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See correction page 2 & 3 of July [[encircled ]] 4 [[/encircled]]
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"Sharkey" & Koo-per-neu-ung. These Innuits are each well acquainted with all the Coast from Northumberland Inlet down to this & thence around Bay of Frobisher to head & along Kin-gaite coast to Kar-mo-wong wh. is on the N. side of Hudson's Strait. They tell me of 5 Islands located Eastward & Northward of the Main Land between Bay of Frobisher & Hudson's Strait To wit: [[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] Too-jarn; [[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]] Too-jar-choo-a; [[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] Too-jar-oo-chin; [[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] Ok-pun; [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] Shar-ke-an. No. 2 the largest Island; No. 4 smallest but highest No 5 small Island & not high - many eggs (Duck's eggs ) on this.  No. 3 the one most Southerly, a large high Island but not so large as No. 2 - this (No 3) on the strait where Oo-mi-ark-chu-a (ships) pass every year. Therefore I am satisfied that Too-jar-oo-chin is Resolution Island.  Can go from one Island to another in one tide. "Ok-pun" is so named on account of the immense numbers of a Sea-fowl that they call Ok-pun. In the cliffs of said Island ^[[as]] [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] numerous as ^[[the]] Supungers (beads) strung together & hanging pendant around an Innuit woman's jacket! These three Innuits have "set down" many times on these Islands - visited them in large boats (Oo-mi-ens). The Point ^[[of Main Land]] next Resolution Isd. Koo-tan-koo. Koo-per-neu-ung gives me the name of the next Island to Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a (the ^[[W. end if the]] latter Isd. next Is-si-hi-sak-ja-a (Lupton Channel) ^[[(N. side Bay of Frobisher)]].
Tuk-oo-lik-ju-a Susy ( ) has just come in & says that the outer Island ^[[ the "S.E Ex."]] is also  called Tuk-oo-lik-ju-a. "Sylvia Grinnell" Island is called by Innuits Poo-ju-nung.
"Sharkey" says that last Sunday he saw from the high land below here the high Islands named & numbered above. Last [[image - cross]] was a clear, fine day - at least part of it. I have had sight of these Islands when down to the S.E. Ex. little over 1 year since & took [[strikethrough]] Mat [[/strikethrough]] Magnetic bearings of them. I now desire to take [[underlined]] Sun bearings [[/underlined]] of them. By doing this can determine Longitude of Rescue Bay (on wh. all other places I have explored depend.) [[strikethrough]] beyond all [[/strikethrough]] that^[[will]] [[strikethrough]] shall [[/strikethrough]] be as reliable as "Resolution " Island.
[[end page]]
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At 1st Enc.         }
Oo-bin-seer-o       }
-ping.              }
Friday, July 4th 1862
AM. W. very light - thick fog. Storm broke last eve
M. NW " [[ditto for: very]] Cloudy (no [[sun symbol]]) but distant objects distinct.
P.M. NW " " " " " " [[dittos for: very Cloudy (no [[sun symbol]]) but distant objects distinct.]]
Another "Fourth of July" in the North! - This the 3d "Fourth" since leaving the States. Innuit sympathy & unison of feeling for the Freedom of our Country predominant over that of all Americans here. I regret to acknowledge it that the only exhibition of American [[strikethrough]] patri[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] patriotism ^[[about here]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in way of perpetuation of the natal day of our Country has been on the part of the Innuits Koo-per-neu-ung ("Charley") who has fired his gun off 4 times putting in loud, detonating charges. I deeply regret the records I am obliged to make now & then. To-day is a favorable day for whaling but on a/c of the Boat ^[[steerers [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] Handy [[/strikethrough]] & crews nothing in the way of Whaling can be done - they refuse duty. I heard some of the Boats ^[[steerers [[strikethrough]] Handy [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] Steerers [[/strikethrough]] declare they would not go out for Whales. One man of the 4 boat ^[[ steerers [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] Handy [[/strikethrough]] ? Handy ]] ^[[ steerers ]] deserves to be remembered. He alone is the exception to the refractious portion: Wm.
This AM The boat steerers (with the exception of noble "Bill") with 2 boats crews started down for ducking & egging just before they started I had a talk with on of the G.H's men who has refused to obey orders. "Dick Comstock" his name. I need not record the talk I had with him suffice that I gave him a good talking to on behalf of Messrs. Williams & Havens. The day a glorious one - one that should have been improved by the "George Henry's" Co.
Just after dinner I proposed to the officers of the G.H. that as the men of G.H. refused duty & there was every possible reason why no exertions should be spared in getting whales

Transcription Notes:
Note: end page not required on second page per instructions For diagram of the five islands, see page 125 in Hall's book. The first four as a group are known as "Resolution Island." "Williams & Haven" were owners of the "George Henry."