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Arrived back to } 
ship this Eve.  }
Saturday June 28th 1862
At VIII - 30 AM Left 5th Enc. In 5 minutes arrived when Ugarng & "John Bull" with their families are encamped
Here I proceeded upon the mountains but could get no good point for
good views. Returned to Ugarng's Tupik - U. not up but talking
with E. Soon found that U. was going with us to ship he (U.) taking his dogs & team [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] & also one of his [[strikethrough]] w[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wives.
There remained just so much to be done -  Kummings to be mended - then new
sole to to be 1st chewed - the sewing material to be braided &c[[?]]. 
By the by I made out to trade with U. for six plugs of tobacco! Time spent here nearly 3 hours - Ebierbing & I went ahead - U & his team after us. Not long under way before E. wanted to stop & seal. I objected on a/c of so much time having been already spent waiting for U. E. very mad - Ugarng still more so breaking out in broken exclamations G-d D-m! G-d d-m Kod-lu-narn! I kept my own - thinking deeply & saying little. At h 1 - 15 P.M. arrived E & K tupiks. Here Tukoolito cooked me a dinner of seal. E. wished to remain till night before taking me to ship - I agreed with Ugarng to go on with me. Finally when already E. gets his team ready - follows after having with him Oo-kood-klear. Ugarng, Punnie & myself on U's sled. Tukoolito informed me of seeing a sledge with some one or more pass up the Bay yesterday. I expected one to be Capt B. - found him here at time my arrival h IV - m 45 PM. He arrived vessel yesterday. 4 men of George H. came up with him. Brought up 200 ^[[duck]] eggs & ducks. Koo-jes-se came up with dogs & sledge to bring them. I brought aboard a large piece ^[[fresh]] Ook-gook ^[[meat]] I trusted for of Ugarng. Kood-loo killed 1 ook-gook 2 days before I got back
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[[image - cross for Sunday]] June 29th 1862
AM NW Light Fine
M NW Light " [[ditto for: Fine]]
PM NW Light Fair
For dinner to-day baked ducks - & eggs These are indeed excellent eating. This morn Capt B. saw a seal out on the ice. The sight too alluring - He could not stand the temptation - took my rifle & went out - threw off his shoes & crept along slyly in stocking feet. At length pulled trigger - The seal rolled into ice crack Could have drawn same out had he a hook - but a slight motion by dying seal made it sink beneath the ice - thus was lost a fine, large seal, wh. could it have been saved would have made many a good meal for those now [[strikethrough]] aboa [[/strikethrough]] aboard. The he men that accompanied Capt B. came for the object of filling casks with fresh - water prior to starting for home.
I am more endeavoring to place some way in which I can get over to Countess of Warwick's Sound & then remain for a few days pursuing further investigations relative to Frobisher's Expedition there. I wish furthermore to coast from Lupton Channel down to "S.E. Ex" then round it & return on N.E. side of Bay of Frobisher to said channel again. The only space [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] an N.E. Coast Bay of F that  ) have not coasted is bet. Lupton Channel & S.E. Ex. (on S W side Land - )