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1st Enc.
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Wednesday, July 2d 1862
A.M. N.E. - Strong - Thick weather
M N.E. Fresh -Cloudy but sun out for few minutes ^[[at Meridian]]
PM N.E. Strong Gale with rain
To-day got Sterry to make Log for my Boat excursion - 1 plug of tobacco the pay! This Morning some of the G. Henry's Company start off for the Duck Isds in Bear Sound - for egging & Ducking. The Sun at Noon came dimly out. I caught a few sights with my Sextant (see Log journal).
This P.M. quite an excitement here produced by he Innuit Koo-jes-se giving his Noo-loo-an-a a terrible pounding. On of his blows came near terminating her life. [[strikethrough]] by a ch [[/strikethrough]] This blow was received in the "small of her back". She was near senseless for some time. The Ange koo ^[[(sick Dick's wife)]] was sent for who immediately went hard at work making the welkin[[guess]] ring with her noise. One peculiar feature about the employment of an Angekoo is that if the patient dies all pay - all the things given for the professional service are returned! Would not that principle work well in the land of Civilization?
Angkooting for success in killing took-too a practice among Innuits 1st skin goes to Angekoo - Water must be sprinkled on the skin before taking this into Igloo or Tupik. No good to give White men any meat of 1st duck killed.
To-day had a piece of Sponge Cake - yellow as gold & light as a sponge made by beating up 1/2 doz Ducks Eggs (wh. are 2 ce the size of hen's eggs) with equal weight of Borden's ^[[pulverized]] meat biscuit & then baking it. All [[strikethrough]] that was [[/strikethrough]] really wanting to make this cake unexceptionable was 'sweetening'. The Country doesn't produce the article. The nearest of anything like it is Seal's Milk wh. is indeed sweet & cream like. I have eaten of this taken from the stomach of a pup Seal!
For supper spoon Cakes - that is a mixture of Borden's Meat biscuit & eggs dropped by spoonful into hot fat & thus fried. The Cakes light & of a rich yellow color. There is no end to the excellent
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uses to wh. Borden's Meat biscuit is susceptible of being applied. With Pemican a rich soup - with a little flour good batter cakes - burnt it makes good Coffee - with eggs Capital sponge cakes or any other kind wanted. Many a good meal have I had of this article when out on my sledge trips eating it in just the state it is when made & in cake.
If I were asked the best provision for an Arctic traveller I should answer: Pemican (made of [[underlined]] Best of Beef & Beef suet tallow [[/underlined]]) - & Borden's Meat biscuit. With a sufficiency of these the [[underlined]] North Pole [[/underlined]] might be discovered!
The weather this night good for breaking up Bays that are still locked in ice - for a Gale of great force is prevailing Rescue Bay must now be a place where the sea is driving in breaking the ice-chains wh. have held the "George Henry" fast for the 8 months past. Welcome! say the GH's Co. to the day when she shall be free again!
At VI - 30 PM the Boat's crew that started out on a ducking & egging excursion returned amid the furious gale. Every man (7) was thoroughly wet down by the darting spray. They brought in 18 Ducks & 23 Doz. Eggs. I rejoice that I had the shot & caps wh. I had with me when I left the States as these articles have enabled the ship's Company to procure game wh. they would otherwise been obliged to have done without. Something like 200 Ducks & 300 Doz. Eggs have been obtained & consumed by the G.Hs men during the last 2 weeks of June. Twenty Six Walrus within 2 Months have been harpooned & secured also - This Bay is certainly a remarkable one.  On Sunday last Lamb & Smith while out after Walrus saw a large number of Walrus - & apparently going up the Bay. They could have made fast each to one had their crews

Transcription Notes:
There are several such glowing references to Borden's Meat Biscuit in Hall's journal. Note: end of page not required on second page per instructions