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been willing to have pulled ahead. What a pity - plenty of whales & men refusing to aid in getting them!
The infractions men take the advantage of this fact that while they are [[underlined]] out of the ^[[ship]] [[/underlined]] engaged in shore fishing they are not compelled by any law to obey ^[[the]] orders of their Commander. Beside they say the time has long expired for wh. they shipped & also the provision of the ship is out & consequently they refuse further duty in ways of continuing exertion. to get any more whales 
The boat's crew that returned to-night report that the natives whom I am anxious to secure to accompany me on my boat [[strikethrough]] exertion [[/strikethrough]] excursion ^[[am]] [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] on the water - have stopped for the night on an Island in Bear Sound but will come down to - morrow if weather will permit.
Og-bin-seer-o-ping }
1st Enc. }
Thursday July 3d 1862
AM N.E. Gale - thick dark weather - 
M N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale - thick dark weather]] & some rain
PM N.E/ Fresh " " " " " " [[dittos for: thick dark weather & some rain]]
AT 12 Meridian to - day the Innuits who have been after fresh water seals down on N. shore of Bay of Frobisher returned amid showers of spray & tumultuous waves & strong gale accompanied with rain. All were wet through & through. "Sharkey" my noble friend coming into the tent of the officers where I now am his skins covering 
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wet & having no change of dress I offered him for present use my seal jacket, a pair of drawers & pants till he could dry his. On the appearance of "Miner" & Charley (Koo-per-ne-ung) I made arrangements with them & "Sharkey" to accompany me in "Miner's" boat down the N. Coast of Bay of Frobisher to "S.E. Ex." wh will complete my exploration of the whole Coast on N. or N.E. side said Bay - & full 150 miles of the Coast on S.W. side.  Said Innuits will then accompany me up to "Countess of Warwick's Sound" where I am anxious to spend a few days surveying & continuing my investigations of the important matters pertaining to the voyage of Frobisher of [[strikethrough]] 1575 -6 [[/strikethrough]] 1576-7 & 8.  Especially do I wish to make a stop on Kod-lu-narn Island where evidently Frobisher landed [[strikethrough]] many things [[/strikethrough]] much material designed for the houses of his Colony of 100 (men - & when the 5 white men (F. lost on  his 1st voyage) built a schooner - & a house of stone [[strikethrough]] laid [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ laying them]] in cement. These Innuits will take along their wives. I have to do the best I can. I cannot expect to make good my Courses or arrive at correct results in distances made.
On the trip just made from wh. these Innuits have just returned they have secured quite a number of [[?Kep-se-geen]] "Fresh water Seals")
"Sharkey" came near losing his life while on this trip - the gale capsizing him in his Ki-a. He made out to get himself detached from Ki-a but lost his guns & other things. Another incident: just as the Innuit Company were ready to embark this morning a bolt of ice hanging near them broke off & tumbled down into the water below. Simply the boat length distant from the crashing ice bolt sound crushing all. I now desire fair weather. Soon as it comes, I can off. This is my last trip ere going to the States - & necessarily it must be a brief one as probably by middle of July the Vessel will be free. The N.E. storm since Monday has undoubtedly broken up the ice of Rescue Bay.
A "N Wester" will now sweep it out. An interesting interview with "Miner"

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