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till the ^[[arrival of the]] times of the G. H's departure for home.
Total then of my cheerful sacrifices during the last winter for the interests of all concerned - of my giving up my provision & all else I had for their precaution - & still more - that I was willing to make other sacrifices that I was willing to give up my plans & portions of continuing further explorations here North & put my hand & heart in the business of assisting ^[[in any capacity]] to secure a voyage - that I would employ the ^[[Innuit]] crew I had engaged to accompany me in assisting them also - that I would pay them (said Innuits) & not charge a cut for their or my labors. I told them they could not offer us as an excuse for their conduct in refusing duty that they were not able to work on all of the ship's provision giving out. The fact was possible that every man had good ^[[fresh]] & substantial food - [[underlined]] & enough of it [[/underlined]] thus enabling them to do hard services - told them that if the ship's Co had been supplied with "Salt Junk, Salt Pork & Hard Tack" the principle articles of provision for a whaler, all of 1/2 of their number would ^[[ere they]] have had their bones bleaching on the barren rocks around us - finally I appealed to them as brothers that they would reflect upon their course - reconsider & determine to act like men determined to do their duty at all hazards.
The officers (myself [[strikethrough]] accompanying [[/strikethrough]] accompanying them) returned to their tent - counted up how many boats could be manned with me & my Co of Innuits & the willing ones of the G. H's. Co. Found the number to be 3 boats. It was answered that Charley Keeney, one of the Boat Steerers proposed to be of the number that would do duty. The names of the 2 Boat
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Steerers who before only should have find space
Edward Morgan, [[strikethrough]] Ehi[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Bailey - 
I here give record of the names of the parties* who refused duty - & names of those who adhere to discipline.
Those who Refuse duty.
[[boxed to left of page]]
Boat     {    Morgan
Steerers {    Bailey
Seamen { Rick and ^[[A.]] Comstock
       { Wm Connolly
       { John Antone
       { James Bruce
       { Wm Johnston
       { John Gray
       { Wm G Russel [[Russell]]
       { Isaac Buckley
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Those who are dutiful.
Boat     { Wm
Steerers { Charles Keeney
Seamen   {
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A part of the men of "George Henry" are aboard the [[strikethrough]] George [[/strikethrough]] vessel to wit. (The Steward) "Fluker", Henry Smith [[strikethrough]] At X 0 [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] At h 10 - m 30 AM the 3 Boats were all manned & ready to put out My place was in Mate Lamb's Boat pulling mid ship oar. "Miner", [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] Koo-pun-neu-my & "Bone-Squash"[[guess]] (3 Innuits) & Wm Boat Steerer made up the rest of Lamb's Crew. Proceeded out into the Bay about 10 miles & there cruised for Whales - Left all my instruments at the tent except telescope my bearing, being Whaling. Saw not Whales but water alive with Walrus Ook-gook, the smaller sized seals, ducks, Ok-turns etc 
As the time arrived when we were obliged to leave the Whaling ground