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I must not omit to record the fact that from the time of leaving "Bear Sound", I kept up a good look out for monuments expecting to find some one that Frobisher had erected 3 centuries ago or about that time. Soon after leaving E. side "Bear Sound" saw a rude monument of stone near the coast said coast as I have said being way low. My Innuit friend "Sharkey" said that this monument was erected by himself & Innuit companions on reaching ^[[this]] land after having been adrift several days on the ice. This occurred only a few years ago when off on a walrus hunt up near Toony-wine in the winter season  The weather so severe while adrift that the dogs wh. the walrus party had all died. Severe weather indeed that dogs - [[underlined]] Innuit [[/underlined]] dogs - should starve & freeze to-death. All the Innuits escaped by this tide setting the ice inshore [[strikethrough]] n[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] at the spot indicated by the monument [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/striekthrough]] now referring to. On landing on the Island Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a they made their way slowly along shore crossing the ice from said Island to the main land on Rescue Bay side. When they returned to their families were rcd. as the dead come to life! On leaving Enc. this morning saw 3 monuments on the high land at my left. Then conspicious - "Sharkey" says they indicate the land dreaded by all Innuits - that the ^[[the monuments]] speak of a time long ago when a great many Innuits lived there but [[underlined]] were finally all lost! [[/underlined]] Since then no Innuits dare live on Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a on the ^[[other]] Island entered. At h 2 - m 00 Chro (IX - or AM) Arrived at the Island I took to be where Polar bear alluded to was killed. Made my way to its top ^[["Sharkey" & Blossom with me]] - when well up found fossil stones very numerous more so than any place I have visited N. save the [[underlined]] Mt. of fossils [[/underlined]] at the Head Bay of Frobishers. Here [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] took sextant angles - bearings. Probably my better point for sighting Resolution Island
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& those about it - & also the west coast of Bay of Frobisher & the Islands & Islets S. side Ki-Ki-Tik-ju-a
At IV Chro (h 11 AM) started from this Island [see its description in log] directing to what I thought to be S. E. Ex. Not the ing that every thing about ^[[opposed[[guess]] ]] look[[?]] somewhat as it did when I visited S. E. Ex. over one year ago yet I had doubts about my [[?]] really sighting [[underlined]] real S. E. Ex. [[/underlined]] The fact of my making in ^[[behind]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] land that had some of the l^[[oo]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ks of "S.E. Ex. descri[[?]] no[[guess]]. On reaching the Island on wh. I have my present encampment where real S. E. Ex. stands out in full view & distinct only 5 or 6 miles, the [[?]]ful positions of every place found nearly reference in my remembrance of this. Made meridional obs while in boat on my way from the Island I now designate [[underlined]] Pseudo [[/underlined]] Bear Island to this real Bear Island. [See Log] At h VII - m 20 (h 2 - m 20 PM.) arrived at the Ex. point of this Island - mounted it & saw that the prospect of getting across to "S. E. Ex" unfavorable on a/c of the pack ice wh. was pressing hard in all around. Concluded to find safe place to make boat anchorage & make enc here watching the opportunity of pressing through ice to the "S. E. Ex."
While boat was being unloaded, tupiks erected & supper preparing I prepared myself for &[[& made]] a mountain tramp. Invited "Blossom" to accompany me ^[[to]] assist in carrying of my instruments. The mountain of Bear Island very arupt.[[guess]] When at the top & every thing ready for [[symbol]] obs. the bright burning shot behind a cloud leaving but little prospect of its being seen again during the P.M. But I did not give up hopes - in the mean time I made my way to a [[?]] of the Mt. to a monument that I had sighted on rounding the Point in the boat. This monument one of Ages - the stones locked together by thick, strong centuries old moss. Really I cannot resist the opinion that this monument was the work of white men ^[[the broken arms[[guess]] of what appeared once to have been a cross - their fitness[[guess]] &c
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The return - Supper ducks & eggs - 
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