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[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
Torments - [[? ]] a physical - arising from the conduct of Innuits longer [[underlined]] I will not [[/underlined]]!  I am willing to do  hard work - to expose myself to the great hazards if need be to accomplish the work I have to do but as for enduring the evil conduct of many of this people who are as intractable as the Polar Bear from wh. they seem to have derived a goodly proportion of its disposition & propensities [[underlined]] I will not [[/underlined]] unless other more presing circumstances should force me to it.  On coming aboard & calling for the letter from Capt. B Steward said that Sharkey had use it to light his pipe!  [[strikethrough]] with it I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ He (the Steward) did not think it of any consequence as it was written upon a blank leaf of a Book & therefore did not look out for it.  I told Steward that all letters directed to me hereafter to consider them of great consequence - at least enough to keep them for me & not again to hear of such an excuse as he rendered for not preserving the one in question.  Found that Capt B had sent me on three ducks.  These were saved and given me. - but really I cared more for the letter, this the letter present acceptable.
Wednesday June 11th 1862
+28° - AM NW Fresh [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] - ice formed last night 5/8 in thick
46° = M NW Light [[ditto for Fine]]
32° = PM. NW Fresh [[ditto for Fine]]
No arrival of sledge in my absence but the one of Sharkey's who I saw at place End.
The three ducks made into Sea pie for dinner to-day - were good - 
[[end page]]
[[start page]] Thursday June 12th
AM = 32°N W Fresh [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] - ice 1/2 in thick last night
[[wavy line down left margin to PM weather report]]
Few minutes after making above obs. record the wind threw down my only remaining Therm & broke it.  The same was hanging on the [[?shucks]] side of the ship - was thrown down height of 12 feet on to ice that had formed last night.  This the last of 5 thermometers  Two broken by the ship's Steward - one a self registering one by myself - one a self registering one is down on the Bottom of "Rescue Harbor" - the soul of other & last as stated above.
M. N.W. Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
P.M. Calm [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
[[boxed note in right margin]]
The total eclipse of the Moon last night the description of it by E-bier-bing - my neglect or forgetfulness of this phenomenon. [[/boxed note in right margin]]
This morning I tried the experiment of melting some of my Pemican & incorporating some of Borden's pulverized meat Biscuit - tried another bit by stirring in a little flour while tallow was hot & then putting in B. Meat Biscuit -another experiment adding some of the contents of took-too paunch ^[[after being worked according to Innuit rule.  These contents giving Tuk-oo-li-too [[? ? ]] as left there on Tues & incorporating flour & B M Biscuit - The latter ex.t the best of all!  Cut up into thin slices to-day the remaining 1/2 saddle Took-too I have & strung on stretched lines in the Ship's rigging to su-dry.  If no sledge arrives to-night or to-morrow I intend to proceede down to Ebierbing's get his dogs & visit Oo-pung-ne-wing to make the arrangements indicated in Tues. notes.
After supper to-night concluded to make a "Bob-Sledge" & procede to where Capt B. is.  I have 2 serviceable dogs. With these I think I can make the trip.  Any way I can try.  Steward & Fluker took hold & assisted in sawinf runners planing heaving &c - To=morrow morning complete sledge by lashing it together.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Here's a trick I stumbled upon "visually similar handwriting:"