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{ Thursday, July, 10th 1862
{ A.M. N.E. Gale - thick, foggy weather
{ M N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale - thick, foggy weather]]
{ P.M. N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale - thick, foggy weather]]
Still weather bound to this spot. Baffled but not beaten or discouraged. This is not the 1st time that I have attempted a Boat journey to "Countess of Warwick Sound" & ^[[been]] met by storms
This P.M. Koo-per-neu-ung ventured out to the Mountains on a short Took-too hunt. By evening he returned having shot one.
Friday, July, 11th 1862
AM N.E. Gale - thick fog almost constantly
M N.E. " - " " " " [[dittos for: Gale thick fog almost constantly]]
PM N.E. " " " " " [[dittos for: Gale - thick fog almost constantly]]
The Gale is constant as light wh. in this latitude is night & day. The attempt of an [[?]]ing - Ducking party to start off to Duck Islands obliged to return & give it up. Smith's purpose to go to a Salmon pond not far from Oo-puny-ne-wing - & also to get 2 plugs tobacco! He nobly responds
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to my suggestions & gives up the trip - to turn the attention to whaling.
The talk with Gardiner & Rogers
Full moon to-day - time high water h VII PM
The present of took-too meat by Innuit Koo-jess new-ung - The breakfast & supper of it. My last plug - divided into V pieces reserving 1 part to myself & giving tthe 4 parts to ^[[the]] 4 officers - The Grand Smoke!

Transcription Notes:
See page 291 of Hall's book for name. Edited: added text denoted by dittos marks, completing translating text on pages