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to my fate - [[underlined]] big Company [[/underlined]] When I started from Og-bier-seer-o-ping still increased! Su-kong (Miner's daughter) a little boy that is going to live with Ugarng, Koo-jes-se & his wife with team of 12 dogs, joined in making 11 Souls all told 3 sledges & 30 dogs!  Ugarng tented for 2 at O. Left my dog "Barkebark" with Capt. B. that he might fat up before leaving for the States as I intend to take him home with me. On arriving center Rescue Bay Ebierbing stopped to seal - as H. & K. were on the way to ship left E. to Seal & then to make direct for his tupik. I rode with U. made up center of Bay direct to ship - Bud very bad travelling deep & soft snow covering hummocky ice. Arrived ship IX P.M. 
Wedns June 18 1862
A.M. N.W. Fresh Cloudy
M N W " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy]]
PM N W " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy]]
purpose was to leave ship this day for Bud. Bay but concluded on mature thought I would delay for three days the object really being to have Ugarny & his party get out of the way leaving me alone with simply E. as my driver. Got every thing ready - even carried up on deck & was about to start down to E's when I was to meet him, but on reflection considered that I would meet with trouble if I were to be accompanied with U & party.  U. has complete control over E. & I would be unable to prosecute my work successfully if I was to be
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
subject to the "say-so" of such an Innuit as U. Koo-jes-se with his wife & team of dogs, U & his wife child & team of dogs started off 3 P.M. - I sent word for E. to come after me in those days when I would be ready to proceede to Oo-kood-lear Bay.
Thursday, June 19th 1862
A.M. N. W. Fresh Fair
M N W Fresh  Fair
PM N W  Light " [[ditto for: Fair]]
The discovery I made to-day relating to [circumpunct sun symbol]] bearings. Discovery ^[[I mean]] of my erroneous way of working up obs. sun bearings - have been using the angle from [[circumpunct sun symbol]] to obsd point (by Sex angle) as the hypotenuse when indeed it is the base the ^[[angle that]] horizon being the hypotenuse - And yet I cannot see how it is so. My Obs however are on record! I shall school myself, or [[underlined]] get schooled [[/underlined]] when I get in the States. My education so far, in matters pertaining to use of Instruments & surveying, is Self-Education & but little of that. I may yet possess some!
I must here briefly state a few matters connected with my taking sun bearings. While at Og-bier-seer-o-ping on the 16th Inst. in the P.M. I took the altitude of the Sun (3 obs.) & then [[strikethrough]] took [[/strikethrough]] took the angle ^[[(3 obs.)]] from sun to a mark ^[[to left of sun]] on an Island S. Side Lupton Channel following wh. again too altitude of Sun (3 obs.) In working up these obs. found the Variation of Compass to be too small. [[strikethrough]] I took [[/strikethrough]] I

Transcription Notes:
end page not required on 2d page per instructions See page 546 in Hall' book. [To Researchers a word of caution: Somewhere else in the transcriptions Hall mentions that he had to revise or recalculate sightings & bearings after he found a reference book explaining how he should have done it. He elsewhere in the journal states that one of his sextants was faulty and his Artificial Horizon may have been damaged. Also, even the best chronometers are affected by extreme cold and temperature changes Hall encountered. It is amazing that under difficult and primitive conditions that he was able to make and record the readings he did. In his book he includes precise latitude and longitude of many locations observed.]