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10 doz. Eggs but made way with all!
2 men, "Bill" & Keeney started yesterday morn for the ship - expected to get thru over the ice - they go to find out condition of the ice & see Capt B.
[[?]]etty obtain this P.M. from "Sharkey" & "Miner" largest piece Flint Stone - planning] to give them to-bacco!
the 11 walrus ^[[10 large & 1 young]] caught by 4 Boats crews day before my arrival - could have got 2ce as many more if they wished - got one walrus day or 2 after I left - therefore 12 since I have been away preparing ^[[this]] used for our home passage. 
No word from Capt. B. since I have been away.
To show the [[strikethrough]] ready [[/strikethrough]] readiness in [[strikethrough]] willingness of the [[/strikethrough]] with wh. I made of a Boat crew I will simply state that I requested Mate Lamb. to see who of the G. H.s men were willing to accompany me. He proceeded to Sailor's tent introduced the matter & at once found that nearly all were ^[[willing &]] [[underlined]] anxious [[/underlined]] to accompany me - & this too without any inducement of pay.  Mate Lamb returned & reported to me that I could have just as many as I wanted 
Finally the following Co. [[strikethrough]] mad [[/strikethrough]] ^[[I]] made up 
Mate Lamb, Wm Connolly , "Frank"
Johnston, "Blossom" & Innuit "Sharkey"
Soon as this was arranged every ^[[white]] man went to work casking up [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] lots of walrus meat for [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] his provision while on this cruise - I have promised "Sharkey" that he might take his prt "Jennie". He seemed unwilling to consent to go to the Innuit abandoned land without some Innuit to accomping him.
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Near the Eastern     }
Extreme of Land      }
between Rescue Bay.  }
& Bay of Frobisher - }
22d Day out -        }
Monday, July 21st 1862
A.M. Light Wind N.W. Cloudy                     } Great refraction all day
M. " " [[dittos for: Light Wind]] (Cloudy) S.E. }
PM " " [[dittos for: Light Wind]] S.DE. (fair)  }
[On Boat voyage down N.E. coast Bay of Frobisher to the S.E Ex.]
I rejoice to note the fact that I am now near the ^[[Eastern]] extreme of land bet. Rescue Bay & Frobisher Bay. I have now completed the exploration of coast [[underlined]] From Resolution Island [[/underlined]] around Bay of Frobisher - thence around Rescue Bay thence up & around Budington Bay ^[[said]] [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] explorations termination on the W. side of Northumberland Inlet. The extreme of the land bet. the 2 Bays named is within a short distance of my present Enc. wh. is on S. side of [[underlined]] "Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a", [[/underlined]] the Innuit name of the long Island E. of Lupton Channel.
At ^[[20h]] VIII - m 12 (Chro) (Say h 3 - m 12 AM) my company in readiness for a [[strikethrough]] start [[/strikethrough]] start yet as ^[[we]] were about to depart, "Jennie": (Sharkey's wife) came out to join the Co. Greatly as I abhor this evil disposed Innuit, yet for Sharkey's sake I allowed her to accompany him. It may be well for me to state that the only provision on wh. dependence is placed upon in carrying out these exploring trips is what the country affords. It is [[?true]] I have a few lbs of Pemican left but really that amt. so small that the remarks might well be made it concerns a better purpose to keep [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to look at them for sustaining a Company of 7 or 8 for 2 days.
About 100 lbs of raw walrus meat was placed in the bottom of the boat This mate Rogers enjoined me to take as he had plenty left.
Besides this every man had enough cooked walrus meat to last 2 days or so.
At time indicated started, that is at h 3 - m 12 A.M. - 
Mate Lamb's position gave him the steering bar while I sat close by him

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