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having charge of my log & D. R. a/c. The boat I have for this trip, one of the New Whale Boats of the G. H. - of beautiful model & ^[[of]] as complete a craft of the kind as ever kissed salt or fresh water. I indicated my wish to 1st proceede up Lupton Channel into Rescue Bay to Sylvia Grinnell Island & then from top said I'd [take a look at the ice of said Bay. My purpose was that if [[strikethrough]] it was [[/strikethrough]] possible to coast along to "S. E. Ex" in Rescue Bay. & having made a stop at the S. E, Ex Land to round it & return N. E. side Bay of Frobisher. Providing, on looking out from Sylvia Grinnell Isd, that I found ice of Rescue Bay well broken up & ready to ^[[be driven out]] [[strikethrough]] depart [[/strikethrough]]. I prepared to return [[strikethrough]] to[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Og-bing-seer-o-ping as I considered that it would be injudicious to take away ^[[any of]] the men of the G. H. under the [[strikethrough]] prob [[/strikethrough]] probability that they would at once be called to the ship to depart for the states.
Arrived at Sylvia Grinnell Island wh is ^[[in Rescue Bay]] on the E. side of the termination of Lupton Channel 23 h XI - m 10 Chro (h V - m 10 AM). I proceeded at once to top the Island - The prospect gloomy indeed - With the exception of a mile or so of open water the continuation of it caused by the the run of tide through Lupton Channel the whole of Rescue Bay still locked in firm ice. No possibility of continuing my boat voyage along the coast S. side of Rescue Bay to the S. E. Ex. Land. The speculation of the men as we [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] proceeded up Lupton Channel - Bay open so that boat could get to ship should continue on to it. Hopeful creatures all of us that the ice prison in wh. our ship is will soon be opened. The discouraging sight - men's courage [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] - cheerfulness below par. To the Eastward especially around the S. E. Ex. land sighted the horrible Pack - [[underlined]] Pack [[/underlined]] - [[double underlined]] Pack. [[/double underlined]]
Having spent one hour & 50 minutes on this Island [most of this time spent in ^[[my]] taking sextant angles & bearings] [[strikethrough]] stated [[/strikethrough]] started down on E side Lupton Channel. At each turn on commencement of new course the boat was directed to a cape on Island when I got out & took compass sights
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July 21st
for course [[?]]
After passing down Lupton Channel returned into Bear Sound of Frobisher.  In this visited several Islands for ducks eggs. In all got to-day bet. 5 & 6 doz. - Sharkey, my Innuit  hunter, shot several ducks. These Eggs really are good eating answering quite as well as bread. At h VI - m 25 (Chro) (XI - 21 AM) stopped at a small Island in "Bear Sound" for eggs. While here took Meridional Obs. tho. sun very much obscured. Found great difficulty in making these obs. on a/c of rain falling on the glass plates of my Artificial Horizon. Lat. determined 62°- 27' - 43" - this about Lat. of S. Side the land ^[[here]] bet. Rescue Bay & Bay of Frobisher. I have before [[strikethrough]] in my journal [[/strikethrough]] spoken or [[strikethrough]] rather [[/strikethrough]] rather written in my journal of the peculiar character of the tide here in Lupton Channel& Bear Sound.  I here have drawn in indifferent sketch of Rescue Bay where Lupton Channel enters it - of Bear Sound &c.
[[image - two opposing land masses right & left with a narrow channel running between them from upper bay labelled 'Rescue Bay', the channel labelled 'Lup. Chan'.; with downward arrows from Rescue Bay through Lupton Channel past several small islands, then showing the flow splitting to the left of larger islands and to the right to an area labelled 'Bear Sound'.]]
When tide is ebbing reverse the direction of the arrows & they will indicate the Course of the tide. Tide runs [[strikethrough]] swift [[/strikethrough]] swiftly - At fall & Change of moon from 4 to 5 knots per hour.
At h VIII - m 20 (h 3 - m 20 P.M.) enter a channel bet. Main Land of the Island Ki-ki-tuk-ju-s & a line of Islands on starboard side. the Channel 1/8 to 1/2 mile wide mostly of the former or say about 1/4 - some places shallow - not deep enough for vessels of considerable draught. From E. side "Bear Sound Land very low to place of this encampment now wh Land commences.

Transcription Notes:
[[Note: top line of second page partially obscured by page fold-over]]