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[[boxed note in left margin]]
4th Enc. on a
small Island close
by Sing-eye-yer
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Thursday June 26th 1862
AM N.W. Fresh - Fair at 2 AM  Fine ice 48 in thick ^[[formed last night]]
M N.W. Light " [[ditto for: Fair]] & hot
I desired much to continue my trip up to the extreme of Budington Bay but on consulting freely with my Innuit companion (E.) found that my better policy was to give up the idea of doing so. It would take some 3 or 4 days to go up & return, allowing the loss of one or two days for bad, unworkable weather & in that time the probability  of being our chance to return on ice with own sledge - besides E said that Ugarng had told him that there would be great risks to run in going up either of the channels around Oo-kood-lear Isd. from thin ice & tide holes. On making AM obs. & after E had shot a fine seal, started on return directing my course back to place of 2d Enc on Roger's Isd for the purpose of getting my sketch charts which had been forgotten when we left there yesterday.
Started h IX - m 35 AM & Arrived place 2d Enc h V - m 15 P.M.; Having dined here (siting on sledge) on cold Pemican & cold boiled pork resumed our travel Homeward Having reached the spot at the base of a Mt. on Rogers' Isd where I spent near 43 days & nights in Ebierbing's & Tuk-oo-li-toos Igloo Winter of 1860 struck directly across Bud. Bay for the nearest Point of land intending to keep near the coast all the way to Sing-eye-yer. At 2 - 10 PM commenced crossing Bay - soon came to the wide opening in the ice running from Rogers Island across to the Point of Land West side of Bay wh. was the Point designed by us to reach. This ice crack a dangerous one - It was filled with snow so that to an unaccustomed eye all appeared fine - but really had [[strikethrough]] we got [[/strikethrough]] not my Innuit dog driver exercised the precaution he did we would have got into trouble. At [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 3 - 20 PM arrived to shore ice on W. side & by great patience * careful trials got saftely to the other side fissure - thence kept near the shore - At V - 25 PM arrived entrance Bay Tarrioarctune[[guess]]. - found chest of Ebierbing on the ice helped him carry it ashore found his Ki-a wh is small. - By S. (next) entrance Tarrioarchun - With Ki-a & Seal for load, started to cross direct to Sing-eye-yer VII - 52 - stop on the way for E to try an Ook-gook - his failure on the ice fissure - our following sledge tracks from Tarrio-arc-chun made day before by Ugarng & [[strikethrough]] "Jim Crow" [[/strikethrough]] "John Bull" who had been up to a place near Rogers Isd & who had cautiously kept in shore  At 11-00 PM stopped on a small Island near Sing-eye-yer where found U. John Bull & families encamped.
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5th Encampment
same place as
1st on Sing-eye-yer
Point - on
really a small
high Island - but
what I designate
as Point.
[[/boxed note in left margin]]
Friday June 27th 1862
It cannot be that however determined I may propose it that I can make a sledge trip without having a big Company - before I get through with it.  On getting up this Morning found that Ugarng & "John Bull" with their families intended to start accompanying me. On cooking my breakfast of Pemican & Borden meat biscuit called every Man the whole of the Innuits & divided it with them. The whole number that shared with me 9.
Started h X - m 32 AM & directed our course to place of 1st Encampment wh. but short distance from place 4th Enc I desired to spend a day at place 1st enc to make numerous obs. At XI - 15 AM arrived soon with middle Mt Island place 1st enc. where I so much desired to make a stop. Ugarng & John Bull with their dogs & sledge loaded with skelleton (frame) of Oo-mi-en (Women's & family boat) proceeded on a short distance below & made their encampment While making from 4th & 5th enc. John Bull & wife ^[[Kokerzhun]] Punnie (Ugarng's growing wife) & 2 other young Innuit girls occasionally were on our sledge. The ice in very dangerous condition.  Were obliged to keep near shore all the distance - this however quite short as the line & rate of speed in Log tell. Arriving at place of 1st Enc. & having determined on making it my 5th after getting sledge & load up on to shore ice I proceeded with my obs. while E. took his gun & sent out after an Ook-gook about 2 miles S.E. on the ice. When E. returned (wh. was the same three hours after making our stop) he said that he got very near Ook-sook & was unable to account for not killing it unless it was that the balls were too small for the gun. I have made many obs here (& close by) to-day. This eve have been to a Point of Land short distance from here that overlooks the Western side of Budington Bay the E. side, Oo-kood-lear Isd. The Cape, Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a Kitch-ik-tung, Oo-mi-en-noo, "S.E. Ex". Lupton Channel - thence up to French Head. The 2 Nowyers that my Innuit companion shot from the Cliffs - fur from steel & Flint. This night sledge trip The return - our tupik of shawl & Comp. tripod a way up on the lee of the Mountain.

Transcription Notes:
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