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[[note in left margin]]
At place 2d Enc.
all day on a/c of
Gale & Snow Storm
[[/boxed note]]
Tuesday, June 24th 1862
AM severe Gale S.E. weather thick & snow
M " " [[dittos for: Severe Gale]] S.E. " " " [[dittos for: with thick snow]]
PM " " [[dittos for: Severe Gale]] N.E. " " " [[dittos for: with thick snow]]
Were it not for the friendly cover made by my long shared wh. I have shouldered through the streets of my love city of Cincinnati time & again, during Winter weather, we would be in a most uncomfortable fix to-day. As it is our tupik is as a Home in civilized lands, aye, even better appreciated under the circumstances. I have only ventured out twice to-day & that to bring in some of the contents of provision Box. How well we relish cold, rock pemican a bit of hard bread & slice of boiled pork!  There is every probability that this gale will make disastrous work with the ice over wh. I intended to make my return. In case that it does we may not be able to reach the vessel for 2 or 3 weeks as we shall be obliged to make our way as best we can to the land opposite side of Bud. Bay & there abandon every thing & foot it over mountains of rock & snow back to Rescue Harbor.
When we met Ugarng yesterday he told us that he was moving earlier than he intended, but finding that the ice was likely to go away he must improve the earliest moment in getting down to Rescue Bay. He described to E. how we ( E & I) should proceede if the ice should be driven Sea-ward while we were on our journey up the Bay. He (U.) advised that we should not attempt to go further up Bud. Bay than S. end of Oo-kood-lear Island as the swift running tide in either Channel ([[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] Eastern & Western) along Ookoodlear Island, had caused dangerous holes in the ice. As M. is an Innuit well acquainted with all the peculiarities & realities pertaining to this Bay I think it better policy to adhere to his suggestions. U. also described to me the course we must pursue over land if we should find any trouble in returning by same ice we came up on.
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[[note in left margin]]
3d Encampment
S. end Oo-kood-lear
[[/note in left margin]]
Wednesday, June 25th 1862
A.M. N.E. fresh snowing; at 10 AM bsyan to braky ^[[away & wind NW]]
M N.W. " [[ditto for: fresh]] [[sun symbol]] out dimly
PM N W Modt. Gale Fair
This morning the weather unfavorable {measured Log Line this morning & found}
for leaving place of 2d Enct. {it 74 feet  2 in (see Log journal) }
Toward noon the wind changed to N.W. bringing fair weather & also desiring to make obs for Lat. decided to remain till after noon before resuming my trip up the Bay. I was rejoiced on looking down the Bay to find that the ice over wh. we had passed on Monday was still unmoved. After making Meridional obs & taking bearings of various points got under way h 2 - m 40 P.M. starting direct up the middle of Bay to Oo-kood-lear Island. At h 4 - m 35 PM arrived at Oo-kood-lear Island. The wind blowing almost a gale concluded to remain here till it abated. Left the dogs & sledge on the ice, I & E. proceeding on to the Land. A short distance from where we stopped came to an old Innuit Village or rather the ruins of an old Innuit Village. These ruins showed the custom wh. prevailed a long time ago among the people of building their Winter houses or huts under ground. The circle of earth & stones & the skeleton bone of huge whales - the subterranean  passages for entrance. Seal & other bones beneath  sods & moss indication of their great age. Thence we went upon high land - with spy discovered two monuments about 1 mile distant to wh. directed our steps - the monuments of Ages the rock composing them ^[[(the monuments)]] [[strikethrough]] composed of [[/strikethrough]] covered with thick, black moss. 7 or 8 feet high, 4 feet square at base - about 3 fathoms distant from each other - the top of one torn or blown down. Here took Compass bearings - thence proceeded down to the shore - found where Igloos had been last winter - found here a battered board thoroughly saturated with oil - split it in halves E. taking 1 & I the other to take along with us for fuel.
The wind not abating was forced to make our 3d Enc. on Oo-kood-lear Isd.  After a search found a good place on the E Side of Oo-kood-lear Point.  While engaged cooking our supper with "Bob's" oiled board saw with spy a sledge & dogs (Innuits with them) making over from E. side Rogers' Isd to main Land. We conclude it must be Ugarng & "John Bull" back after other of their effects. 
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(The rabit[[guess]] at this our 3d enc.) 
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Make tupik of long shawl of canvass tripod in wh. we are comfortably bedded.