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Friday, June 13th 1862
AM S.E. Light  Cloudy - Cool that is less then 32°
M  S.E.   "       "       "    "   "   "    "   "
PM N.E.   "       "       "    "   "   "    "   "
To-day been engaged making a "Bob Sledge" for the object of making a trip to Og-seer-o-ping where Capt. B. & Ships's Co. are.  I could make the trip without sledge & dogs, but as I wish to carry my instruments (Chronometer,Sextant & Artificial horizon) & also  my sleeping bag & some trifling things, I will require this sledge. As only two of my dogs are serviceable they will draw sledge & the above mentioned articles while I foot it.  Fluker & the Steward have assisted me in making sledge [[strikethough]] ?A ?H [[/strikethrough]] Were my Ser Ko Selah sledge here (as it ought to be) I would not have been necessitated in making this.  I understand that Capt B. Let the Innuit, "Miner" take said Seko-Selar sledge [[strikethough]] sometime ^ [[/strikethough]] last winter ^[[(while I was up after Ebierbing & family)]] to Oo-pung-ne-wing.  As no material for making this sledge was aboard except the plank used as a [[?Vice or ?Nice]] bench  I took the same & made it into runners feeling  position that Capt. B. had no further use for said Bench & will approve my ^[[doing so.]]  This eve I made a trial of sledge 7 dogs.  The experiment proves satisfactory I propose to start t-morrow morning proceeding down the Bay to the place where Ebierbing; Kood-loo & their families are  If I find E. or K. at Home I shall try & get one or two of their dogs to add to my team & then push across the Bay to Point of destination  Of if I can get one or the other to accompany me with their teams of dogs I shall do so.
I regret the record I now have to make.  It is a matter that perhaps better be left unwritten but as this is a [[underlined]] private journal [[/underlined]] (my own) I choose to make it just before I set out on my sledge trip purposing to explore Budington Bay.  Capt B. sent me a kindly offer (by letter wh I have to take whatever I wanted that was aboard - flour & pork.  I took accordingly 2 lbs flour & the same weight pork the latter of very inferior quality but the only kind out.  I could have no
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more for no more was out of Cask.  On the evening of my return the Steward & Fluker were on the point of sitting down to supper therefore I was invited to sup with them.  The dish consisted of "Sevuse" (made of ship-Bread, pork & Walrus)>  The port I noticed was of excellent quality.  One other thing attracted my silent attention: The pork was in minute pieces & very sparce quite too small in quantity to correspond with the seasoning wh. [[underlined]] pork [[/underlined]] had given it.  It occured to me that before the dish had been put on the table the main portion of the pork had been "fished out" to prevent developments.
As Capt. B. had at various times requested me to "keep an eye" on matters & things about the ship during his absence when I should happen to be aboard I have endeavored to fulfill the injunction soon as an opportunity occured I took a look into pork barrel which is on deck near the quarter deck & found that it had been partly replenished during my absence.  I said nothing but awaited other events.  At various times while partaking meals at the Cabin table [[strikethrough]] I have [[?strikethrough]] since my return I have made remarks to Steward something like this:  This soup of Walrus - or this fried Walrus was good [[strikethrough]] first rate [[/strikethrough]] but I think would go still better with a little [[strikethrough]] pok [[/strikethrough]] pork cooked with it.  To wh. he as often has replied:  'Certainly, but as it is all out we must get along without it!  Suspecting the Steward to have disobeyed Capt. B's instructions relative to opening cask of Pork I thought it my duty - bring matters to a focus: Therefore I proceeded with this view to do so this eve.  Developments now made show that the Steward is not trust worthy - that  he proves false to the confidence that has been placed in him.  To get at facts I took this course: "Fluker" was cooking supper - frying Walrus in shush.  While he was engaged at this in the Galley I took my seat beside him in front of the cook-stove making the remark how much better to cook this fish meat with something that would give it seasoning.  Following this I asked: Fluker why do'nt you cook pork with this Walrus?'  He answered: "Pork all out but whence that pork that is in the pork barrel on deck'!  Fluker colored up & replied: "I did'nt know there was any there - it must have been got there very lately & when I did'nt know it" - finishing by asking: 'Is there any pork there"? meaning in the Barrel on deck.  I said 'yes, there is a & [[underlined]] very good port it is [[/underlined]]!  As supper was about ready I was determined that Fluker * Steward should have no conference till I had put the Steward to the test for veracity & straightforwardness.  The supper was fried Walrus - as I believe I have mentioned before.  When nearly through I remarked to Steward that the Walrus was very tender & fine but I thought an improvement might be made in the flavor by cooking a little good pork with it; Steward added, 'why do'nt you have pork cooked with it?" "For the very good reason that its all out - none uncooked' was the trembling answer of the Steward.  Why not use that which is in the Pork barrel on deck".  "Did not know there was any there" added the false one.  Now! said I with stern, engaged heart, 'now Steward you & Fluker both know that you have [[underlined]] lied [[/underlined]] to me - & for what?"  I asked did Capt. B. give you liberty to open a new Cask ^[[of pork]]?  Steward answered No.  'Then why have you disobeyed his orders' I asked.  The reply was that I (Steward) thought no harm in it for I (Steward) intended to tell him of it when he come up.  Why have you not written to him for his consent?  He said he had had no chance
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Transcription Notes:
Hall broke his last thermometer the day before so he is having to estimate the temperature, see journal page 135.