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Ebierbing agrees to take his & Kood-loo's dogs & take me up to Budington Bay let all took-tooing (rein deer) hunting & Sealing go while on my trip except occasionally killing a Seal for dog food. I am to take along pemican, Borden Meat Biscuit & a little bread for our eating making it unnecessary to spend any time for getting additional food for us. Sharkey would accompany me but the prospect being that Jennie, his (S's) obstinate wife would will to go with him make me decide to take Ebierbing.
Capt. B. put into my bag last night 50 cakes ^[[(12 1/2 lbs]] Sea-bread - good wholesome bread. By the by, He was astonished at the Steward's acts & stories. In giving me this bread said that it was a [[underlined]] matter of trouble [[/underlined]] here, exciting [[strikethrough]] some of [[/strikethrough]] the Boat Steerers to jeolousy that the officers were sharing better than they & Therefore he wanted I should take it away with me. Tho. I endeavored to persuade Capt B. to retain it for his own use, he persisted in my taking it.
In consideration of Capt. B. greatly wishing an additional gun of me let him have one. Now nearly every thing of mine gone - mostly for the interest of the "George Henry"
Tuesday, June 17th 1862
AM N. Fresh [[strikethrough]] [[sun symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] Cloudy but sun out occasionally
M N.W. " " " " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy but sun out occasionally]]
P.M. NW Light  Fair
This Morning made preparations for leaving Bay of Frobisher (2d Enc.) for the ship. I told Capt. B. before starting that it would be well to take up for on Board some of the Walrus meat [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] a considerable quantity remaining still on hand that could be shipped from the Og-bier-seer-o-ping depot. The Walrus meat though in mass in open casks & been so far a month still fresh & sweet.  I will mention a  matter wh. certainly should find a place somewhere in this journal. Tobacco!  To-bac-co!! To-bac-co!!! is the cry - the universal Cry of the officers & men of the G.H. The Innuit Ugarng as soon as he arrived was constantly in request being called upon by this & that arm for To-bac-co it being known that he had considerable wh. he had saved. One man ^[[(one of the]] seamen) gave him (U) a pair of Indian rubber boots for 3 plugs, the boots cost 4 dollars in the States & now good as new. Young Smith offered U. all his bed blankets for 3 plugs but he would not trade for them. This same Smith some times since while tobacco was
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in better supply gave the Steward plug tobacco for Cake of bread. His bed blankets Smith prizes highly on a/c of them being a gift of his mother while living - he dictated to me while up Bay of F. that he would not part with them for any sum of money - & now his appetite for to-bacco makes him willing to sacrifice them for 15 cents worth of the "stuff"!  Robt. Smith sold a dog to U for tobacco. Baily traded off his $10 Violin for 6 plugs!  No greater treat than to allow the men to take a puff of a tobacco pipe.  A remarkable fact: all the men of G. H. fat & healthy - far better than last year at this time. When the officers & men left Oo-pung-ne-wing ^[[while I was up Bay of F.]] were hard up for provision. Thursday they left O. sledded the boats out far out on the ice to the open water, made Og-bier-seer-o-ping, erected tents went out after whales & secured a big one on wh. they feasted. All this in 1 day. It took a long time to get started for Og-bier-seer-o-ping. No less than 4 times did I bid Capt B. "Good-bye" on as many different occasions. The Innuits had just so many trifling matters to attend to among their friends, before I could get ready. I settled off with Sterry for various jobs he had done for me on board the G.H. by giving him box of percussion caps (250) Capt B. told me he should be aboard the G.H. by 1st July. His men will remain at the Beach (so called this year) in one month. Koo-jes-se  got team of dogs harnessed & a Cask on his sledge to accompany my party on their way.
Started 10 - 55 AM & pursued nearly the same track as I made in going there. When we reached Rescue Bay Koo-jes-se  unloaded casks & continued on with us. What a Company before I got through this trip!
I left the ship intending to proceede  to Og-bier seer-o-ping alone with simply two dogs on a Bob-sled. [[strikethrough]] When I [[/strikethrough]] When I got to Ebierbings made arrangement with little Oo-kood-lear to accompany me [[strikethrough]] start [[/strikethrough]] intending to start in the night following. In short time Ugarng his wife & child arrived from Budington Bay at Ebierbing's - I made arrangement with him to take his team of dogs & go with me. Before night SE & Koodloo returned from Took-too hunt. The next morning Ugarng his wife & child, Ebierbing & his wife & babe became my Company the whole on 2 sledges drawn by 4 dogs. I knew nothing of this till on the point of starting expecting only U & his team of dogs. Of course, I submitted to

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