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I would give up for the present all my purpose & plans & relinquish to them the Innuit Boat's crew I had engaged to accompany me on my voyage down & up this Bay. Furthermore I^[[have]] volunteered my own services to aid them in any capacity to secure Whales. [[underlined]] Greatly [[/underlined]] am I desirous to accomplish the work I started out for on this trip. Yet, for the interest of Msrs. Williams & Havens, until the present peculiar circumstances I am determined to do all I can, [[underlined]] by advice influence & personal execution to secure a Voyage. [[/underlined]]
There are Whales here & all it wants are [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] proper exertions to get them. The officers seem willing & anxious to improve the present opportunity. With the necessary co-operation they will yet accomplish something worthy the position they occupy. They shall have my assistance - heart & hand.
I cannot but like the suggestions I have made - the influence I shall yet be able to exert [[underlined]] among all, [[/underlined]] that some more Whales may be added to the number already secured. 
Mrsrs Williams & Havens, & my friend Capt. B. deserve a full voyage of the G. H.'s Company. May we be successful in giving them this virtuous reward.
I have had another interview with "Miner", one of the Innuits well acquainted with Land & Islands N. Side Hudson Strait I have after much persuasion been able to get him to make a sketch of the Islands names & numbered in yesterday's record in this journal. Thus (a copy) 
[[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] Too-jarn
[[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]] Too-jan-choo-a
[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] Too-jan-oo-chin
[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]]  Ok'-pun
[[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] Shar-Ki-an
[[image - drawing of islands noted above, denoted by the number associated with the name, number 3 is a group of 4 small islands, also labeled 'Hudson's Strait' above a coastline with labels, 'Koo-tan-koo' (peninsula) and 'Too-nok jok-ping', Oo-sy-ong' (a bay)]]
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He Miner insists that Too-jan-choo-a is the largest Island & next the tarrio (Sea where Oo-me-arc-tu-a ships) pass up & down every year ^[[to visit Hudson Strait]]. It seems by this sketch Too-jan-choo-chin consists of Islands (a group) The explanation of yesterday must be read to correspond with this (to-day's) account.
At h IX - PM the 2 boats with crews returned from the excursion of ducking & egging Brought in 412 eggs (34 doz & 4) & 29 ducks. Koo-per-neu-ung & Sharkey accompanied the 2 crews the former shot 2 Kup[[?]] seals ^[[& one pup The latter shot one Ku[[?]] ] ]]. The excursion ^[[went upon]] [[strikethrough]] visited[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] an Island not before visited this year. Found an immense number of eggs but having been set upon they [[strikethrough]] destroyed them [[/strikethrough]] were destroyed the object of this destruction being to have induce ducks [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to]] proceede with laying a new lot. 100 doz. were destroyed on this Island. This P.M. went upon Flag Staff Hill & got a few compass sights. Resolution Island has been looming up a good part of to-day - See "Log". Our 4th of July dinner = Pemican Soup, - or rather Pemican & Borden Meat Biscuit Soup - & Borden Meat B. Coffee! Supper baked ducks & "Drop cakes" of Borden Meat Biscuit & eggs. Looking out in the Bay many times to-day ^[[I]] saw several black spots on the water that looked like whales lying up in the water. Mate Rogers thinks he saw 2 spots that were whales. The water of the Bay have [[strikethrough]] like like [[/strikethrough]] a mirror all day.
When waters so still whales do not spout - only when a breeze.
The ducks that have passed here to-day - thousands & thousands.
I find that Sharkey killed 8 ducks & Koo-per-neu-ung as many more beside the number stated above.

Transcription Notes:
The Chart showing islands 1 to 4 (Chart 2) is reproduced on page 125 in Hall's book.