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Wednesday July 9th 1862 
AM E.N.E. Gale in thick [[underlined]] impenetrable [[/underlined]] fog occas^[[-sionally rain]]
M E.N.E. " " " " " [[dittos for: Gale in thick [[underlined]] impenetrable [[/underlined]] fog occas^[[-sionally rain]]
PM E.N.E. " " " " " [[dittos for: Gale in thick [[underlined]] impenetrable [[/underlined]] fog occas^[[-sionally rain]]
Indeed, I may as well consider my work here North done for the present - or rather at an end till another year. A long spell of bad weather. It is well I returned from Oo-kod-lean when I did - Since then [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] almost an unbroken continuance of storm. 
This P.M. (h VI - m 00) [[strikethrough]] PM [[/strikethrough]] the two boat steerers who took the dogs & left for the ship on (5th July Sat.) after having refused to obey their Supervisors (the officers of G.H.) returned. The following letter (or rather copy of it) came to be from Capt. B.
"Barque[[guess]]" "George Henry" July 6th 1862
"Mr. Hall. Dear Friend, It is with grief & mortification that
"I. hear of the conduct of my men. I feel thankful to you
"for your kindness in trying to promote the interest of my
"voyages. May you be rewarded by a higher power.
"But with the help of God, if life is spared this ship goes
"into that Bay in search of those Whales or my
"bones shall bleach ^[[on]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] those rocks. Please keep this still
Your friend
S.O. Budington
On the same sheet ^[[(opposite side)]] the following: - 
"Dear Friend Hall, Since the other side of this was written, I have got all the bone on deck & have got [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] well advanced on cleaning it. I shall yet
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
July 9
"on the Ship all ready for Whaling in that Bay, & God "help the man that was to prevent me. For this ship
"shall go into that Bay if God is willing. I value my
"Life as highly as any man. But my dead concern
"Shall be [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]] watched over before any lot of me shall
"stop me from doing what I consider my duty.
"Your Friend, S.O. Budington" X.2.P." - Monday night
It is told me that the 2 parties (Morga & Bailey) who brought this letter started from the ship IX this AM. Koo-jes-se who started off on [[?]] PM. for the object of going to the ship for his dogs (wh. B & M took away without leave). had not arrived when B.& M. Left. They report that ice in Rescue Bay is very thin many places holes - ^[[the Sledge]] came near going through and & ^[[by this also came near]] loosing Sharkey's new gun. It's possible Koojesse has tarried on the way hunting took-too (rein-deer)
I am glad to see that Capt. B. is determined "not to give it up so"! He means to task his men such as have shown a whaling spirit that he will not submit to such outrageous conduct as has been exhibited while in this "brach[[guess]]". He's right in planning a scheme by wh. to bring them to their services & [[underlined]] duty. [[/underlined]]