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Bar-be-kark was my leader, King-ok the "wheel-horse".  When the former would strike to right or to left of Course I would hurl my club of pitch pine that it would strike a little to the right or left of Leader wh. would it once bring him, or rather [[strikethrough]] drive [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] drive [[/underlined]] him onto right course!  A novel way of dog-driving without whip! 
Of course I walked the pine faced runners lugging the snow too much to admit of [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] easy draught.  Arrived middle Rescue Harbor VII-35 making 2 2/3 miles in little over one hour.  AT 2-40 Chro (IX-00 AM & Kood-loo's tupiks where I made my encampment (the only one made) in my proposed trip to Budington Bay.
On my arrival here (said place of tupiks & Enct.) found that E. & K. were gone took-tooing with dogs & sledge - had gone up the bay - having started day before yesterday.  My 1st call at [[strikethrough]] Ebi [[/strikethrough]] Kood-loo's tupik - my 2d at E. T. & Oo-kood-lan [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] in the arms of Sharkey - not then up.
At X-30 AM U-garng with his wife (Kunniu) & child, Me-norn arrived here ^[[ on sledge drawn b six dogs]] from Oo-kood-lear (Bud. Bay) having started yesterday morning.  U-garng says he saw two large Took-too on an Island near Sing-eye-yer this morning.  They are probably the same ones that the Innuits who with in my Co. saw & attempted to shoot on the day of my trip back when near Sing-eye-yer.  Ugarng had upon his sled a Seal also 2 saddles [[strikethrough]] venison [[/strikethrough]] venison one of wh. he has given me.  He has also given me 8 hands or plugs of tobacco!  I called soon after arriving here on old Oo-ki-jox-y-ni-noo.  She was glad to see me - more so when I gave her a set of bright [[strikethrough]] set of [[/strikethrough]] brass rings.  U-garng say he has seen the monument erected by Kod-lu-nars a great many years ago. at
made arrangements with U. to take his dogs with mine & accompany me to Og-bier-see-u-ping awaiting here through the day & start to-night when surface is hard.
At V PM Ebierbing & Kood-loo drove up - saw took-too yesterday but wind being bad as E called it did not succeed in getting any.  However they brought him something quite equivalent 2 Seals, 6 ducks & 2 Nowyers.  By the by these Innuits went out sealing next day after I returned to vessel & got 4 seals.  The Ook-sook of all these Seals thrown away  This the universal practice in Summer among Innuits.  In the States the oil of the blubber around on the rocks here would bring 15 or twenty dollars.  The Innuits secure enough during the year to make them 
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comfortable provided they could save all.  More; [[underlined]] they could live luxuriously all the time [[/underlined]].
Here I learn more of the Steward's evil conduct.  On my return from the sledge trip up Bay of F. Steward told me but 1/2 sum of my Pemican was left he having dealt out the other 1/2 to Ebierbing & family & Kood-loo & family during their [[?privations]] from the usual Seal food.  Now I find that after Capt B. left the vessel, a company of Innuits consisting of Miner, Oksin & wife came [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] over to the vessel ^[[to get Miner's boat]] *& stopped one day on board the Steward feeding all [[strikethrough]] luxuriously [[/strikethrough]] (bountifully) on my pemican - Even after other Innuits visited the vessel Koopeerneuung & 2 wives, Annawa to all of whom he gave largely of same provisions
For [[underlined]] three [[/underlined]], at least neither Tuk-oo-li-too nor Jennie got anything to eat.  These facts the Steward kept back from me.  I had requested Capt B. that unless there was a forced necessity for his men to have it, I wished him to save one can for my spring Explorations.  The dishonest Steward had proved [[?miscreant]] to the trust placed in his hands.
As the destination to be made is only about 16 miles (perhaps a little more) have concluded to start about 3 or 4 o'clock to-morrow Morning.  Supper of cooked Ducks [[strikethrough]] to-night [[/strikethrough]] Excellent eating.
2d Encamp.  Og-bier-see-o-ping   + [[for Sunday]] June 15th 1862
AM N.W. Fresh Fair - Cool last night
M  S.E. Light  Cloudy
PM N W Strong  Fair
At 12 o'clock Midnight I was up looking out - found the weather fair & cool.  Retired & at 3 AM up again.  Called Tuk-oo-li-too who proceeded to get a breakfast of Seal.  Just before getting up [[strikethrough]] 3 dogs brake into [[/strikethrough]] 3 dogs broke into Tupik & feasted upon a pile of fresh seal meat wh they partly downed before they could be [[strikethrough]] ? ? [[/strikethrough]] checked.  When Tuk-ou-li-too had cooked seal nearly ready I entered
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Transcription Notes:
See pp 545 & 546 of Hall' book.