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Budington Bay. Here we made a short stop. I called on my good friend Tuk-oo-li-too & took dinner with her & wing-a (E.) At h 0 - m 35 - PM started continuing my journey. We had not been long under way before dogs sighted Seals ahead & consequently bounded forward with great speed. This ^[[chase near]] [[strikethrough]] proved [[/strikethrough]] ^[[proving]] disastrous operation for us for as the dogs flew along they drew us [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] over a boiling, seething tide hole in the ice.  Hat it not been for our great headway the sledge would have failed to bridge the chasm & the probability is all would have been submerged.  These tide holes found quite numerous to-day. The travelling upon the ice from tupiks to Sing-eye--er dangerous. I trust we shall meet with no worse on this trip. After turning the Cape that I have formerly called the N. Entrance to R. Bay saw on ook-gook ^[[ on the ice ]] ahead This was too great temptation to my Innuit companion to be passed by so he solicited my consent that he should proceede to shoot it. This granted he eventually worked himself near it by edging along behind the hummocks. I watched movements. Ook-gook took long ?[[Se-nile-poos]] (sleeps) giving good chance for new approach.  At last E. drew trigger.  Ook-gook bounded up forward & down making a plunge as it dove through the ice fissures.  The blood on the ice showed that it had been wounded.  As E. said so it was 'ook-gook big-feller - no kill 'em too bad'!
The dog King-ol (one of my Greenlanders) got disengaged from harness while the team under full headway for the point where ook-gook was fired at & went down - the last while - my trials in recovering of it & King-ok.  The utter impossibility of checking dogs when sighting on [[?sunsling]] seals &c ^[[Finding frame of Ugarngs Ki-a on the ice.  Sing-eye-er]] Land Pass - the 11 Seals barking by ice crack - the white Seal.  E's attempt to shoot one - the run away of dogs when crossing ice crack - 1st end on Mt Isd.  Sing-eye-er [[?]]
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[[boxed note left margin]]
2d Enc. on Roger's Island
W. side said Isd
(the S. end) at the
entrance to
Budington Bay
[[/boxed note]]
Monday June 23d 1862
AM Variable wind * light cloudy & thick
M  S.E. Light & Cloudy  No sun for Meridnl obs.
PM S.E. Fresh & thick
The place of 1st enc. on Mt. Island of Sing-eye-er Point one that commands an extensive view of Rescue Bay (a portion of it) a good part of Budington Bay - the land on Cape that is at the N. entrance of said Bay wh. is also the commencement of W. Coast of Northumberland Inlet.  I hold over at Sing-eye-er as long as I could hoping for Sun to make its appearance by wh. to make Astronomical obs. on sun bearings & for Lat.  It is an important Point where I must make the desired obs on my return if possible.
I awaited at place 1st enc till 11 AM & finding no prospect for Sun started on my journey.  As we made the Sea-ice found it groaning & cracking by the heavy sea that heaving beneath it in the distance being out to the open water only some 3 miles.  Before we started we prospected from the top of the Mt Island the state of the ice over wh. we expect to travel to-day found it most here & there with wide & diversified ice fissures.  The ice over wh. have made passage by sledge to-day of a very dangerous character - Tide  holes, ice cracks very numerous - the great danger from dogs sighting or smelling Seals & instantly making forward with alarming speed that no dog driver however expert can control.  Often to-day has the sledge been drawn with [[strikethrough]] ? ? [[/strikethrough]] Locomotive speed over ice cracks & tide holes through the ice that had it not been for the speed we would have got submerged.
Met with some ice cracks that could not be passed - travelled along the edge of such till a feasible place was found.  One incident happened that came near being a serious one.  The dogs were trotting along beside ice fissure when E. the dog driver got  his fixed on a seal ahead  I was engaged looking here & there at the various headlands &c.  I happened to turn my eyes to the dogs when to my surprise & alarm, I saw that they were so near ice fissure that the starboard runner was about to drop off into it.  Quick as thought I cried to E. who as suddenly gave the dogs the word to sweep to the left by wh we were just saved a turn over into yawning Water chasm!  Met my own John Bull & friends when within 3 or 4 miles Roger's Isd moving to Sing-eye-er.  Heavy laden sledge - skeleton of Oo-mi-0en on it & all their effects & drawn by 5 dogs - Ugarng's family adviser.  [[?mending ?my ?Kinnings]]
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Transcription Notes:
See pages 555 & 556 in Hall's book. [[there is a blank space in left margin, possibly to avoid confusion with bleed-through from other side of page. Entries are indented next five lines]]