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[[image - cross]] July = 20th 1862
AM N.W. Smart breeze [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] clear noruthern[[guess]] ^[[dist. objects visible]]
M N.W. " " [[dittos for: Smart breeze]] [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] - (Smoky atmosphere)
P.M. NW " " " [[dittos for: Smart breeze [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]] (" " [[dittos for: Smoky atmosphere]])
During the night planned an arrangement by wh. to continue my explorations down to the Extreme of Land bet. Frobisher & Rescue Bays, the N.E Coast of Bay of Frobisher between here & the Extreme to distance say of 25 or 30 miles being the only remaining coast about here but what I have explored. Now ^[[to]] do this [[underlined]] & do it well [[/underlined]] was &[[& is]] the desireable point or question with me. To make good courses & determine distances by wh. to form a basis for charting the coast are matters that I cannot accomplish with Innuits. 
O therefore came to the conclusion that as the "George Henry"'s Co now here at Og-bin-seer-o-ping had entirely & unquestionably given up all idea of presecuting further cruising for whales, I would mention [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my wants to the officers here & see if a portion of a Boat's crew of said Co. would not be furnished me for a week or so. I mentioned the matter to 1st Mate Rogers who at once told me I could have any one that I chose to select - saying that nothing further would be attempted in [[strikethrough]] gather [[/strikethrough]] cruising for whales - that he & the Co. here, were only [[strikethrough]] e[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] awaiting the ice in Rescue Bay to disperse where they would at once leave for the ship. I mentioned the matter to Mates Lamb & Gardiner who both said the men had nothing more to do ^[[&]] might as well if ^[[they]] willing so to do go with me on the short trip I proposed. I therefore selected this morning after hearing the talks I indicate above Mate Lamb [[strikethrough]] as mos [[/strikethrough]]
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as my chief assistant. I told him I proposed to ''
have ^[[Innuits]] Sharkey - Koo-per-neu-ung with their wives ^[[& our Frank of the George Henry Co.]] as crew. I went to the tupiks of the Innuits [[?]] & got ready acquiessence from them to accompany me.
Before night however I found the Innuits had expressed their unwillingness to go. I could not image the reason of this - on consulting with Rogers came to the conclusion that there [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[might be]] something in this that I had neglected to select ^[[Innuit]] Miner. I had not from this face that he is an invalid from his ^[[gim[[guess]] ]] wrenched hand. I went with Rogers to assure Miner that my desire was for him to remain [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] here at Og-bin-seen-o-ping for his hand to recover - that I would pay him the same quantity of powder shot as &c I did to those Innuits that accompanied me. This made all satisfactory - all arrived - - Innuits quite jealous - The 2d backing out by all the Innuits - [[underlined]] Men & women [[/underlined]] - My astonishment - finally I resolve in my mind the subject - at length comprehend the reason - the land I am about to visit the abandoned - the dreadest Land! - the land that Innuits shudder at when named - Will not visit it because of the trouble calamity wh. befel many of their people many years ago! - Finally "Sharkey" my noble ^[[Innuit]] friend [[?]] consents to go. Rest of my crew whites - My A.M. & P.M. obs on Flag Staff hill Resolution Isd. Looming up this morning. My feasts to-day one ^[[baked]] young Walrus - the duck dinner - Took-too supper & salmon Supper the latter by Stenny's invite to 1 - the fon[[?]] in officers tent - the took-too some brought by Innuits of my party - Boat party returned late last night - - got some