik-tunge & 
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[[boxed]] 1862
Oo--mi-[[?un]]-[[?wa]] The [[?]] S. the Islands
Too-jar choo-a (Resolution) & Too-jarn & Ok-P[[?]] behind wh. are Too-jun-oo-chin & the group Shar-ki-an these more Westerly Kin-gaite coast. The numerous Islets [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] along the S. Coast of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a the Isd this side Lupton channel are from said point to be seen as well as the great expanse of waters Davis Strait & entrance to Bay of F. I here say the the great is expanse of waters - I must change this to [[underlined]] Pack ice [[/underlined]] for such indeed now covers the whole sea within range of sight from an elevation of [[?]] to 12 or feet. Rescue Bay except the entrance is locked up in last winters ice. - Bay of Frobisher & Davis Strait is packed with pack ice - at least - so much of Bay of F. as can be seen from Mt of ob of S.E. Ex. Unless we have some strong N. Westers soon as Rescue Bay is melted out the G. H. will be obliged to push into this pack. It may be our fate is sealed as to another Winter before home. I must not dwell - Paper is nearly exhausted - I must only continue in [[?]]ttings. 
My PM obs. (See Log.) My anxiety for more time - the smoky atmosphere - I conclude to leave Chro. Artificial Horizon on Mt of ob. - go down & tell Lamb that I must continue here till VII P.M. - I & Sharkey go down. On our being seen L. orders his men to get boat & carry thing in readings. When I arrive I report to Lamb my desires - he acts are unmanly just[[guess]] - says that he is anxious to return to Og-bier-seer-o-ping & intimating that the boat and the crew were also desiring of getting back. I told him that my purpose was on getting him to accompany me to S.E. Ex. with his boat to be gone at least a week & now he wished to return is less than 4 days! He said he supposed the men would remain if he said so but he felt as if he wanted to get back - He said that it would now be a difficult matter, to get across to Bear Island [so in fact for it was flood tide - a man of proper judgment would have seen the propriety & judiciousness of awaiting proper moment of ebbing. Seeing the spirit of L. I [[strikethrough]] d[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to]] [[strikethrough]] ^ [[/strikethrough]] dis[[?]] [[?]] no farther extensions of favor from him. It was only by perseverance & persuasion that I had induced him to get across to S.E. Ex.
The weather had been good from the time of leaving Og-bier-seer-o-ping to the present & yet this party had endured enough - wanted to get back to his comfortable quarters beside a constantl [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] hot - stove! Not a man of the crew said a word - "On Lamb's declaration that he was anxious to return & that some of the men were also told him it was only one hour more that I had strongly expressed as were [[?]] in continuing my obs. - but under the circumstances that ^[[was}} he was determined to return back at once. I would hasten [[strikethrough]] af [[/strikethrough]] as fast as possible up the mountain, get my Chro & other instruments & [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] [[?]]t as the necessity required to this hard fate. Alone I trudged up the boulder sided Mt. When up there X by Chro (V PM) I took a few compass sights - the last one was = [[underlined]] Resolution! [[/underlined]] (E end) 100[[degree]] This bearing was a significant one - My resolve was that a party who had so little pluck as not to endure summer travelling in these Northern regions for these days without getting home sick should never be ^[[of]] any company of my organizing for the [[underlined]] Arctic [[/underlined]] or any other [[?]]s Who can imagine my feeling as ^[[I]] ascended the height of S.E. Ex. after my instruments knowing that I must be taken as it were from [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] my spot where all my works could so well be knit to - gether? Along with your baby men - give